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Is this human nature or just ignore-ance?


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I know I asked this someone in another post, but only as a reply, but I feel it's more worthy of it's own post and since it didn't too much with the post it was a reply to.


But at least for me, and I feel I've seen other people with this luck, but I've seen many people, who even though they are attractive in the sense what most or at least a lot of women want, they may go past 30 or so girls, and never really seem to get noticed, then maybe the 31st girl, will all the sudden, look at them amazed and be like holy heck and look like she wants to throw him against the wall and rip his clothes off.


Also, on MySpace, I can message maybe 20 single pretty girls, get like 19 ignores, then one saying, you sound so awesome and we need to hang out.


But then other times, it's like I have unbelievable luck with girls, just tons of girls smiling at me. Often this happens when I go out of state and am on vacation.


I noticed often if I am with a friend and even though I smile and laugh most of the time, usually only when I am talking and having fun with other people, does it seem like I am really noticed.


Also, one big difference I noticed was, in college, it's like I never really seem to get noticed but in malls, I seem to have pretty good luck. What's weird is, sometimes, I will see the same girl in the store, I seen in college, and it's like, she will smile at me in the store, but I couldn't seem to get anywhere with her in college. What's with that? LoL.


So mainly my question is, why is it, that sometimes it's like a person is ignored with the ladies, with like no luck at all, then not even really doing anything differently, sometimes just seems to turn into a master player and has unbelievable luck.


Since the person isn't really changing anything, what causes this weird days of luck, then days of nothing, then times of everything, more everything, etc, etc, etc.

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peoples moods

if a girl is in the mall and having a whale of a time (although anyone who gets off on malls is FREAKY! ) then she will be more receptive to romance...


if shes at uni and all pissy from having to stretch her brain (kinda shows what a lot of girls are like, no? sad ) then she wont be receptive to romance...

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I think what Eva said is true, and your own mood at the time may factor in. You said you've had luck when on vacation, having fun with friends, and shopping. You're probably in a good mood during all of those things and that sends off a positive vibe. At school..maybe you don't want to be there, or your concentrating on your classes...but that vibe isn't being given off at school. Girls are attractive to positive people and so it makes sense to me that when you are feeling positive you'd get more responses.

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LoL, get's off on malls. That sounds like an interesting statement.


That makes sense, I just thought it was interesting how the environment constantly changes from playa(not trying to be of course, just happens) to for a while nothing, then back to playa, then nothing, it never really stays constant.

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So basically, the attitude makes that much of a difference in attracting a mate?


See I knew it made a big difference but I didn't realize that it was that big, where it can mean you getting tons of attraction vs none basically.


I doubt if it's as big as some may think.


It may help (or hurt you) but it won't turn a goblin into a prince, nor would it turn Sloth into George Clooney.

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That's what I thought, but like I said before:


Me and others around my city, have that thing where, we can be ignored for a while around girls and seem to get no attention then other times, we are getting attention non-stop, girls smiling at us, flirting, just trying to get our attention, loving us it seems like, then other times again nothing, then again much love.


I just find life funny, how it's never the same every day, how some days you get attention from the opposite sex constantly, then other days, not a single opposite sex seems to pay attention to you, it's just somewhat funny to me.


It might sound silly and maybe an ego thing or something, but I'm not joking. There will be days, I can't even seem to get a girl to look at me or do anything, not even a smirk let alone a smile.


Then other days, I can be somewhere, and even people with me, will be like, holy heck, "Do you know that girl, she was smiling at you" or "Man those girls acted funny when they saw you" or many other things like that, so it's defiantly not just something in my head, I don't think, if others around me are noticing it.


But the weird part is, I don't really do anything differently during the times of no attention and the times of attention, it's not like I have two personalities or something, so is it just more of a, some places are the places to flirt and others are not? Or is it something else?


I feel that I narrowed it down to locations:

Maybe it's not so much the location, but this is how my attention always seems to go


College: Little to no attention from the opposite sex.

Malls: Fair amount of attention from OS.

Public Buses: Attention from OS but usually no young OS is on pub bus.

Stores - Tons of attention.

Areas out of my town: Seems like a fair amount of attention.

High School - No real attention other then mean attention from OS.


I guess basically I've already come to conclusion about this.


It seems like in public places, like malls, stores, etc, I don't do too bad of a job with attention, I get a fair amount of smiles and such.


Now, it seems like public places like, college, classrooms, etc, I am to the point where it's like I'm ignored completely, no attention at all ever seems to be given to me in college, by males let alone any females, but there is a twist to this, I can go to a mall or store and see the same girls, and get attention from them and smiles. This somewhat confuses me, maybe it's because I am at a community college, but I've always heard, college is where the women go nuts over men, and they have tons of wild parties and stuff like that, not that I am into that, but it's like at my college really no girls seem to care about guys or something, LoL.


So is it basically just when people are in college they don't care about the opposite sex or something? Because now that I think about it, it's mostly when I am in college and in class or around the college, when I seem to be ignored. It's as if college has an ignore everyone policy, LoL.

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