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Is this guy better than the one who 'loves' me but cheats?

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Hello everyone.

I've posted on this forum many a time, usually about my boyfriend.

Well, i found out that my boyfriend of a long time has been cheating on me with my best friend. i found this out last weekend. i split up with him immediately, and couldn't sleep or eat for the rest of the weekend. 2 days after, i foned him up to ask him something i needed to know about a gig we were going to. we're still gonna go, coz its wid other frends as well. well we got talking, and i explained how hurt and angry, upset and cheated on i felt. we both started crying a lot, resulting in him saying

''i'm gonna ask you a question that i want you to think about. will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend again? it'll be different this time, i'll plan things, i'll make more effort...'' and me, being to softie that i am, sed yes.

my 'best friend' told me all about this and my boyfriend admitted to it. i dont c how he cud actually LOVE me tho. if he cheated on my then i'm obviously not good enuf for him, i'm lacking something and its all my fault. he needed wot he cudnt get from me from someone else, and i gave him everything. everything i cud have ever given him. i really really really loved him and believed he loved me too.

well, now 4 sum reason weneva he hugs me it doesnt feel the same. i imagine him doing it to her. wotever he duz to me i think about him doing it to her and i dont like it. it makes me h8 wot he's dun to me. he says he'll never ever ever do it again but if he did it once doesnt that mean he can do it again? i dont think i can trust him with her again. he sed he has feelings for her. it made me so sad to hear all this.

well, there's also my best friend James. he is so nice to me, always there for me, and fancies me he wants to go out with me, rites me long love letters and is basically the sweetest guy i've ever known (listen to Suckerpunch...its dedicated to this guy i swear!). he's so nice, and promises that he'd make a better boyfriend than my current one. he never ever breaks promises, he never cheated on any of his past girlfriends, he so loyal and really makes the effort to c me, unlike my boyfriend and he never lies. he woz gonna ask me out wen i broke up wid my boyfriend but woz thortful enuf to think that i mite need a little bit of time to get over him, then we got bk together and it woz too late. my boyfriend also lies to me about everything he did with my best friend but i later found out that everything she sed woz true. and he really did cheat on me. then he admitted it but i still think he's lying about sum of the things he wont admit to. i dont like liars AT ALL!

i really really like this guy. i'd never cheat with him. ever. but do u think i'd be better off making a brand new start with wot seems like a nicer guy?

i really need ur help here. i cant stop thinking about how my boyfrend betrayed me. it feels so hurtful, so painful.

PLEASE help me...i'm so messed up and dunno wot to do

thanx 4 ne replies.


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I would normally say to give the guy one last chance, but in this case you already k now that he's lying to you, so kick the guy to the curb. If he was really concerned about making things right, then the lies would stop. Since they haven't that just shows me that he only wants you for the convince, or maybe he's even lower on the food chain and only wants you for what he can get out of you. Ether way ditch the guy and find someone else. One word about what this other guy is saying… Don't believe anything most guys tell you. Most of us will say anything to get the girl, But not all of us

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Hi Maynards !


Are you a tool fan?!! Anyways - your situation.


I really don't think you have to ponder about what to do here.


I expect that you know the nice guy well enough at this stage. You should be with him - once you are attracted to him that is. He sounds like a great catch to me - and even if you don't get with him, do not go back with your ex - get away from him. He may already be lying about things already, and you don't need to put yourself at this risk - it's that simple.


Your ex had his chance and blew it - don't give him another shot at blowing it. You'll be hurt bad there. You have a better life without him and his issues.


Hope this helps you some,

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