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Posts posted by musicguy

  1. Nothing seems to matter,

    everyday the tears roll down my face,

    the walls inside me crumble down

    I feel so empty and hollow.


    Drain the life from me,

    in this agony,

    I'm drowning in my blood

    as it flows into the sink.


    I feel....so empty...

    I feel....so worthless

    everything has disappeared

    everyone is gone,


    So here I sit, teary eyed because

    I'm leaving this world behind with

    nothing but the shell of an empty man.

  2. I look in your eyes and kiss your tears away.

    Slowly your hands release mine,

    my heart crumbles,

    you turn around and look at me

    as the tears roll down your face.

    Is this our last good-bye?


    Though the distance is far

    we hold each other close in our hearts.

    My love for you is everlasting

    for I'll be here waiting for you.

    Cherishing the memories we had

    remembering the way you felt when I held you close.


    The way you kissed me

    the way you smell

    how beautiful you look each day

    is a picture in my mind.

    You'll be back here,

    I'll get to see you again,

    but you'll be missed.

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  3. For days my heart was lonely, until I met you.

    Never felt a love like this,

    a love I feel is true.

    When I look inside my heart

    all I see is you.

    Throughout my heart, into my soul.

    all I see is you.


    As days go by

    I think of when get to hold you in my arms

    and kiss your lips so sweet.

    When do I get to see my baby here

    and make everything complete.


    Looking at your pictures

    makes me feel like your right next to me

    my dreams at night with you by my side

    my arms around you,

    holding you tight.

    I love you every second of the day

    I love you until the end of time.

  4. There is a river in me

    full of happiness

    full of feelings I've never felt before

    sunlight falls before me

    to warm me in every way

    for she is the sun,

    the moon and the stars in the sky

    She's a sight to behold

    beautiful in every sense of the word

    she is the heaven where I lie

    she's the angel in which I gaze into her eyes

    wrapped in warmth

    shielded from the elements

    she's in my world

    she makes me happy

  5. A Nation weeps,

    but while we sleep,

    the pictures fresh and questions linger in

    our head.

    How could this be?

    Why did this happen?

    Our tears flow,

    arms wrapped around each other,

    Why did innocent lives have to go?


    Our hearts go out to all of you,

    our love, thoughts and prayers go out as well,

    Angels cry in heaven,

    is this a nightmare?

    cuz this can't be true.


    Be strong,

    have faith,

    your future is bright

    Cuz we're right beside you,

    holding you tight.

    For we will help you pick up the pieces.

    Never forgetting your loss

    and always remembering the ones you loved

    and made unforgettable memories with.

    God bless all of you.

    You're in our hearts forever.

  6. we are both in highschool and i broke up with her because she did something really bad. she apologizes and cries and lives depressed. i should feel aweful, but i enjoy her pain. i love it when she cries. when she calls, i make her cry. i call her with the intent of making her cry. i used to love her. but i think she deserves it.


    Umm wow!! sounds really rude to me, you call her just to hear her cry? If I was your ex, I'd be really mad at you

  7. Everyone at some point in their life gets hurt, some take things harder than other people, but when one does get hurt, the thing to do is try to get over the hurt and try to move on..as life goes on, relationships go on too.

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