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female pubic hair


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One other thing, which may have been addressed in the posts I have not had a chance to read yet --


I have a pet peeve when people talk about "looking at her vagina" or in this case "hair on her vagina". Please get familiar with the female anatomy (seems from the latest posts there is some discussion of that here.) The fact that you have a bit of ignorance on this suggests to me that you are also ignorant about the "hygeine" issue and have been brainwashed by notions just because they are the current fad. What you see in people a lot is the norm, but it doesn't make it an improvement. There was a time when most navels weren't pierced either, and now suddenly it seems so much more exciting to have one. These are newly-aquired aethetic trends, not health issues.


As for a "hairy vagina" no one has that. Not even your gf. Since the vagina is the birth canal inside a woman's body. No one can "see" a vagina, except a doctor with a speculum.


If this girl is a hippie-dirty type, I have a sense that your more clean-cut sensibilities are not congruent with her way of life, and many other things will not fit because of this very different mindset. I'm going out on a limb based on my ex and me -- I was more the "au naturelle" type, minimal shaving (not even my legs, which are fine hairs compared to a man's), while he puffed himself with baby powder after every shower and put on Mitchum that smelled like bug spray to my "love organic essential oils" testy nose. I never said a word to him, but it was a bummer that when I kissed or tasted his skin, all I could smell were various chemicals. The pheremones and sweat were gone. By the way, speaking of pheremones, I read an anthropological article about the biological functions of body hair, and believe it or not, not only is it in parts of the body that need protection, such as the genitals, and for purposes of keeping warm, but a major reason that's speculated is to KEEP PHEREMONES, or sexual chemicals we exude, present and more potent so as to attract sexual attention. So by Nature, the chemicals in our bodies that are secreted have evolved to actually be THERE, not gone, to turn our mates on.


If how a woman's privates in their meeting the latest fashion is so important to you, then maybe this isn't the right match as you say. Your values probably clash in some ways and furthermore, I would be bummed if I knew my crotch hair could not be looked past and enjoyed anyway as a minor incidental. (And one reason I don't remove hair there is because it invariably is UNBEARABLY uncomfortable.)

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Ah tiredofvampires, I think you have such a way with words.


I support everything you say.


Basically, from what I have read here it's a value clash, pure and simple. As countless people have said, by all means raise it with her, but also be prepared for her to stick by her own standards. There's a full spectrum of perfectly acceptable behaviours here, from full Brazilian waxing to full Brazliian rainforest. People have different 'yuck' factors.

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LOL, give it up already


I shave my vagina, like it or not, its my vagina. vagina vagina vagina.




Here's what the article on wikipedia says: link removed


"In common speech, the term vagina is often used improperly to refer to the vulva or female genitals generally, even though, strictly speaking, the vagina is a specific internal structure and the vulva is the exterior genitalia only"



So please, enough








You must be into the Vulva Monologues.

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You've been with this girl for a month, so you don't necessarily have "seniority" to go telling her to shave her personal area. However, if you really want her too, here's what you do.


But first, do you give her oral?


If so, act like your choking--that always works.


If not, act like it itches during sex.


Also, one more thing. I would recommend making it fun.

You use your clippers and do the dirty job for her.

(It's not really that dirty)



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Ah tiredofvampires, I think you have such a way with words.


I support everything you say.


Basically, from what I have read here it's a value clash, pure and simple. As countless people have said, by all means raise it with her, but also be prepared for her to stick by her own standards. There's a full spectrum of perfectly acceptable behaviours here, from full Brazilian waxing to full Brazliian rainforest. People have different 'yuck' factors.


Thanks for the support, caro!


And make that two on the Brazilian rainforest!! Yippee! Love that, too!

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LOL, give it up already


I shave my vagina, like it or not, its my vagina. vagina vagina vagina.




Here's what the article on wikipedia says: link removed


"In common speech, the term vagina is often used improperly to refer to the vulva or female genitals generally, even though, strictly speaking, the vagina is a specific internal structure and the vulva is the exterior genitalia only"



So please, enough







Hey, you called me misinformed. I'm just telling you I ain't.

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Personally, I think trimming or shaving the lips is a reaasonable request, as you have to put your mouth there... but as for the triangle of hair on her pubis... you dont really have a right to ask her to remove that, it doesnt interfere in sex play unless you obsess over it.


(this goes both ways... I would never ask a man to remove any body hair for me.)

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IHey...Gotta do what ya gotta do. I'm sure most women wouldn't get offended by this, and the ones that do are very sensitive.


actually, most women would probably be deeply offended that someone would make fun of an area that most people are quite sensitive about, at a time when you should be making her feel special, not like a sideshow freak.


if the op MUST ask, then he should do it nicely.

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Someone pretending to choke on my pubic hair would get tossed right out of the bed, and maybe the room/house. If he did a good act and I believed him , it would just make me insecure, which would also not bode well for the rest of the session.


So I guess I'm sensitive then

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My bf just offered to shave me one day then asked if I like how it feels during sex.


... I shave once every so often now when I'm not lazy as a result. Sometimes he shaves me when he's in the mood.


I definitely don't shave all the time, but I get the idea my bf likes it better when I'm shaved. I just keep myself trimmed really short now as a compromise.


I think you can offer it too? If it matters a lot to you you can lead her into it without putting too much pressure on her?

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i just cant take a hairy puss seriously, so i would have no option but to say something. i certainly couldnt consider "dining" there if it was covered in a thick carpet of pubes. all that organic dental floss - yuk!


my suggestion: wait until you are next in bed. pretend you are extra extra horny and say you want to try something new. then look like you've just had a fantastic idea and say "i know! i just had a really good idea - let's shave your pu$$y! it will be so sexy and turn me on so much". pretend you've only just had the idea though yeah? she doesnt want to think you've been pondering it and agonising over how to tell her, so make it seem totally spontaneous. then, when she agrees to it and does it, after you've "been there" say something like "sweetie that was SO damned good i really want you to keep it like that - what do you say?"


bingo. result.


alternatively you could say "hey treacle, do me a favour and get rid of the dreadful 70's bush please cos its making me gag with nausea".


personally, i think the first option will have the better result.

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Well, put it this way...


Some men like hair, some don't. It's just that simple.



I have yet to meet a man that likes a hairy crotch. Im sure one or two of them are out there....but they most likely are in small african tribal communities with no internet connection.

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