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Everything posted by MickeyNMe

  1. my advice to you is to realize it was done under circumstances that they normally would not have occurred. Then as far as who did it to her, does it really matter? you can not change that it was done, and you can not change it if she wanted it to happen or not. I would say that you should talk to her about it, but more in the way that "you know how much I think of you and to see this happen to you really bothers me", and then let her know that you care and to see her doing this stuff makes her look bad and you want the best for her.
  2. the problem is that HE doesnt want to have to pay child support or be apart of this unborn childs life. he wants to be "a daddy" to the other child. He told me that he would be "responsible" for this child but didnt want anything to do with me or the child. So I take that as he will pay support but only because he has too and not because he wants to be a part of my babys life. His theory is that if he forgets about this baby him and his new girlfriend will be a happy family and raise their child!
  3. please help! I need some advice.. I am a single mother of an 8 yr old daughter and have been divorce for 4 years, I have dated this guy for3 years and we broke up 3 months ago. I found out that I am pregnant (12 weeks) and it is his (he is the only one I have been with in 3 years!) He has already moved on and has moved in with his new girlfriend of 2 months and she is pregnant too (6 weeks)! I told him about the pregnancy and he wants their baby and "will take responsibility" for mine. The question is, I dont want him to have nothing to do with me and the pregnancy and then something happen between them after my baby is born and he then decides to be apart of my babys life? I want my child to have a fair shot at having a "real" father that loves him and not one that just has to do it to be responsible? Does this make any sense? Please help me. Can I leave his name off the Birth Certificate to keep him from trying to get my baby later, if things dont work out with his new woman? Am I going crazy or what?!
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