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Everything posted by luminousone

  1. Went to my son's conferences today and his teacher said he is showing great leadership in class this year! He is doing well academically but could do even better if he pushes himself instead of just doing enough to slide by... His teacher wants us to enroll him in a math club to challenge him even more. I called the university to enquire about the program but they may not have one for his grade level. I will hear back from them. We will see... My ex and I touched based about money matters- specifically what to do about my older son's university bills. We may have to scramble a bit for the next term's bills but then my son will be getting his pay from his job and we will be fine from there. In a few months we will have to start going to information sessions regarding the high school programs for my younger son for next year. Where does the time go! I called my nephew today- he is working very hard as an assistant in an inner city impoverished school. I invited him for Thanksgiving but he also works a different job on the weekend so he would have to fly here for Thursday and Friday only- my sister had offered him a plane ticket anywhere in the US but I told him to save it for next summer when he can spend more time. He already has a different job for next summer but he will get some time off, hopefully, so he can come here to explore. He has never been here- except as a fetus, because his mom was pregnant with him when she was here last. I wish my brother and sister in law (his parents) could come out for a visit but they don't have any money either.
  2. Hmmm I only got one little trick or treater tonight! A cute little black belt ninja. The house next door to me is empty this week since the neighbors moved out. So the block was pretty dark except for my house. And it was sprinkling a bit of rain, so that effects how many are out and about...
  3. My mom called me at 6 this morning. She forgot we are on a different time zone! We had a nice chat anyhow- I was actually already awake.
  4. Hi Silver, My kids love the chocolate soy, but the almond sounds even better! As far as Halloween, my older son is going to his dorm party and the younger will be out and about with other teens- and hopefully staying out of mischief! He is with his dad this week. When they were younger -but their dad and I were split up- their dad (if he had them that day) would bring the boys to my neighborhood so they could trick or treat here, and I could share in the excitement. I always appreciated that. But my kids are so much older now so times have changed. We will see how many little ones will come for candy at my house tomorrow.
  5. Wow- so glad you were okay through all of that! I think I will start with just a small dose...
  6. She is starting me out on 50 mg daily to begin with. I can't remember the symptoms for serotonin syndrome but I will watch for it just to make sure. Thanks for the info!
  7. This morning it was a chilly 28 degrees Fahrenheit when I woke up! I wonder how the homeless were able to stay warm. At least it was not raining. Tonight I had the pumpkin curry left overs but I have added different things each night. Last night I added some baby kale to it. Tonight I added some cut up tomatoes and some baby spinach. That one was a great combination!!! My pharmacy left a message that my prescriptions are ready so I will go get them tomorrow. I am a bit nervous about putting drugs into my body but I know these have been used a long time because it has gone generic. So I have to trust, and if it doesn't work out I can always stop. Tomorrow I have to pay some bills and also get some candy for Halloween, in case I get some Trick or Treaters. My son is with his dad this week which probably means my son will be out and about on Halloween with who knows who. I trust and pray he uses good judgment and stays safe...
  8. Okay, so you are lactose intolerant. My boys are too, and apparently I am too. The pediatrician pointed it out to me because I couldn't have dairy products while nursing my sons because the milk sugars got into my breast milk and really bothered my sons. Through the years we have been able to have yogurt and cheeses in moderation. The boys will drink Lactaid milk or a generic alternative- milk with the lactase enzyme added so that they can digest the milk sugars (lactose). Otherwise they have had rice milk or soy milk. You can buy chewable enzyme tablets to eat when you eat dairy products- it gives you a boost of the enzyme needed to digest the lactose. Or you can avoid dairy products completely. But I do like my Greek yogurts... We just have it in moderation at our house. Now that you are feeling better then it might be a good idea to get some probiotics in you to give your gut a boost. I use a brand called Culturelle because it has been researched and they know that particular strain of Lactobacillus GG will survive going through digestion and the stomach acids and will make it down to your gut so it can colonize along the gut walls - and that is a good thing because it takes up space and thus helps to prevent the bad bacteria from taking up residence. There are probably other probiotics that are helpful too- a healthy gut has thousands of different good bacteria that are helpful. I buy it at Costco or at my pharmacy. Oh, and LOL about the glasses...
  9. Got up early today and went to my physical appointment. I had not been in for 3 years, but my blood pressure was great. Hopefully my cholesterol too. I finally asked my doc for a mild antidepressant- I have been toying with the idea for at least 3 years because I have struggled with having enough energy to do many things in my life. So she is putting me on Zoloft to see if it would help. Went for a walk again today by the river and it was beautiful! Saw a snowy white egret and a great blue heron. Tonight at about 11 pm my neighbors started fighting loudly out in their back yard (behind my house). This is not the first time they have done this. I hate having to hear all of that!
  10. Silver, I have a friend with IBS and it makes life so difficult for her. She also can't metabolize fats very well after she had her gallbladder removed. She had been a vegetarian for over 30 years but she has decided to become more vegan and I think her condition has improved. One thing I had read was that people with IBS are often deficient in nutrients because the body does not have a chance to absorb them. So they recommended supplements- I think especially zinc supplements. You can Google it.
  11. In my Sunday school class with the kids we have been going through stories of the Old Testament. The kids are so amazing! Today we talked about the "Ten Best Ways to Live" (the Ten Commandments). Then came home and my son and I had a quiet afternoon. It felt so good that I didn't have to be anywhere- I have been so busy lately that this quiet time felt like heaven. My son's grandpa called to see if he wanted to go to some college basketball game tonight. So my son really got a special sports weekend with his grandpa! His grandpa took him over to my ex's new home afterwards for the week, so that saved me a 15 mile trip - well, 30 miles round trip. I made a pumpkin curry soup tonight, so my son missed out. It was really yummy! Pumpkin purée, coconut milk, vegetable broth, sautéed onions and garlic, curry, and cumin, and a bit if flour to thicken it. I also added cubed tofu for protein and that worked. I served it with rice. Tomorrow I go for my physical. I have to get there early to find a parking space, since the clinic is downtown. My oncology checkup was last week and that went well. I do have to say that I have gained 15 pounds since I was last in for a checkup. So I know that my Doc will address that, and I really should spend this year losing the weight and getting back in shape to give me a better cancer survival rate in the long run. The trees are still gorgeous fall colors here, although it did rain here today.
  12. Went to help with parking at a local football game today. There are some serious tailgaters there! They had a commercial area with tents and food carts- and what got me was there was a trailer that they brought in with a five foot pizza oven on it- and there was already a fire going in it when they drove it in! There wasn't even a door on the oven so you could see and feel the heat from it. Surely there is some kind of law where you can't transport a fire on the road. Anyhow, it was fun being there but a bit on the chilly side so now I think I am getting a new virus. So now that i am home, it's time to snuggle up with one if my cats...
  13. My son has been following my rules - Thank Goodness!!! He has called or texted me and has accepted that I will say no sometimes. Today I was called in to sub in the younger grade classroom, and the day went pretty well. The little kids are so cute! The teacher did a great job- she is new in that position and they chose wisely. Another really nice fall day here. The trees are so gorgeous!
  14. My son has been testing the boundaries this week. This time he came home too late and never told me where he was or who he was with. I was so mad that he missed dinner! I had to run off to a meeting and my anger melted away during that time so I was prepared to discuss it with him when I got back. I told him that he has to call me after school to ask if he can be with friends, to say where he is and who he is with, to expect that I will say no sometimes, and to be home before dinner and before dark. I told him that a phone call is better than texting so he knows I got the message. He has to call me by a certain time or he will be grounded, like he was this week. Today he texted me by that time and was home on time. It is a start! Viruses are going around, so I got called in to substitute again tomorrow. Should be fun. It is only a half day tomorrow...
  15. So hilarious!!! Yes- while they both take extra long showers forever and ever- I did notice that one son had more underwear in the laundry than the other. I asked and I found out that one of them does not wear clean underwear every day even after having showered! Busy day today due to subbing- and the funny thing was that the class was going on a field trip! It was fun and we had beautiful weather!
  16. Well I had a more rational talk with my son at dinner tonight. I told him why I think sleep is necessary. I also told him I did a poll on a website and most thought he should have a bedtime between 8:30 and 9:30. I also told him that the reason I choosing to enforce it is because I love him and want the best for him, He was miffed at the informal poll I took. But tonight he did not put up a fuss at lights out time.
  17. Had a busy weekend with fundraisers and kid stuff and church stuff. Yesterday I had plans with my older son to take him out to buy a new shirt for his birthday which was in September. In the end he had already found a great shirt online so I got him some pants instead. I picked him up and he brought his laundry. He had not done it in 3 weeks! Since he took clothes from his dad's house and from mine then he barely had enough to wear clean things and I suspect maybe some things were worn more than once... Anyhow he did his laundry at my house and then we went shopping. The new shirts he had gotten online were very wrinkly cotton so he wanted to learn how to iron, lol... So he ironed his new shirts and- get this - actually folded his laundry!!! He has been just throwing it in a drawer without folding it for years but now he is concerned about his appearance, lol... His dorm seems like a fun place to be- they have social functions every week. They also have sports teams and play against other dorms, so he had a soccer game last night. And some canoe battle in the pools this week (trying to sink the opposing team's canoe without touching it...). He said school is hard because of his ADD but he will get back on his medication this week. I sincerely hope he is able to remember to take it each day... I was surprised to hear that his language immersion hall does not seem to be working out, language wise. They speak English a lot... Maybe they will step up their expectations soon but the core class he was required to take is even in English! Not too happy to hear that, but overall it is a great place for my son. We had a nice afternoon together and I was glad to catch up with him. My other son came home for the week and was cheerful and cooperative until it was time for him to go to bed. Then he dug in his heals and decided that he should be able to stay up as long as he wants, since apparently that is what is happening at his dad's house. This has happened several times, especially on the first night back from his dad's. It is like he just has to challenge the rules to test the boundaries each time. Ack! He has now lost electronic privileges for the next few days. I think I will post a thread on this for advice...
  18. Had a great visit with a friend from out of town. I saw her last weekend when I drove to stay with another mutual friend. We went to a Saturday craft market and that interested her since she sells handcrafted jewelry at craft fares in her state. She said the fair was just like hers, same stuff, same types of people. Anyhow I had to come home for the week and she had other people to visit. She asked me if she could drive down to stay with me and explore around here and of course I said yes. She was out of cell range for a few days so I didn't know when she was showing up, but she arrived just in time for dinner in Thursdsy. I had to go teach a class that night so she and I were going to hang out yesterday. In the end I had to sub half a day and she decided to change her plans so she could see some old friends that were only available last night, so in the end she went on her way. I was fine with it- would have loved to have taken her for a hike around here and the fall foliage is quite beautiful right now. I told her she has left many fun things to do the next time she comes to visit! My ex came over to see her and say hi and he brought my younger son, so I am glad she got to see one of my sons! My ex kept talking about his girlfriend which we both thought that was a bit insensitive, but on the other hand I am somewhat relieved that there seems to be more affection there than I had thought. It had sounded like he was just with her for the health insurance... Anyway she and I feel I am much better off without him! So good to see her and catch up and what a beautiful person she is! Yesterday I got to help as a classroom assistant for half a day. It was a good day and I enjoyed getting to know the new students and touching base with the ones I already knew. Ironically I never saw my son all day since I was on a different floor and I doubt he even knew i was there. Today I am going shopping for some baby gifts for a baby shower that I was unable to attend. I found out from the mom to be what things she got and what she needs the most, so I can help her out with that. She needs blankets, so I will get her some cute ones at Target but I will also look for a few quilts at the thrift shop to throw in too (after thoroughly washing them of course). She does not mind gently used items and will be grateful. This is her second child- she has a little boy and she is having a girl now. I have to work on a fundraiser this afternoon for my son's scout group so that will keep me busy. Tomorrow I will see my older son to go shopping for some birthday clothes for him- we never had a chance when it was his birthday in September. I told him to bring his laundry because I was pretty sure he had not been doing it. Lol. He seemed very happy at that suggestion... Well, time to get going on my day now. Hope everyone is having a fabulous day!
  19. Went for a walk today- another beautiful fall day! For some reason I didn't see the great blue herons today, but it was still a pretty walk. Tomorrow I have to sub, so I better sign off...
  20. Had a good checkup at the oncologists yesterday. I don't have to go back for another year, unless my blood work does not check out. In 2 weeks I have my regular physical too. Today I have been cleaning and organizing since I will have out of town company tomorrow. I still have more cleaning to do, but if I get up early then I can get most of it done before she gets here. To top it off, my ex is clearing out stuff from his house since he is moving in with his gf. He brought over 6 boxes of his kitchen stuff to store over here. I almost said no, but the remembered that our older son will be getting an apartment next year so he will probably need it. So my ex put it in the shed. Lol it was a mess in there and when he was taking so long I realized he was reorganizing it all... Sheesh! He also brought by some sheets from the boys' beds which I will also keep for them. But I promptly threw them in the washing machine because they stunk of man smell. He said they were clean but ewwww! He also brought by some queen size sheets that I will never use because I am sure they have seen some action with him and his escapades since we broke up- probably why he didn't take them to his new gf's house. The funny thing is that I think they were from my first marriage. They will be donated to the charity room. Haven't heard from my older son at college this week except to ask for his bank information. It was a beautiful fall day here today- hopefully we will get a repeat tomorrow.
  21. A wombat looks like a cross between a rodent and a panda...
  22. I looked up images for a spiny anteater and it does seem to look like a porcupine (not that I've ever seen one of those either). link removed
  23. I went for a walk today despite my virus and it was a chilly fall morning- the trees are beginning to turn so it was so beautiful! My friend and her dog were there too so we walked and talked. So she pointed out that since my ex's things are delegated to my son's room then it seems like neither my ex nor his gf are fully committed to their relationship - interesting thought. Whatever, I don't care about that but I do care about my sons' well being. It is a slap in the face that they didn't make room for either son to have their things there. Back to my walk- saw many flocks of geese getting ready to migrate, practicing flying in formation. I also saw about four great blue herons today hanging out at the pond and the river. Saw a kingfisher too. So gorgeous! Came home and slept all afternoon to try to kick this virus.
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