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  1. I hardly have posted on here tbh since I took up the challenge. It was going to be two months on Saturday since I initiated no contact. Well, my ex called me last night. I saw her older brother and we talked. It was good. But my ex then called later asking about so called friends of ours who have been sh*t stirring. Basically told her I didn't talk to them anymore, which is true. I told her how I feel and she reiterated how she doesn't feel the same and I deserve somebody better than her. Even her brother has said, that isn't the girl we know. Whatever is happening in her head, she needs to sort out. Where did this call put me? Right back at square one. All the emotions came flooding back. To top it off we were getting married this month. So it was going to be a struggle anyway. But know it feels so much worse. So anyway- day 1 of NC!
  2. This thread has given me hope. It shows no matter what the situation, it is possible. My fiancée left me nearly 3months ago. We were together for 6 1/2 years and getting married next month. Been in NC for nearly a month and a half. Anyway back on topic! My first gf came back after a few days. We were together 2 months, split for a few days and got back together for another 3 months. It was never anything serious so we just went our separate ways in the end. My second gf came back after two weeks. We were together 1yr. That reconcilliation latest only a day though haha! So not sure if that counts! It wasn't a messy break up but she later started causing trouble so it kinda became messy. No idea what happened to her since.
  3. Day 9 of no contact. I'm trying to be as positive as I can be. I can't stop thinking about her, so I try and just bury my head in work. I wonder if she thinks about me at all. Does she miss me? Has she even noticed? I find it hard to believe after 6 and a half years she can just switch off her feelings like this. We were everything to each other and now it feels like I've just been thrown away like a piece of trash. I am determined not to break no contact though. Sooner or later she has to realise I haven't contacted her and that she misses me. I keep thinking its for the greater good... We'll see.
  4. I'll give it a go She left me nearly two months ago. We were together for 6 and a half years and were getting married in September. I love her so much and only want her back. I haven't spoken to my ex for 8 days already and her accounts are set to private on social networking sites anyway so I can't check up on her. I still speak to her family though, does this count?
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