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Can anyone advise, please?

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I couldn't decide where to post this so I put it here.


My 7 year old son simply can't sit still. At times when he's required to sit still, he constantly fidgets. It's very distracting! He's always been like this and most of the time, it doesn't bother us. The only time his fidgeting actually bothers us is when we're helping him with his homework, when he's reading us us or vice versa and when he's watching a film with us.


He's taken this fidgeting into the classroom and it's annoying his teachers now! All the children are required to sit on a large mat during story time which is when he fidgets. The teacher's have mentioned this and I get the feeling like they expect my husband and I to do something about it. We haven't been successful at home in getting my son to stop fidgeting so what they think we can do for him while he's at school, I've no idea! Plus, I don't think they'd welcomes my dictating to them how they should manage their classroom.


I've absolutely no idea why my son fidgets so much, thereforeeee, I haven't been able to help him stop. If anyone has any idea why he could be like this and what could be done to remedy it, it would be greatly appreciated. Or is it simply just the way he is and we much accept him and his fidgeting?

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When I was growing up, everyone knew kids that were hyperactive it was ok. classrooms were smaller, I only had 23-28 kids in my classroom when i was in elementary.


And every class had a couple of those jumpy kids, and also the ones that slept through class, lol.


the thing is, I know exaclty what they want you to do, and that is drug him up with Ritalin. Which is something i am totally 100% against.


People want to pin some kind of "title" on every behavior and everything is some stupid desease that needs "treatment" the really sad part is parents believe this hogwash.


All this fidgeting will probably pass, give him something like a nerf ball (stress ball) to squeeze in his hand or something similar.


teachers are over burdoned now, and would like nothing better to have their kids like sedated zombies in their class, but drugs like Ritalin have bad side effects, they make kids vilent among other things, so find a more traditional method of getting him past these habits.

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Gilgamesh is right. The teachers don't know how to deal with kids anymore because being able to drug kids has spoiled them. I've been around kids on every type of drug they put kids on. They might help the teacher, but they chose problems later in life for the kids. All I would suggest you do is to do your best to find a way to lessen your sons fidgeting. Giving him something repetitive to do is usually good. When there physically doing something they usually have an abnormally long attention span, but when its just sitting listening they have a hard time concentrating. Give him something detailed to do, something that he has to work on, and it will usually keep them still and paying attention. For some reason they can usually pay attention to what's going on around them even when they're doing something else. Just get creative, you'll find something.

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