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A couple of weeks ago i posted a message saying i had 2 boys on the go well i thought i should tell them. I told them both they were so nice about it but they asked me which one of them i wanted it was so hard. I thought about, cried about it but i desided to dump the one i hadnt been for seeing the longest(we will call him boy 2)He was so up set i felt so bad about cheating and dumping him, the one i have been seeing the longest (lets call him boy 1) was happy and i was sort of ok. Only a couple of weeks later we ran into each other it was so weird, he told me he still really likes me i still felt something for him as well. So i told boy 1 i saw him he got so angry and started accusing me of still going out with him. He was up set thats understandable but hes been really off with me and very rude. Ive dumped the wrong boy HELP!!!

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I know this may sound a bit shallow but the only reason I suggest it is that it may make you happy. You are the one that matters, you don't have to live your life to make everyone else happy. I think that you should talk to boy #2 and get an idea of what his feelings for you are. If you think he is really into, I would tell boy #1 that you enjoy spending time with him but that you don't want to get too serious with him because your heart is elsewhere. Tell #1 that you don't mean to hurt him but if you continue the relationship that you are afriad that he will be even more hurt in the long run. It doesn't sound like boy#1 is very compasionate. I can understand him being uncomfortable with the situation but there is no need to get angry and accusing about it. I think you will be happier with boy #2 and it sounds to me that you would agree. So, to make a long story short, I would move on with your life, leave boy#1 and give #2 a try. Just remember, you need to make yourself happy

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Eeeeeeeeek ... Mermayd is scary. She thinks like me. Listen: the only obligation you have in life is for YOU being happy. If YOU are not happy, YOU cannot make someone else happy. That's called (human) nature!


My advice is to sit down first and start writing. Write down what your needs are and what you look for in a relation. If you have a clear vision on that, it is very easy to go from there. Explain your feelings and your needs to the guy that you feel comfortable with most and then take it from there.


Please, as soon as you have made up your mind, let the other go and forget about him. Dating two guys isn't fair to either of them, especially if they feel bad over it. Honesty is the best policy ... the rest is done by respect.


I hope this was of help and I wish you good luck on what you do.


~ SwingFox ~

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  • 4 weeks later...

that's right lucy, listen to your soulless female brethren. you're only obligation is to make yourself happy!

if you want to play mind games with 2 or 3 or 5 or 67 or even 100 different men, dumping them, then wanting them back, then you go ahead and do it! since when was commitment and honesty a priority to females eh? since when did a male's feelings mean anything to a girl anyway.


thanks for this insight into the insane slice of hedonism that is female reality.


I can't wait for you to get played, and to have your heart crushed by a Pick Up Artist - slash - Alpha Male.


If only I could bottle such pain to drink...what a sweet vintage it would be.

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