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  1. God bless you, yes all of what you have explained are typical depression symtoms.& yes again crying is good for you & thats probably why u like it xx self harming!!! sorry to say but yes its a symtom,but u dont have to do itxxx ask someone to sit with you until the urge passesxx even if u like being alone just remember we are never alone, our friends and loved ones who have died,they are with us ,esspecially when we feel depressed,i find sunshine is helping me loads in my depression try sitting outside or even just by the window and talk to ur loved ones upstairs (heaven) if u ask them for healing they will help you xx God bless u will be in my prayersxx love & sunshine redsnappa
  2. as u can see there are many different veiws on this one!!i believe that yes there is good and evil. but try asking ur friend "what rewards does he think he will get, if he does sell his soul? And who has approached him for his soul? and does he truly want bad karma? because as in someone elses post karma does exist it is powerful too,either way positive/negative. In life it is true that sometimes we get opportunities to be bad, but that's not to say it will be best for us. Mostly it turns out that we destroys us. i am 30 yrs old and i was born into christianity, took the wrong path at age 12, i did ouija boards, i was violent to everyone, i lost respect for myself. i stayed on this road until i was 17. then i met my man,tony. i could see that he loved me and resepected me and i changed.i i am now 30 and still with my man,with 2 kids and comparing my karma i prfer the path i'm on now xx i am a spiritualist which basically is a bit of all the religons. so i guess the question i would put to ur friend is "is ur friend wanting an average life with all its ups and downs or does he want to have a life with destruction??" good luck xx love & light redsnappa
  3. well its me again,lol. right ok then, seeing that u have a connection with her i would advise that just keep the friendship but on another level, cos at least now u know that some of the things this girl say's r lies. watch ur back with her cos if she's already causing ripples of trouble they might end up hurting u? just keep her in sight ! u never know what might happen?? love and light redsnappa
  4. bless im glad i could help,and i hope it all goes well love and light redsnappa
  5. aw bless u xx it sounds like ur dad is really down, my heart goes to both of you right now,xx it could be that ur dad sees it like , seeing its not ur house wats the point indoing it up! and when ppl get down they dont want things around them all nice and pretty. but that doesn't mean to say just leave it!! maybe get some flowers, and place them near the window so when the wind blows it blows fresh smells into the room, and maybe get a little paint with ur allowence money, or see if any friends or family have any left over!! but don't paint his area...paint urs!! paint ur bedroom an focus on that space and when u want to bring ur friends around u can sit in ur room in ur space with ur colors and ur smells!! i hope this helps xx and well done for not giving up on ur dad just because he's downxx give him hugs and tell him u love him anyway smells aswell !! hahaha love and light redsnappa xx
  6. well this just made me smile, sorry but i reminded me of me and my friend debra when we were young! i was seeing a lad, then one night i see her kissing him!! so i went over to her and asked wat was going on?? she said she was seeing him! well wat a shock!! we both walked off and discussed the situation, it turned out that he was obviously playing us both.... so we both made an agreement there and then that we wouldn't ket any man ever come betwwen us again xx we are still very good friends, and have known eachother for27 yrs now. and i'm only 30!! and as for this girl who said she got an std and the doctor said don't worry and they will see her in a year..... hahahaha, she is full if crap, but then by the sounds of it you already knew that. If i were you i would just pure and simply get rid of her, good friends are honest friends xx love and light redsnappaxx
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