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Posts posted by majord23

  1. I've modified them slightly


    Girl Facts:


    When you break a girl's heart, she'll still feel like stabbing you when you run into each other 3 years later.


    When a girl is quiet, millions of things are running through her mind….most of them shoes.


    When a girl is not arguing, check if she's breathing.


    When a girl looks at you with eyes full of questions, she is wondering how drunk she was when she met you.


    When a girl answers, "I'm fine, " after a few seconds…run!


    When a girl stares at you, she is picturing you with a better looking face.


    When a girl lays her head on your chest, move away really quickly – she'll love that.


    When a girl says that she can't live without you, change the locks and hide the rabbit.


    When a girl says, "I missed you, " be careful, she could be re-loading…and she won't miss the second time.


    When a girl is mean to you after a break-up she wants you back, to torture.



    Guy Facts:


    When a guy calls u he wants to be with you…or he needs a ride home.


    When a guy is quiet, he's listening to you...or his ipod.


    When a guy is not arguing, he realises that if he didn't stop arguing he may never get to see you naked again.


    When a guy says, "I'm fine, " after a few minutes, he probably didn't hear the question.


    When a guy stares at you, consider showing less cleavage next time.


    When you're laying your head on a guy's chest, be prepared for him to move away really quickly – he thinks you love it when he does that.


    When a guy calls you everyday, he probably has a really good cellphone plan.


    When a (good) guy tells you he loves you, he means it – until dawn.


    When a guy says he can't live without you, it means he can't afford a maid.


    When a guy says, "I missed you, " he's returning fire, duck!

    • Like 1
  2. I had no choice but to go NC. She has emotional issues and was stringing me along. I need her to get halp and I need it too. The time away should be good. I have a dozen roses being sent to her job Friday.... Maybe she will call.


    Well sending roses is hardly sticking to NC mate


    And from your post it sounds as though you are sending the roses in order to ilicit a reaction (her calling). I'm not advising you on what you should or shouldn't do, but I always encourage people to visualise the worst possible outcome from a situation and then prepare for it.


    In your case, do not *expect* her to call and mentally prepare yourself for that eventuality...that way you are not setting yourself up for disappointment.

    Ideally, you should be doing this before you take any action in relation to your ex. Hope is fine, but if it turns out to be false hope then the subsequent failure of that hope to materialise is all the more devastating.


    Good luck.

  3. I am doing NC for different reasons than most. I am trying to make my GF see that life without me sucks and make her wake up. We never broke up and never offically got back together. She is depressed, lonely and sad. I have given her an engagement ring and it blew her mind. After 3 years as FWB she was not prepared. I hope she comes around.


    And what happens if 3, 4, 5 months go by and you don't hear from her?


    Using NC to get a reaction, more often than not, ends in disappointment and with the original "No Contacter" increasing their contact in order to get the reaction that they thought NC would bring originally.


    In short, if you are seeking reconciliation - ask yourself this: Will NC resolve the problems that lead to the break-up in the first place, or just confirm to her that they still exist?

  4. usababe,

    Going back to the title of this thread: "Considering I would love to get back with him...", it is safe to say that not replying to him will have absolutely no bearning on the outcome of your situation.


    Jumping and replying to any crumb of contact he sends however, may make him feel secure in the fact that you are there for him. Don't give him that security, unless you are in the process of getting back together.

  5. But you're not ignoring him, he hasn't actually said anything for you to reply to.


    If he had forwarded an email and asked you how you were, then perhaps a response would be necessary. As it stands, he forwarded some jokes. I receive several forwarded emails a day from friends that I don't respond to - likewise I may forward emails that I don't expect a response to...


    ...it (the lack of reply) means absolutely nothing from either side.

  6. I think annie is right on the money with her advice (no surprise there ).


    If he had something of substance to say or ask, he would come out and say it. I think forwarded emails are just a way of staying visible without actually saying anything OR are forwarded on because the sender genuinely believes that the receiver will get something out of the material being forwarded.


    Let this one slide.

  7. I don't know why either hjc - it *is* absolutely pointless - especially for her to follow-up with a one-worded response.


    The positive is that she contacted you, you replied in a friendly manner and the ball remains in her court. You didn't give anything away hjc, and that's a good thing. You are also taking the high road...which is an even better thing. Stay strong and be proud mate - she has nothing and *will* have nothing to hold against you.


    Closure - your username is more than appropriate pal I'm definitely starting to appreciate the benefits of hardcore NC - maybe one day I'll have the intestinal fortitude to apply it.

  8. Hey mate,

    She was obviously looking for (and found) an opportunity to contact and check up on you. If you want to text her back...and I probably would, keep it light and friendly.


    Something like Haha - wasn't drunk, just up late. I'm really good thanks, keeping myself busy


    It doesn't give too much away, lets her know that you weren't drunk and leaves it open for her to open a dialogue with you (without pressuring her to with questions).

    I've found that by responding in such a way (without questions, but also without final statements such as 'take care') it then doesn't haven't you second-guessing yourself if you don't receive a response. It leaves it open - and it is up to your ex as to what the next move is.


    Just my .02 hjc

  9. You have ignored her contact, so she is 'upping the ante' to get a reaction out of you...that is all.


    She says that you won't hear from her again if you don't return her call - all designed to get you to react.


    Keep ignoring her, what will have changed bewteen you if you *do* respond? Nothing.


    BTW: If you do ignore her, I guarantee that it won't be the last time that you have heard from her.

  10. Jayar,

    You sound like you are doing well and you are certainly stronger.


    I do have to ask a question though....why give him 17 days? Do you think that in 17 days that the answer will be a different one to what he would have given you last night?


    I am only saying this because to me, I see it as another 17 days that you have put your life in limbo for. Another 17 days of uncertainty and of you counting down the days until *his* decision.


    Why don't *you* make the decision *now*? Why don't you just say - "do you want me now, or don't you?" If he answers no....then at least in 17 days you'll be taking steps forwards instead of treading water.


    Just my 0.02...

  11. Hey hawaii,

    I just read your thread....and it's altered my perception slightly.


    You say that she was distant for 2 weeks prior to the break-up and that you decided to tough out the pain and move on without her (hard, but great move pal).


    Her changing her mind in 2 days *could* be panic related. She may have expected to see you more upset and to beg her to stay, but on not receiving that she bricked it and came running back because the consequences of her actions were staring her right in the face immediately.


    Tread carefully pal, and don't ignore the break-up as if it never happened - she may be 'checking out' of the relationship but is finding it hard to do so.

    You also said that you realised that you could move on without her in those 2 days - that might be because she is causing more stress than the relationship is worth at the moment?


    Do you still want this relationship to work out?

  12. So majord123, what happens when you get dumped, make a decision to move on and not look back but the dumper decides she made a mistake all within 48 hours. So I take her back but then start wondering if I made a hasty decision too take her back so quick. It doesn't matter, we are together and we both just want things to really work out. Is that possible?


    It sounds like the break-up was a 'flash-in-the-pan' type thing mate - probably a decision made in haste which is why she regretted it so quickly.

    If you are happy with things are now, then go with it. If this is something that is happening repeatedly however, then you need to find out why it is happening and what you (and she) can do about it.

  13. NC is good, but more important than NC is fixing yourself .. getting your act together ... people on this forum seem stress on NC way too much, but all the NC in the world will not help unless you can look at yourself and understand why you find yourself in the "dumped" situation today.

    The reason that NC is so widely advocated on the board is because it is the first step to being in a position to analyse what went wrong in the relationship, and what part you played in it.

    There’s no point telling someone to have a good hard look at them self when they’re an emotional wreck and can’t go a few days without contacting their ex.

    THAT is why NC is stressed ‘way too much’ here. It’s the first step.



    but today, I can say that the person who has taught me the most in my life is my EX. it is damn easy to point a finger at the ex and say "ex you are f-ed up and the cause of all my problems, my lonliness, my misery". that, for most of us, is just not true. unless the EX has mental issues, there must have been something (or many things) about YOU that put you in the situation you are in today.

    it could be something as simple as basic compatiblity issues which are easy to overlook in the honeymoon phase of a relationship, but rear their ugly head later on .. in such a case the breakup really is no one's fault. your ex just had the balls to take action and break up now rather than suffer a long and not-so-happy relationship. get over it, because I can bet a 100% as much as you hate your EX, they probably hurt as much as you did ...

    I have always said that everyone should learn something from every failed relationship they have. I don’t see too many people here that place sole responsibility on a break-up on their ex (unless they are venting).


    Anger, a natural part of the grief process – don’t mistake it for genuine hate. The vast majority of posters who spew venom about an ex would take them back in a second…hardly an action of hate.



    another reason could be loss of attraction (not talking physical attraction here) or the feeling of losing that "in-love" feeling... in this case it clearly is YOUR problem ... something about you caused them to lose feelings for you. this is something most of us here seem to deny .. we want to blame the EX for breaking promises, for cheating on us ... but that is just running away from the real issue ...

    Too general. Sometimes blame lies on one side, sometimes on both. Absolutely dumpees should be looking at their own contribution in a break-up, but to say that the dumpee is always at fault is (no offence) naïve.

    The truth lays somewhere in the middle.



    relationships are like a video game .. the more you play, the more you learn and the more you learn the better you will be in the future .. and this includes better at CHOOSING the right person to be in a relationship with.

    No argument there.



    and since this is essentially a reconciliation thread .... don't kid yourself folks ... there is NO "getting back with the ex". there is no "winning the ex back", no "reconciliation" either .... nothing of the sort.

    I’m not getting you here.



    the ONLY thing that *may* work is both of you falling in love with each other once again from a FRESH start and that is NOT going to happen unless you change from being whatever characteristics you are today being the "dumpee" to the traits that attracted your EX to you in the first place ... (or even better) ... i don't mean to say that you should not address the past issues if you do reconnect at some point in the future ... but just "talking about it" ain't gonna work ...


    Again, no argument and something that is also widely advocated widely on the board.



    i'm still a big fan of GFTOW that i posted about on some other thread, not to be taken literally, but by the time you've had several other casual dating relationships, you'll not even remember what the EX looked like


    Each to there own mate, but it does kind of contradict your first statement about learning about yourself. GFTOW is all about distraction, not introspection – and that’s hardly a platform for growth.



    i am not oversimplifying it ... but i feel you, like almost everyone on these forums, are just avoiding taking any responsibility ...


    I’m not sure why you feel that ‘almost everyone on these forums’ is avoiding taking any responsibility?

    You seem to have the view that the majority of posters blame their exes entirely for the break-up and are not likely to grow because of it - not true at all.

    You post some good stuff, but seem to be opposing some decent advice on the boards because you have a misconception about the people that are posting it and reading it.

  14. Thanks for the replies everyone - and scruff, you're right to be livid mate - alot of it did come from you (even if you weren't aware of it at the time ).


    hjc (or should I call you eagle eyes ). Thanks for that - fixed now, I couldn't have people following the 'guide' to the word and then throwing that back in my face, could I?


    American Military Deaths in Iraq

    Total In Combat

    Since war began: 2666 2165

    Since 5/1/2003: 2529 2066

    Official Estimated

    Total Wounded: 19945 20000-48100



    And not to forget Iraqi Civillian deaths: 42,000 - 46,000.


    A tragic day in history, and my condolences to everyone affected by it directly and indirectly.

  16. My experience is that NC is something that is earned. Its not something that can be explained or proclaimed. Post breakup, all you can do is point yourself in the vague direction of it and ride the emotions out as best as you can. Eventually, NC is the voice of sanity amongst a sea of madness inside your head and heart. You're in quicksand and its the one rope that you can pull on that won't give way.


    Absolutely beautiful. Great post.

  17. its gonna be hard tho. because i dont know if i need to increase my insulin or if i need a different kind or if i should get a pump instead.


    Are you seeing an Endocrinologist or Diabetic Nurse Specialist?


    They'd be the best to give you advice and help you with the decision - you *do* need to rectify the big gap in your food intake during the day however.

  18. yeah i kno. im trying.



    Good stuff.


    I think you'll find that once you get your diabetes stabilised, you'll not only feel better for it but it will also make it alot easier for you to lose the little bit of weight that you want (not need ) to lose.


    Your body is confused at the moment - it's using alot more energy than usual but is not receiving the fuel (via food nor is it able to utilise the sugar in your blood)

    As a result, it's doing it's doing it's best to maintain itself - and is storing anything it can get ahold of to keep your weight stable.


    That's an over-simplified way of looking at it, but I'm sure you know what I mean.

  19. juvinel diabetes. and its not right now. my sugar levels are running high and i either need to increase my insulin dosage or get new insulin


    I'd definitely concentrate on getting your diabetes stabilised before trying to lose weight.

    Especially with your exercise programme and non-regular food intake - if your sugar levels are excessively high, you could make yourself incredibly unwell (DKA).

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