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For some reason, I cheated on my boyfriend 6 times in the last 41/2 years of our relationship. Then he cheated on me when I became pregnant this year. It wasn't his intention. He was angry at the time he cheated. Sometimes, I think he cheats on me or cheated on me more than that one time. Must be because I cheated on him more than once. When he is angry he says he should just cheat on me to equal it out. Don't know what to say cause I learned from my mistakes. He knows I cheated on him. Only because I told him. He is still with me. By that, I get these emotional feelings from regrets of cheating on him. He tells me he loves me and I love him too. Whatever I did, he seems like he is paying me back that I really regret. How do I know if he isn't going to cheat on me more that once or will he ever do it again?? When I ask him that question he gets angry....WHY???????

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For some reason, I cheated on my boyfriend 6 times in the last 41/2 years of our relationship.


Lack of commitment and responsability. it doesnt "just happen" you planned it, you looked for some guy, you went somewhere, and you gave yourself to them.


Then he cheated on me when I became pregnant this year. It wasn't his intention. He was angry at the time he cheated


If he cheated, it was his intention, unless some girl put a gun to his head, he knew what he was doing.


By that, I get these emotional feelings from regrets of cheating on him


When did you start feeling these? after the first time you cheated or the 6th?


How do I know if he isn't going to cheat on me more that once or will he ever do it again??


He is probably asking the same thing about you.


When I ask him that question he gets angry....WHY???????


Lets see, he gets angry because you ask him if he is going to be like you and cheat again?


A loving relationship is based on trust, you blew that when you cheated the first time, this man will never trust you, and has no motive to be faithful now, in his eyes you have lost value as a person.


the next time your in a relationship, remember the lessons you learned (hopefully you learned them) before cheating again "for some reason".

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