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  1. It will only make a difference if you make a big deal about it. I am almost 23 and my boyfriend is not even 21, and we have never had any issues about our age because it doesn't matter. As far as a long distance relationship, those are really hard, I don't mean to get you down, but you both have to be very strong willed to make anything last. As long as you both are trying your hardest, you've got a pretty good shot. Good luck.
  2. You should probably go see a doctor, and if you can't afford one there is always some kind of help out there like planned parent hood. I can tell you that your body will react to what your mind is saying. I have heard of young girls who wanted to get pregnant so bad that their bodies tricked them into thinking they were, sometime they would even lactate. It might sound crazy but its true. You can get pregnant when you are on your period, and you can have your period for a while when you are pregnant. Best advice is see a doctor as soon as possible.
  3. He is probably just jealous of you spending time with him. If he doesn't like you it's his fault not yours. My boyfriend used to have friends like that, they were asses and all they cared about was getting drunk and blowing stuff up. When I started dating my boyfriend I could tell he was different than them, and it took him a while to realize that too. We no longer see them and my boyfriend is happier now, when he looks back at those people he's glad he grew up. Just hang in there; if your boy friend really cares about you then he will come around. Remember that you can't change him, but you can help him grow as a person. Anyways who cares what he says or if he hates you, he sounds like a retard.
  4. Just stay friends, if you don't have feelings for the person now, you won't. Just because they want more it shouldn't make you want it too. Don't change your feelings or compromise yourself for someone else, especially if they are a player. And if they cant accept that then he wasn't a friend to begin with. [-X
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