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merciless game

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The scandal,

the heart ache,

the moments of lust.

All the lies that your mouth poured

like poisonous puss.


You lied to me,

ridiculed me,

laughed in my face.

If only you would have told me

I could of spared this dark fate.



But it's over now,

all that's left is lies.

Lies on the inside,

and lies that won't die.



The stupidity of me

which I took with such vein.

I should have realized

the deception of the game.



I hope you are happy,

and your wife never knows,

because this pain that i'm feeling

I hate that it shows.



I wouldn't want her to hurt

the way you hurt me.

I wish you would have told me

of that unGodly unity.



It would have never happened,

I would have stayed fair.

The relationship casual

the humility spared.



Those three little words,

I wish never said,

those three little words,

keep running through my head.



God what a fool,

a fool of such shame!

A dumb little girl,

of a merciless game!



Well the damage is done.

I've been brought to my knees.

I should have known....

you were only set out to hurt me.



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  • 1 month later...

If it's inspired formyour life then I'm sorry that you had to pass through such pain.I hope you are better.But even if it's just a poem or a poem taht describes your life I must say to you that it is amazing and it has so many mixed emotions in it that really take my breath away.Many hugs and keep up the good work!

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