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Everything posted by Wonder_Woman78

  1. Sooz...I'm in the exact situation you are in. I used to be okay with men watching porn or going to strip clubs, but not anymore. Your story really hit home. My boyfriend of 2 1/2 years is doing the exact same things. When we first started dating I went with him to a strip club and it didn't seem to be that big of a deal. However, I began to notice that every time he went to a bachlor party at a strip club he couldn't just watch. He had to get a lap dance or table dance, anyway...participate. Then, one weekend he left and went to his brother's house, which is 4 hours away, to think about our relationship. We were really going through a tuff time. When he returned I found out they had gone to a strip club that weekend and he spent $100! I was furious. Since then, he hasn't gone to any lately. However, he has been watching movies and getting on the internet, which really bothers me. At first I tried the whole "boys will be boys", but not anymore. I'm sick of it and he knows it. This has effected my self-esteem greatly. I no longer see myself as attractive and I catch myself wondering why he's even with me. I feel like I can't measure up to those images that he so desperately needs. He tells me that just because he likes to look at them doesn't in any way mean that he's not attracted to me. Yeah, whatever. It has gotten so bad that when I found out that he has had the hots for Carmen Electra I try and destroy every image of her. This has come to haunt me. Instead of realizing that everything he sees with her face (and body) plastered all over it is only a 2 dimensional figure, I go into a jealous rage. I really really dislike this person and everything she stands for now, all because I don't feel like I can measure up to her (or at least his idea of her). Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that you are definetly not alone. I'm fighting a mental battle right now, one which I refuse to lose. My mom once told me to fight fire with fire. She said she caught my father looking at naked pictures of women once so she went out and got naked pictures of men and made sure he knew she was looking at them. At first he just laughed, but then she said he realized what was going on and from then on respected her. I think I might try that. I'm definetly not going to sit back and let him dictate how I feel about myself. I was a whole person before I met him and I will continue to be so. So, if you come accross a way to get rid of your jealousy let me know. I suppose since we are both in the same boat (sort of) that we could probably help each other out. Just remember, he doesn't define who you are. You define who you are.
  2. I've been dating someone now for 2 1/2 years. We are living together and everything seems to be okay on the outside. However, about a year or so ago I was hearing from a friend that she thought he was calling his ex-girlfriend. I asked him...which he replied yes. He claimed he needed to ask her about something. Anyway, since then I have become extremely suspicious. Lets just say that he has a history of being a player. Because of my suspicions, I began checking my computer's history every so often. Eventually this has come to haunt me. I have found out that he has been looking on personal ads (and I don't mean the one's to just find a "friend"). We are talking raunchy replies. I confronted him about these and he said he doesn't know why he did that. After that, he stopped for a while. Then, just recently, I found out that he was talking on a gay website about having sex with these men. I knew it was him, because he gave out out phone # on the internet. I was really mad. He totally denies it, and I have even brought up the history cache to show him. I've tried to be sympathetic, meaning that I've asked him if there is something that I'm not doing in our relationship that he needs, but he just says "I don't know". That's how he answers all of my questions. I don't think he has ever physically cheated on me, but his constant need to seek out people on the internet is frustrating me. I really feel like there is a side to him I do not know. I'm beginning to wonder if he is addicted to sex (any and all types). I myself despise pornography because of this. I've tried to come to a compromise and bought him a subscription to Playboy thinking this would cure his appetite for this kind of material, but it hasn't. About a month ago I was leaving to go to my parent's house for the afternoon and ended up turning around and coming home because of the bad weather. When I walked in he had a sex tape in the VCR and was about to watch it. I got so mad. He works 3rd shift, so he is suppose to be sleeping during the day. Now, I dread leaving the house for fear that he is going to either be watching porn or getting on the internet looking for it. It's almost like he can't control it. Because of this, I'm having a hard time making love to him or even finding him attractive. I do love or I wouldn't have put up with it this long. What do I do? I'm so desperate. I've even put a password on my computer in attempts to take the temptation away from him. Some please help, I'm losing my mind here.
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