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Posts posted by musicguy

  1. OK. Why does it seem like im only happy when im with someone?

    I feel stupid and needy.

    Yeah okay bye.


    I'm the same way too. I feel as if I need a woman to make me happy when people have been telling me that I shouldn't need someone to make me happy

  2. Short, black hair blue eyes, big boobies, interest in science would be nice. The ability to cook and the willigness to look after me. Do all my cleaning, cooking, iron my clothes, clean the house and she has to strike me as the type of woman that would be good at looking after kids. Not terribly PC but what can a man do ? its what I want.


    soo you aren't gonna help out with anything at all??

  3. I understand how it would hurt you that she wouldn't wanna spend time with you on Prom and with another guy..that happened to me when I asked my crush out my Senior year and she went with a friend of mine.


    Saying I love you back-maybe she feels that she wants to keep it pirvate between you and her, she's probably shy about it. I wouldn't force her to say to you in public. She knows she loves you, she miight not want to say it all the time to you.

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