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anyone knows how to get rid of whiteheads?

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Over the counter acne treatments can only do so much. If you've tried a bunch of different products that haven't helped, then you should definitely go see a dermatologist! I had horrible acne since I was in fifth grade and never went to a dermatologist til about tenth grade. I regret not going sooner! They are so helpful and will try everything until they get you the clear skin you want! They won't give up on you and they have much stronger medications than you can get OTC. They'll probably give you a combination of oral medication and topical creams so they'll be fighting the acne from the inside and the outside. The best advice for treating any kind of acne is seeing a dermatologist! You don't have to look like a complete pizza face to go see one. They are happy to help anyone who is the least bit unhappy with their skin!

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There's a lot of nasty side effects to accutane....


For whiteheads just make sure you diligently wash your face (atleast twice a day) and see your doctor about a vitamin A acid cream for your face. Acid sounds scary but it's not like it's going to peel off your face or anything. It's a very, very mild acid that basically just brakes up a very tiny layer on the top of your skin, and helps stop whiteheads and blackheads from forming.

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