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  1. he never cheated on me ... and ya he's gay
  2. I dont know how much of advice this will be but.... i was once in love with the greatest guy ive ever met he could put up with some stuff and he still loved me nomatter how immature and spoiled I was. But he was never unloyal to me, but i was still highly sensetive and emotional and I didn't want to give him space and i lost him. if your sensitive thats you you can try and wokr on it but with him being unloyal to you theres that part of you that will never forgive him or trust him for it. Just do what you think will make you happy
  3. try and notice a common ground between you two and start a lil convo about it like say your standing by hima dn his car and he has a linkin park sticker, just be like hey you like that band I love them... blah blah blah, and it will get easier from there
  4. i never said he hit me did i? if I did it was a typo sorry He doesn't hit me by the way. he gets so mad sometimes he seems like he wants to and he runs off and it hurts me he walks away from it like it will fix it's self which obviously it won't but it's like he wants to move to florida but he has nowhere to go down there and I don't want to lose him completely we could be friends. I don't have many and it's hard for me to make them. bt i unno i just don't know how to react or act any more. and with the ex i unno it's a weird subject like he's nice to me when they were broke up he hangs out with me makes advances towards me I turned him down but when they're together he's all into her , even though i found out she cheated on him and he cheated on her, but she never admitted it to him till he was remorseful and told her, and he talked to me about it a lil. and didn't get mad i knew and I said I thought it was nasty and he deserved better. so thats a plus I guess.. ( he's never talked to me like that in a long time) but i unno with the current issue Im just lost I love him to death but I feel like im not in love with him and he's not in love with me it's like we just deal with it
  5. me and my current boyfriend have been together for two years. We're both very emotional people and when I get upset and cry he gets angry at me and it hurts me alot. I have one major thing that i want in a relationship and that is if they really love me then they can be completely honest with me and I won't judge them about it. Well first he disappeared to his friends down south for three weeks once and that hurt me alot. then he comes back like everythings fine. But then i start noticing things. He has this very strange obsession with his best friend and he acts very gay about it and I've found gay porn on his cd's and pictures to people online i confront him about it and he lies so then i explain how I know he's lyeing and he turns it around on me. WE fight constantly BUT i don't know what to do because he doesn't have any friends anymore that he can turn to and he has no family . i don't want to kick him out on the streets but i really don't know how long i can take this. Plus theres anohter factor. I Miss my ex of three years ago alot. About a year ago we hung out a few times and things were good. But now he has a girlfriend and we talk now and then but nothing really big he usually is an a-hole cause she's around but if she's not and i have something i heard or somthing to ask he's pleasent and sweet. But thats not a huge issue. it;s just i always put mine and my current boyfriends relationshp to mine and my ex's relationship because i was so happy in the past one which was a really good relationship. I unno do you have any advice at all i know this is all jumbled but this is how it is in my head and I don't know how else to put it down
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