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What should i do about this one?


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I work with this guy at work at first we flirted with each other then it turned into feelings, which I didn't think he had for me I came into work one day told him that I started dating a guy , his mind set changed like he stoped talking to me etc. Once I broke it off three weeks later he was back to his old self- he took note that I was flirting with other guys and trying to hook up with them he started to get jeoulous he told me before he didn't want a relationship- he then goes and tells me he wants me and sweet stuff all the time even one time I threaten it WAS OVER he told me he loved me what is up with that?


We do fight all the time mostly cause he always tell me he wants to be with me but don't show any emotions towards me he cares he tells me all the time or when we just had a fight or I am mad at him he always comes to me touches me kisses me whatever,


BUT HE doesn't call me or emails me at all. the only time i see him is at work he will be all over me then at 5 it's like there was noting there- but he gets upset or whenever I tell him that I don't want to be with him why or what is he holding on to?? Now again I should say he is very very shy do you think he doesn't know how to express his feelings? What should I do?

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