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Ex had bad dream, called ME!!!


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I broke up with him two days ago, he wasn't good for me. (Not dependable, never respect my time) However, we have a history of breaking up/getting back together because it's so hard being apart. Sometimes it feels as if I'm ready to let go and he would pull/guilt me in to staying. In the past, several days after a breakup, he had called to say that he took some pills with alcohol and needed to talk to me so that he could stay awake. I still love him VERY much but I know that I made the right decision in breaking up.


I haven't called him since then and I wanted to start NC in order to heal. But, he texted me at 2 something this morning with "Had to see if you were ok had a bad dream where you got hurt badly are you ok in that sense?" Being half asleep and vulnerable, I called back--we talked for about 15 mins with both of us admitting that we've been thinking about the other person a lot.


What should I do now??? I can't stop thinking about him!

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its hard to stop thinking of someone...some people are better at it then others. Breaking up is hard to do....its a lot harder when you are the one being dumped and u constantly think about the person! Since u r not in that position...it should be easier to let go...yes I know u feel guilty and still care for your ex...but u have to step back and think...do u really see a future w ur ex?? If not...let him go...let it go and u will feel much better eventually.

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you will go back to him, again, and again. Till one day you realize you wasted your time with a piece of crap. But does it matter? He's still a challenge right? The first part of being a good boyfriend or girlfriend is learning to be alone. Try it, it may help you.

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I keep thinking about it, and it now seems silly. Why would you text someone because you had a bad dream about them and wanted to know if they were ok in real life? It was a dream! That does sound like a terrible excuse to initiate contact! I cried last night afer I got off the phone with him...


*breathe, repeat to self* He will always hurt me as long as I let him hurt me. Based on his previous actions, he does not know how to treat me with respect. Obviously, that is not love.

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Hey Girl,


He's very good at manipulating you into giving him what he wants, but when it comes down the real work of a relationship, he isn't interested in putting in the effort.


You broke up with him for a reason, and if you want to respect yourself and show him that you mean business, that means ignoring bait like those late night phone calls or the 'I've hurt myself because of you so you need to come back' calls.


Don't let him get to you- calling him back or coming back to him shows him that you aren't really serious and that you accept the way that he treats you.

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*breathe, repeat to self* He will always hurt me as long as I let him hurt me. Based on his previous actions, he does not know how to treat me with respect. Obviously, that is not love.


See? You already know this. You just have to put it into action.

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