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PMS makes me BI-POLAR!!!!!!


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ugh....my PMS is horrid! it's weird....it makes me totally irritable to where I can't even stand to be around my boyfriend (who I love to death) it makes me doubt our relationship/future (which I never do) and I act so mean to him I hate it! but as soon as the PMS is over, I'm the best girlfriend ever and we are amazing. Why does this screw with my mind so much??? anyone else have these issues?? what helps?

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That sounds like me exactly and i feel bad about it to. I am not sure what u can do about it. I kind of know when abouts it'll be and i warn him and he has been going out with long enough to know i don't mean it. However that is not good enough and i will be keeping an eye on this post to see if there is any good advice because i want it to stop and i know for me it's not depression because the rest of the time i am a my normal self. Like the other week i was nasty to him on the phone on the same day he sent be flowers its like i can see me being evil and getting upset over nothing but i can't at that point do anything to stop it and i am always really sorry about it after but it does make me worry how long he'd put up with me.

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My doctor tried to put me prozac because of my PMT, she took me off the pill and wanted to fit a coil. I am not taking the pill now and have started taking St John;s wort, a natural antidepressant. I also take oil of evening primrose and vitamin B complex/. These are all related to pre-menstrual stuff and help the symptoms. Im starting to notice the difference myself now.


Takes a few months to kick in but well worth it rather than trying those grotty brain messing pills just for something as natural as PMT.


Avoid progesterone pills too because they just add to the horrible feelings that come with your natural progesterone levels rising right before your period.


Eat a healthier diet and go to the gym regularly and these help too!

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lol. I like that count to ten before you say something I tried evening primrose, didn't help. I wanted try saint johns but I heard it's for mild moods, and mine get bad! I also, excersise everyday but it doesn't help. And sweetheart607 I agree 100% it's like you KNOW at the time you are being evil...but you can't help to still act like that. Also I don't know if you've tried Yaz to help with PMS but I've tried it and I couldn't stop bleeding so i got off, but it's supposibly really really good at helping PMS symptoms! you may wanna try it.

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I am so glad that I am not alone with this problem. I am pmsing right now and I am a raging * * * * *!! And my husband get's the brunt of it EVERY month!! I have a really painful ovarian cyst so I think that is making it 10 times worse. Every month I warn him that it is coming and bless his heart he puts up with me. I feel like since I've been on the pill it's been a lot worse. I will give you any advice that I get. So far the only thing I've been told is that it just happens and a lot of women are like that. I'm to the point where I'm going to start demanding answers from my doctor!!

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I am so glad that I am not alone with this problem. I am pmsing right now and I am a raging * * * * *!! And my husband get's the brunt of it EVERY month!! I have a really painful ovarian cyst so I think that is making it 10 times worse. Every month I warn him that it is coming and bless his heart he puts up with me. I feel like since I've been on the pill it's been a lot worse. I will give you any advice that I get. So far the only thing I've been told is that it just happens and a lot of women are like that. I'm to the point where I'm going to start demanding answers from my doctor!!

you sound just like me. Your husband is sweet. my bf puts up with me too God bless them!

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There was a report on tv about a drug in america for birth control which stops you having periods. Full stop, while your on it. i can't wait till it's available here, because at the mo at the doctors recommendation i put packs of pills together so i only have a period every 9 weeks so i only have to deal with it every 9 weeks, but never seems better to me x

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There was a report on tv about a drug in america for birth control which stops you having periods. Full stop, while your on it. i can't wait till it's available here, because at the mo at the doctors recommendation i put packs of pills together so i only have a period every 9 weeks so i only have to deal with it every 9 weeks, but never seems better to me x

i'm too scared to try that stuff. It just doesn't seem healthy to make something natural like your period stop for soooo long.

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I know that does seem like it would be a little weird. I've tried so many different birth controls and I am so sick of them!! I'm not sure if I want anymore children so we don't want to do anything permanent and condoms are such a pain. I've had a couple IUD's they weren't too bad, I took the last one out because of the pain in my side that at that time didn't know it was going to be a reaccuring cyst. Does your boyfriend truly understand what you are going though?? I mean have you explained in full detail?? I think my husband does good because I constantly reassure him that it's not him it's me. I have to catch myself sometimes because I know it's because of my hormones but I get carried away thinking that something is wrong with our relationship.

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I know that does seem like it would be a little weird. I've tried so many different birth controls and I am so sick of them!! I'm not sure if I want anymore children so we don't want to do anything permanent and condoms are such a pain. I've had a couple IUD's they weren't too bad, I took the last one out because of the pain in my side that at that time didn't know it was going to be a reaccuring cyst. Does your boyfriend truly understand what you are going though?? I mean have you explained in full detail?? I think my husband does good because I constantly reassure him that it's not him it's me. I have to catch myself sometimes because I know it's because of my hormones but I get carried away thinking that something is wrong with our relationship.

yes. I have exlained to him in full detail. and despit oe it he still wants to marry me I'm so glad you are here because I feel the exact same way about our relatonship when you said, "I have to catch myself sometimes because I know it's because of my hormones but I get carried away thinking that something is wrong with our relationship. " that is SO me. It makes me re-think everything, and later I realize that it IS just me. I'm very happy to find someone else that understands! isn't it weird how just PMS can make you doubt your love and happiness in a great relationship? it's scary!

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I'm really glad that I can relate with you too. Today has been pretty bad for me. I need to get it under control because I hate feeling this way. I have an appointment on the 2nd of July and I'll let you know what the doc says. He's supposed to be one of the best in my area!! We are sooo lucky to have men that understand and are compassionate!! Make sure you pay him a little extra attention around that time, it may make you feel better too!! It takes a lot for me sometimes to just stop with my attitude and pay attention to him even though he deserves it!! I actually just started doing Passion Parties which has really helped our relationship. Sex has been a problem lately because of my moods and also my cyst. I've learned ways to be intimate on a whole other level!! Please don't let him go and make sure he knows that he is loved!!

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WOW I am so glad im not the only one who goes through this every month......not only do I get PMS for one week, it starts up TWO WEEKS before my period and it is a complete nightmare. I get so horribly depressed and moody and nothing makes it better. its almost like being bipolar. one minute im fine then the smallest thing sets me off. and no matter how much I know im over-reacting, at the time it feels justified. its like my feelings intensify by a thousand. my boyfriend has put up with it for way too long, he has been so understanding and always knows when its coming..but its still no excuse to treat someone you love like crap and to snap at everyone around you.

ive talked to my dr. about this and she tells me to excercise, cut out caffeine and alcohol, etc. ive tried it and it does make a small difference but not enough. I noticed if I go out drinking it worsens it so I try not to before my period. I havent tried any medications because honestly they have way too many side effects and I dont even want to bother.

does anyone else get completely exhausted too with pms? I felt like I was going to pass out all day at work, I had no motivation whatsoever. mine just started TODAY and I am literally counting down the days until its over. its pretty bad that when I get PMS I consider it a miracle if I get through the day without screaming at my boyfriend and causing a fight over nothing or feeling completely depressed. the other 2 weeks of the month I am perfectly fine. I wish there was a cure for this, seriously....people dont understand it enough and you do suffer when you have it. everyone around you does too. its like I fall into this horrid depression right before it and literally the hour I get my period I am back to normal and I feel sane again.

there have even been times where I cant go to work because I am so depressed from pms. this has only happened a few times and I dotn want to f*ck up my job because of it. its like your whole perception of things goes haywire...everything looks bleak and you start second guessing everything and everyone in your life. It is very difficult to hide these feelings especially when you have to sit in an office all day and focus on work and pretend you dont feel like complete sh*t. I just dont understand this because normally outside of my nightmare of a period I am perfectly fine and happy.

I just hope they find a cure for this that works, because it is no way to live.

if anyone knows of anything that does work, please let me know.

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"I get so horribly depressed and moody and nothing makes it better. its almost like being bipolar. one minute im fine then the smallest thing sets me off. and no matter how much I know im over-reacting, at the time it feels justified. its like my feelings intensify by a thousand."


exactly! I get mad at the dumbest crap, but at the time I'm like "he deserves it" (which he totally doesn't) But yes mine lasts two weeks as well It's sad when you only feel normal for two weeks out of your life huh? and yes, as soon as my period starts I'm normal again. ugh!!!! I don't wanna live like this


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I am so happy I got on here and found this post!! Blondy I know exactly how you feel!! I'm telling you girls I'm GOING to get to the bottom of this because it controls my life!! If this doc won't help me I'm moving on to another. I just feel so much better that it's not just me going crazy!! Thank you sooo much for posting this!!

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I am so happy I got on here and found this post!! Blondy I know exactly how you feel!! I'm telling you girls I'm GOING to get to the bottom of this because it controls my life!! If this doc won't help me I'm moving on to another. I just feel so much better that it's not just me going crazy!! Thank you sooo much for posting this!!

we have to make this our mission! lol. seriously though....we canno't give up! let us know anything you find out that's helpful.

How about st johns wort? have you guys ever tried that? I heard it's supposed to help. I'm starting welbutrin this week to see if that works. The SSRI's (prozac,lexapro..etc) seemed to help But they killed my libido and I need that! So we'll see how this goes.

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I am so glad im not the only one!! I really thought for awhile I was going crazy or was one of the .001% in the world who suffers from pms this bad. my mother doesnt and neither do any of my friends.


ive considered the SSRI's but the side effects are awful ive heard. I guess if this gets bad enough I'll probably try one.....but as every year goes by the pms gets worse and worse. it controls my life too to the point where I wont even plan trips or big events during the 2 weeks I'm pmsing or the whole thing will be ruined. its that bad!!! I can be having the time of my life and still something stupid will set me off and bring me to tears or in a hormonal rage if its that time. and then you feel like an idiot later on when your head is clear and you realize how much you over-reacted.


one thing I do notice that works is cutting caffeine almost completely out during pms. this of course is next to impossible because I love coffee and I work full time so I like to drink it in the morning, but I do notice a decrease in the moodiness when I do that. maybe you guys should try it. its definitely not a cure but it kind of tones it down a little. alcohol is another big one too. one or two drinks mixed with pms and I either turn into a crying pathetic mess or a total b*tch.


good luck girls lets hope they find a solution to this!!! if we are like this on pms imagine what we'll be like during pregnancy???

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I know! that's what I always warn my bf about! I'm like hey, if I'm like this pregnancy is going to be no fun! As far the caffine goes. I don't drink coffe and rarely sodas, so this isn't a problem for me. As far as the SSRI's go. I think you sound bad enough to try them. The only bad side effect I had with them was low libido and no orgasms. And let me tell you, that makes you depressed enough! But they say anti-depressants are good for those of us who suffer with such long PMS such as two weeks. You may wanna try it, not all side effects are the same for everyone.

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He can't understand fully it seems to me unless you are able to be in tears of absolutely nothing but all you know is you are very upset and every thing is rubbish lol. Though if i didn't get this myself and my boy did i don't know if i'd be able to put up with the madness he does. We are so very lucky to have guys that are willing to put up with us at these extremes. I have also noticed that i feel bad about my relationship at this time it gives me allsorts of unfounded bad thoughts.


Ivy i hope you sort out things with your boy today x


Oh my god that is yet another reason why getting pregnant would scare me i would have no control of my emotions then it would be hell during and after. blurgh

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I hope your bf comes around. I know that his feelings are hurt but he should be able to kinda cut you some slack. We need to be more careful on how we treat our partners. Easy for me to say...I'm getting ready to start and my moods are calming down. Next month I'll be right where you are!! This sucks!! As for pregnancy I have a 3 yr old son and I had a pretty good pregnancy. I mean I got emotional and cried sometimes but I wasn't really b*tchy!! Everyone's different though. PMS has really only been a problem for me for the past 2 years. I am 22 now. Just make sure you have communication with your bf. As much as you don't want to now, grit you teeth and be extra nice to him!! In a couple weeks you guys will be good, make it up to him then!!

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