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Everything posted by BeaTlesFan77

  1. Just saw the trailer for that tonight. Definitely going on my list.
  2. I was told once that life is a marathon and not a race. You have to do things at your own rate and not compare your life to others who are on different paths. I just turned 45 recently and I’ve never been married and have no kids. All of my other friends with the exception of one are married with two children. I know that not comparing yourself to others is easier said than done. You just have to keep thinking about the things that you have in life and cherish them.
  3. I ate lots this past Friday and enjoyed every bite. Not to the point where I felt like I stuffed myself though. The key is to spread the orders out over the evening.
  4. Thank you Rose. Those are all great points. 😀
  5. It was just a follow up question to her telling me what her background was about. Figured it might’ve been a career choice for her.
  6. Yes you’re right that I did want to feel some sense of community. I am very happy that I found a new job and that things are looking up in that area of my life. Outside of that though there hasn’t been much change. I talk to my mother on Facebook messenger just about every day. Then I have other friends that I see once a month if that. Outside of that I just talk to my people lead at work and that’s it. I will post messages of good morning or how is everyone doing today and nobody answers in the chat. I think once I start my first project at the end of the month things will get better there. Every day will be doing teamwork of some kind. So right now I would say I don’t have any regular people I spend time with outside of my mother. Meetups so I pretty much gave up on. People would be sitting next to each other and staring at their phones for a great deal of time. Pretty much defeats the purpose of going to one. Then events like dancing or other classes I’ve been hesitant to try because of my age. I know that’s a dumb excuse but that’s how I feel.
  7. As I was telling MissCanuck, it’s just all the frustration that has built up over time and thinking about all of the past times I got ghosted or the cold shoulder.
  8. If I could go back and do it again I would have enthusiastically told her that I go there once a week and the food is great. Then asked her how her boneless wings were that she ordered. Instead of looking and acting dejected. Again hindsight is a great thing.
  9. I was looking for something that would show that I was interested in starting a conversation about her. Your example sounds much better and laid back. I don’t want to use any cheesy pick up lines or other pick up artist garbage.
  10. That’s just it I’m not. Talking to women for me is few and far between. The opportunities are just not there.
  11. You’re absolutely right Wealthy and I appreciate your feedback. Hindsight is always easy and looking back at it now it was on the creepy side. Maybe next time do ‘how is your evening so far’ or something along those lines.
  12. I do exactly the same thing and have the same issue relating to my eyes and stomach. 😆
  13. In the heat of the moment I was feeling frustration as this happens fairly often when I am out and try to meet a potential date when I see someone I’m interested in.
  14. That’s a very good point Dark. I should have seen it as just another encounter.
  15. I wasn’t able to hear what they were talking about.
  16. It sure is! Are you also a sushi connoisseur?
  17. Greetings! Had a confusing situation happen a couple of nights ago. I went to the sports bar to watch the NBA Finals. Near the end of the evening, a woman sat right next to me at the bar. It wasn’t the only bar seat left and there were plenty of seats around us. She left her phone open on the bar while she was looking at the menu. Her background looked interesting and figured that would be a great piece to begin a conversation. So I asked her what her background was all about. She responded that it’s helping her learn sign language and thinks it’s one of the best ways to learn. I then asked her a follow up question regarding if she was wanting to teach it. To which she responded no not right now. After that she didn’t ask me anything. Then as she was looking at the menu there was another guy on the other side a couple of seats over from her sitting with his friends. Had on a backwards baseball cap and had been loudly yelling at the TV when his team was making mistakes. He started telling her about the bar food and how great it is. Then they were having a conversation and before I knew it, they exchanged phone numbers. After seeing that it made me feel really bad like I wasn’t good enough. Followed by feelings of anger. After the guy and his friends left, about five minutes later she asked me if I came there often. To which I unenthusiastically replied yeah once a week. That was the last we spoke to each other. Then I paid my bill and left. So my question is, if I try to make conversation and she doesn’t ask me any questions back, does that typically mean she isn’t interested or could she possibly be shy? Was there anything I could have done differently in this situation? Another thing I wanted to mention is that neither of us had alcohol in our systems.
  18. Looking forward to eating this on a Friday night after work.
  19. Thursday and Friday are going to have a high of 100° Then going into the weekend 98° Thank goodness it’s a dry heat which everyone teases us about.
  20. Agreed it is a perfect storm. I think we’re one of the only countries that is set up like this too.
  21. That's all I can think of right now are the families and what they are experiencing.
  22. It’s getting very frustrating to hear about these mass shootings that occur on an average of once a week now! Today there was another one in the state of Texas. As of now there were 18 children and 3 adults killed. There was only one suspect and they were killed as well. 18 children who will never get to experience all life has to offer. 18 families who will never get to see their children grow up. What the heck is going on here with these frequent occurrences?!
  23. You wonder where the heck do they find these outfits?!
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