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see theres this girl that wont listen to me... but y?

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ok...... there is a girl. and me. we were friends for 3 years until one day a couple weeks of go she started to hate me. i dont no y. i tryed cllin her. emailing her. and i still do email her every day.... heres one email i wrote

{ hey.... hope ur doin ok... ill never give up until u like me again.. i cnt stop thinkin bout u. ur always in my head... day in and day out... everyone thinks i forgot about u but i didnt.... i always think of u. i need someone like u to tlk to. ur a great person to me.... nomatter what anyone says. i no it sounds like i luv u but i do in a way u luv ur family.. and never let go of them..... one day i will see u again....maby along our high school years or maby even in college or something.....i dont no..... and well... ill have a chance....to ..... well thats all i can say about that, but.... i still dont see y u dont undrstand what ive been trying to do to get u to like me again... ive tryed calling.... tryed to find out when and where u go in school so i can catch u and tell u everything in person.. but its so hard.... all these weeks trying to get to one person.. ill keep trying even if it takes forever... some people think thats crazy... some think its sweet.... i dont care what other people think though... its all whats on the inside not the out...ur abeatiful person from the inside to the outside... so can we..... start over? again i give u a rose im srry i tool ur time and im srry if i wasted it.... good bye.... until we meet again... i wont ever give up hope.... not until i get to u again...... }


and heres one more

{ i..... i cnt stand bein w/out u as a friend..... u... to me... were the greatest friend i ever had.... how long r u going to avoid me .... it really breaks my heart to have to part from u .... and i also wanted u to no that i changed my sn.... its scarface1488 , the one u blocked when u found out it waz me........ I MISS U SO MUCH RACHEL ...... NO LIE... I REALLY MISS U... PLZ I BEG U GIVE ME ANOTHER CHANCE.... DOWN ON ONE KNEE I ASK U TO GIVE ME ANOTHER CHANCE...... i beg u... and i will never give up on trying to get u back..... NEVER.... not in a second. we can tlk this over....... my cell phone # is

... if u ever wanna tlk cll anytime.... i would really like to tlk to u... plz call tomorrow, saturday, i I REALLY NEED TO TLK TO U....WILL U PLZ BE GOOD friendS WITH ME.... not best... but good like u used to. well i hope ur doing well.... goodbye angel thank u byebye )

CAN SOMEON HELP ME ON THIS PLZ? i really like her

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Ya it sounds like you really REALLY want this girl to take you back. Why did the friendship end? I mean you said you want another chance. What would you do differently??? I think you have said all you can say and the ball is in her court. I don't knwo what happened between you two so I can't give muc advice. But I think that you should give her some space. I have no idea why she is not replying to you and why she seems to be avoiding you, but I think if you smother her, it will only push her away more. All she really needs to know from you is that you feel that you have lost a wonderful friendship and you are unsure why. You have already explained that to her, though. I would just sit back and wait for her to come around and not continue to keep asking for her forgiveness, she could get annoyed with that. Just be patient.

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