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Poem I did for my friend...


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Goodbye, my friend,

you were, but now that is at end,

for all those promises,

officially broken,

for all those times,

that we spoken,

the care, the love, you said you felt,

friendship, siblingship,

gone forever,

and now I sit,

here alone,

once again,

for all those times,

that we fought,

but when I was in need for help or support,

from you it was saught,

those times I yelled,

but you held,

my hand, through it all,

you stood tall,

as did I,

but those times,

we fell,

we picked each other, back up again,

and for the times we laughed,

for the times we cried,

for the times we argued,

for the times we really didn't want to live,

we tried,

they've disappeared now,

I no longer have you,

so this poem I type,

this poem I write,

I apologize,

you don't have to respond,

but just know,

I miss the bond,

that we once had,

down the drain now,

I lost it, my fault,

just know I already miss you,

I still care about you,

still love you too,

but now that our bond has broken,

our string to each other has shattered,

we were hanging on by a thin rope,

but I let it break,

I didn't help, no,

bad friend I was,

didn't deserve you,

from the moment our friendship began,

so now, these tears crawling down my cheeks,

as my eyes leak,

I miss you,


still caring, still loving,

though, I've nothing,

nothing to hang onto anymore,

so I open the door,

the door to death,

offering myself,

at last.

Giving up,

fading slowly,

painfully, suffering,

for now, I live,

not for long,

I will soon be gone,

take care of yourself,

you have helped,

more than anyone else,

but now you have vanished,

our teather of holding on,

it has broken,

it has gone,

and I am so sorry,

for what I've done,

I am so sorry,

for ruining you too,

I am so sorry,

goodbye to you.




I gave this to my friend.

That's why it is like, directly written out, because I gave it to him straight after doing it, so, that's why it's so like, ... directed to him and stuff...


Don't be mean if you comment.

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Candid Not Mean. Just Know Befor You Do Something U Cant Take Back People Who Are Ment To Be,are Its Just A Matter Of When. And The Big Goodbye Is A Perminant Solution To A Temparery Problem. People Who Share Our Love Are Always With Us In Some Way Or Another. Always,candid Vibes

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Ken - Thankyou.


iLove - Thankyou aswell, it did come from the heart, and te marvellous soul.


Candid - I am very sorry. And I also know the big goodbye is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, however, it is a little more complicated for me than that... I appreciate your comment(s).


THECURE - I am very sensative.

And no, thankyou for reading it.


Thankyou for all the comments, muchly appreciated.

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Its a lovely poem, straight from the heart no lies or things added in just because they sound good and you can really tell that. I hope things work out but if not just remember you will always have the good memories of what they have done, sometimes people can't stay with us forever but they manage to change our lives in some way. That means they have earnt that special place in our hearts and they will never be replaced. I'm sure that you have a special place in this persons heart as well. You seem to be a lovely girl sarey. And your poetry is so raw and beautiful. Thankyou so very much for sharing it with us.

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