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I told him no sex he said stay home!

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I had planned to go and visit an old friend this weekend... I had planned to stay with him tonight and leave out on Saturday to visit other friends in the city... I have not seen him in almost one year. He and I had been intimate the last time I saw him but I told him that I did not want to be intimate with him when I came to visit him this time....He lives 2 hours away but he is moving and will then be about 14 hours away.. I told him that I did not want to come there and get attached to him then he leave.. He said that while he was in Tampa that we would see each other then... I've encountered so many lies and deception from men that I'm becoming somewhat jaded.. I told him that may be the case but I just wanted us to take things slow and enjoy each other on a non-intimate level until I can feel sure of things... He basically told me to just go with the flow, don't get so emotional about the outcome just let things be....Am I wrong for not wanting to give myself to him again? should I just "go with the flow??" Was he right in telling me that he didn't want to see me if we weren't intimate and that I was making a big deal out of nothing?"

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Digital Diva,


Sounds like you would be better off without him. He sounds like a user to me and you don't need a friend like that. I can understand what he ment by saying go with the flow but, he has no right to tell you to stay home. I am a man and I can understand what he is thinking with his pen1s and not with his head. I think you can tell a lot about a person by the way he treats others. I would go see your other friend and totally blow off this person. You know that as a woman you have total control over who YOU want to be with. Thats it. No one can tell you anything else. If you don't want to be intimate with this person and he can't deal with it then dump all together. He has to understand that you have feelings too. You do what is right for you and to hell with his feelings on this one.


I hope this helped.



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Diva, you probably already know what I'm going to say...


If he seems to be only interested in one thing, and that's not what interests you, then do what you feel is right for you!!


The biggest thing is, don't put yourself in an uncomfortable situation. If you feel like you're being pressured by someone... look out for yourself!


Keep this in mind, you're the most important person in your life!



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