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help me win him back or get on with my life!! PLEASE!!

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My boyfriend of almost a year broke up with me suddenly because he felt that he didnt have enough time for a serious relationship. A month later when i was just beginning to get over him, he came back and admited that he still had feelings for me and missed kissing me and all that stuff. So we agreed to give it another try. 3 days later he admited that he just wanted to be friends and the only reason he came over that day was cause he missed me physically. He wants to be friends with me, but i still find myself thinking of him all the time and wanting to be with him. Help me either win him back or move on with my life!! Please!!!

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I think you should move on with your life and give yourself time to heal before trying to be friends with him. You need to get over him and not let him into your life at the moment. Based on what you said, it seems that he's not interested in getting back with you right now and being friends with him will only complicate things for you in the long run considering you still have feelings for him.


Try and cut all contact with him, it will be tough at first but it will get better. Ask yourself if you want to waste your time waiting for him, hoping things will be back to normal again or do you want to start having him out of your mind and get over him so you can be happy...


Good luck

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Hi Jumpercrystal,


Firstly, don't allow any more physical contact with him - he will think he can have his cake without actually earning it.


You need to decide whether you want him or not. If you don't, then cut all contact and keep him away or he may try to complicate things for you again.


If you want him back, then agree to yourself to give him one last chance !

Eitherway, make sure that he convinces you if you try to get back with him. Don't let him do his 3 day effort again as you will feel stupid for letting it happen twice !


Good luck !

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I would also recommend no contact.

I am doing no contact right now (the relationship was always on again/off again, push/pull...and it was driving me crazy) and it is hard...but it is worth it.

He is probably not the guy for you if you want an emotional connection...he seems to want just sex.

I think it is terribly difficult to be friends with someone when you actually want more than that.

There is someone out there who would appreciate your love and affection (not just the physical parts) more than this guy presently can.

I would NOT recommend waiting...I waited for three years...and I regret it now!

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I agree with what they said! Move on! You are not that cheap! Why do you have to let him enjoy your body and soul and then dump you ? Does this worth it? Certainly not. It is time to move on! His love feeling for you has gone forever! Face it!


Any smart girls will certaily tell him to F**k off!


Girl, you have to remember that you are beautiful and you deserve someone who can love you, who can pamper you lilke a little girl, we are so worthy of it and we derserve love.


There are so many nice men out there waittng for you




Extremely Meanlady

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