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Is anyone else more attracted to more shy and nervous type of girls?


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I think, just because they don't seem to be paying attention, doesn't mean they aren't.


You decide if you care enough to find out and get involved.


There are a lot of people in this world starving for attention.


Shyness is passive and can bring out the lion in some people.


Guys in groups are intimidating if you're looking for a romantic connection, but a lot less so if you are looking for friends to joke around with. Do something active, less talky talk.


Dietrying will have the guys flocking to her whether she accepts their (sometimes hesitant) advances or no.

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I don't notice much difference between shy and non-shy girls to the point I dont categorize them that much, or even notice much of a difference between either types. What I may notice is if the girl has lots of close friends or admirers, in which case, then yeah, who wants to go with a girl who is like juggling different guys and acting like an attention ***** on the internet - but that can be a shy or non-shy person, right?

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I don't notice much difference between shy and non-shy girls to the point I dont categorize them that much, or even notice much of a difference between either types. What I may notice is if the girl has lots of close friends or admirers, in which case, then yeah, who wants to go with a girl who is like juggling different guys and acting like an attention ***** on the internet - but that can be a shy or non-shy person, right?


I agree totally. i dotn even really think about whether a girl is shy or not really. I just think "jeez she looks hot" or think "hey I am attracted to her."


Guess that makes me a shallow pig.

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So is it a good sign, if many girls around you are always happy and nervous?


I ask because it's in college, and I suppose their are probably things to get nervous about in college, but it's like girls are just normally nervous around me, even ones with boyfriends, that I would think wouldn't be nervous because they aren't looking for someone.


I don't think I cause a bad nervousness lol, you can look at my pics, I don't feel I look like some kind of criminal or anything, so I doubt, I'm causing bad nervousness, LoL.


Here's what I find funny, is how life switches so easily. The girls made ME nervous as hell in High School, now I am somehow making them nervous? It's like some funny table-flip, like God has a sense of humor or something, LoL.

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it depends on the shyness. if you are talking about the always uncomfortable in public girl..no.


Hmmm many of the girls I see, are not normally nervous unless I'm around and paying attention to them. I pay the smallest amount of attention to them and they just randomly get nervous as can be.

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