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Hey there,


My mom took Lexapro and the biggest hurdle she had to overcome was the alwful stomach aches. And they also made her very drowsy. So she started taking them at night instead of the morning, with her doctor's permission of course.


But the stomach aches were dreadful for her. It is different for everyone though.

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I was on lexapro (10mg/day) for about 8 months to treat a bad outbreak of depression.


For me, it sort of lopped off all the highs and lows in mood. It was kinda like eating macaroni & cheese everyday -- filling but bland. If I started to feel any sort of intense emotion, like, f'rinstance anger...I could feel it start, but then it would fizzle out...like it was too much trouble to go to the effort of getting pissed off. Kinda like, "Hey! What do you think you're.....oh, nevermind."


I also described it like being in a tubful of warm water that's the same temp as your body. After a while, you lose track of where "you" end and the water starts. Even though it's listed as a rare side effect, it also killed my sex drive and rendered me physically unable to orgasm while I was on it. That would be listed as "anorgasmia" in your side effects.


Did I need it at the time? Yup. Having all the highs and lows of emotions go away and being in a chemically-induced even keel made it possible for me to do what I needed to do to change the things that brought on my break-down (namely getting a new job). But I tapered off it as the first possible opportunity because I missed having a range of emotions...not to mention finding the sexual side effects a real drag.

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