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has anybodys EX who dumped them go off travelling!

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Hi guy's


Just wanted to know if anybodys EX who dumped them has gone off travelling and did they ever get back in contact with you after they came back!


my ex is off travelling next month and I'm feeling really freaked out!


anybody been in the same boat!

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Seems like you have trouble letting go.


Have you found some new interests for yourself?

When I was recovering, I bought a shiny red motorcycle and got out in the hills. It helped me focus on me me me me. Anything to get out of the house, meet people and feel something positive.


You must have hobbies or interests you set aside for her, or something you've aways wanted. Now's the time it'll really help most.

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well dako the story goes!


when me and my EX split over 4mths ago I decided to work on myself I went into strict NC


in this time my friend I joined a gym with my friend I go there 3 times a week for an hour!


I started to take my driving lesson and most importantly got myself a NEW job in the city which starts on the 9th of july!


My ex emailed me 4 weeks ago out of the blue, just to say hello, if i was ok and have i found a new job!


this angered me so i repiled back coldly but it was polite, like hello hope ur doing well!



since than she has been on my mind constantly it not funny so I than decided to go on her myspace page after 3mths of not looking at it and found out she was going travelling etc!


her life was really on the upo, she was having fun!


I emailed her yesterday she replied back saying she was going travelling with one of her GUY friends she is meeting out there


so i replied back that i was happy for her she was going travelling etc told her about my new job and hope that we could hook up as mates after she gets back from travelling!


she hasn't replied back with a congratulations on your new job, that I'm happy for you like I did her, she can be selfish!


I'm just feeling confused and lonely mate, was wondering if anybody else had gone through what Im going at the moment!

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how did you pull yourself through it!


I can't wait to start my new job I will meet new ppl wrk up in the city be able to go out for drinks with my friends!


but I know in the back of my mind I be wondering what my EX is getting up to in OZ and that her life will be more exciting than mine, this is what I'm finding hard!

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how did you pull yourself through it!


I can't wait to start my new job I will meet new ppl wrk up in the city be able to go out for drinks with my friends!


but I know in the back of my mind I be wondering what my EX is getting up to in OZ and that her life will be more exciting than mine, this is what I'm finding hard!


Living well is the best revenge.


I know that's trite, but you can make your own dreams happen.

Sounds like you're working on career and finding your place in life.

Letting go is hard, but will pay dividends in the future.


In my case, the ex went off on vacations around the country and I was a little envious, then she became gravely ill. I was so thrilled at her recovery, the divorce seemed like a distant issue.

Her misfortunes didn't give me any pleasure.


I dunno, time seems to heal things.

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My ex is going to Sweden for a month and I couldn't care less.


Okay, so maybe I'm a little jealous because she's going overseas, but I felt the same way when my friend traveled to New Zealand.... in fact I was insanely jealous of him for that!



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