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Does Evil Exist?


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"Evil creditors"? I thought Jesus said that we should always honor our debts. "Render unto Caesar" - does that ring a bell?


Right if you have money to pay them. They want to sell our house in order to collect a 7 year old debt that my mom could not pay due to financial difficulty and the collection companie bought the debt for a fraction of the cost. They are vultures as far as I'm concerned and my mom is like close to 70 y/o and they are ganging up on her.


So, if it means an outcome where this home could potentially be put for sale or some sort of scenerio like that, then that is not something that applies here. They want the full monies plus interest and have been harassing us constantly while we are saying we are unable to pay anything.


So, we should honour our debts - goes only so far -- you cant draw blood out of a rock and so far it appears that God is siding with us since the other people are not going anywhere. I perceive them as evil - as I'm sure you would if you were kicked out of your house, was left on the street -- if you think that's cool or your immune from that, then just think how lucky you are to have a job to pay rent, because if you lose your job and you cant pay your mortgage/rent and end up on the streets, then that would be evil too.

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Just as an FYI, Christianity does not teach that embracing the faith makes one immune from evil. If that's what you were referring to, not sure.


The Bible says that Christians are immune from general evil because they are protected with a hedge that certain things just wont happen with them due to their profession of faith and right walk.


If however a Christian were to fall into sin, then chastisement could occur as a temporal means of punishment to put the Christian back on tract with his walk.


There are also exeptions, such as tests - as what happened to Job, or Christian persecution - which are extemptions, but have a great heavenly reward at the end of the day and the reward of strengthening the profession of faith.


But certain types of evils do not to happen in a Christian life - for example, you do not fornicate or have pre-maritial sex - so you cant get AIDs or STD's that other people are at risk of getting, you can not get a drug overdose, or you can not be in a scenerio -- I mean, by living a sober upright type of life, certain things are really avoided. You are not going to be in environments or situations where your life or safety is going to be put to risk.


There is really a hedge around a Christian, and most people whom God protects so they have a chance to repent and receive Him. Everybody has some minimal protection, or you would be dead right away with some freak accident if the devil really got it's way - sort of like Final Destination.

We are surrounded by angels and have angels around us that protect every human being from harm.

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I see your point about the creditors now, Luke. They're motivated purely by greed and have no regard for your aging mother's welfare. I'm sure that I would also use the word "evil" to describe them, if I were in your shoes.


I hope things work out in your and your mom's favor.

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"The point of the matter is unless you are walking with Christ then you are a sitting duck. The devil is plotting on everybody's life on how best to steal, kill and destroy people. Think about it."


O I have and the truth is, every Christian I ever met said they where humble, but then told me they and thows like them where the only ones who knew the "Truth" about how the world works.


Odd kind of Humble that.


Evil is what you name Evil and in so doing define good


As for your Mums deat, why did she take out the deat in the 1st place may I ask, most Crediters will talk to you about better payment deals of you just let them know what the problem is.

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In all honesty, I don't think good or evil exist at all. They are simply ideas that have no factual basis as to what makes someone good or evil, since you can always find exceptions in people's actions; there are also always two sides to the story...for example, people believe (I am sure) that Hitler and Stalin were "evil" people...yet both of them were severly abused as children...wouldn't different circumstances (i.e. better family upbringing) have changed that? Maybe.

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In all honesty, I don't think good or evil exist at all. They are simply ideas that have no factual basis as to what makes someone good or evil, since you can always find exceptions in people's actions; there are also always two sides to the story...for example, people believe (I am sure) that Hitler and Stalin were "evil" people...yet both of them were severly abused as children...wouldn't different circumstances (i.e. better family upbringing) have changed that? Maybe.


Ok, and killing 6 million Jews was an 'adequate' and 'inevitable' response to your father beating you when you were a child, I suppose? Plenty of people were beaten as a child (in fact, back then everyone was), but they don't turn into monsters like Stalin and Hitler. People make choices about whether to perpetuate and magnify evil, or to stop it dead. The evil is in the choices people make.

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