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Pls give me some advices.

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I need advice. I often go through anxeity for even minor to petty issues and whenever this anxious feel comes to my mind I just don't understand what to do. I can't concentrate on anything else until the incident responsible for causing anxeity, is over. I tried deep breathing, reading books, watching movies, listening to music etc but got no result. I just hate doing these jobs in that moment of tension and anxeity. I loose sleep, can't eat properly, get buterflies in my stomach.


Sometimes, such anxious and tense situations continues for few days and inability to do any work in such situations leads to wastage of time and energy.


Pls advise me what to do in such anxious and tense situations.

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I do the same thing. If your like me, obsessing about these things is your defense mechanism. Its something that is really hard to control. I have gotten to the point where I worry about something so much that I will start having physical pains, like that nervous feeling in your stomach that just won't go away or heart palpitations. Have you ever seen a therapist. I have been in therapy for about a year. Its a really slow process, but it does always help to talk to someone about these things. If you don't want to do that, maybe try doing some yoga, it focuses on relaxation. Hope that helps a little.

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My boyfriend was having the same problem years ago. His doctor told him to exercise. He said, run at least three times a week until you're completely out of breath. My boyfriend did and it and it worked. It still works for him. He's now taken up squash.


Exercise works better for anxiety than calm activities because you're taking all that adrenaline and doing something with it. Have you ever heard of the fight or flight response? If you haven't, look it up.


Good luck

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