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Everything posted by luminousone

  1. Well, I can have Internet access to my computer if I bypass the router and hook up the wire directly to the computer ftom the modem.... The wireless doesn't work, or the router. And the router is only 8 months old!
  2. The Internet has not been working since I woke up this morning. I think there is a problem with my router- as I tried to reset the modem and router and did some trouble shooting. I can use my phone but the boys have no Internet access on their computers...
  3. Both boys are home now- I am one happy mom!
  4. So good to be home!! The cats are so happy I am here. They BOTH slept on the bed and were both purring and only a foot away from each other! No growling, bullying, or chasing. So maybe they bonded when I was away... Hope it lasts! Flying from Seattle was really beautiful- the terrain was so lush and green, and the mountains and foothills were beautiful and interesting. There was fog for much of it so I was unable to see as much as I would have liked, but I did enjoy what I saw. So maybe sometime soon I will explore the state of Washington. When I got home it was very foggy here too. People said they haven't seen the sun for a week except for a brief hour yesterday. It may have been snowy in Michigan when I was visiting, but at least it was sunny and sparkly. But fog and rain are typical here in the winter... This morning I will clean up things, go off to a meeting for a friend's non profit group, and then see what kind if deals I can find on shoes and pants for my new job. Have a great day, every one!
  5. Thank you Silver!!! I spoke with her yesterday and she was chipper, and feeling so much better! It sounds like they did ultrasound treatment on her but I will have to ask my brother when I get a chance. She is clearly in early stages of dementia though.
  6. The good news is that my mom is home from the hospital (2:30 am) and it apparently was a muscle spasm according to her. She couldn't find the words to describe what they told her so I'll need to talk with my brother to get scoop. The other good news is that I didn't miss my first flight!!!!! I missed a turn on the freeway to the airport and in my confusion I got on the wrong freeway. In the end I was on the correct road but had to follow it for 15 miles to get there. I stopped a few times to make sure I was going the right way. Sheesh! Early morning is not a good time for me... So I got to the airport an hour late and fortunately my flight boarded about 10 minutes late. I was the last one on the plane. Now I am waiting in Seattle for a few little flights to get home. Almost there... Despite the mishaps yesterday (and this morning) I really did enjoy the holiday. No one was cranky or stressed and we all made an effort to enjoy time with my parents because it could be our last Christmas together. You never know. Now on to home- especially my boys and my cats and my new job. Well, and bills, and cleaning, and laundry, and other mundane activities of life. My brother gave me his "old" laptop which was so generous of him! It is a 2011 model - newer than what I have at home. One more thing to lug on the plane but I am not complaining! Hope everyone had some great time either with family or friends.
  7. My brother brought my dad home so he could get some sleep. They are keeping my mom to do testing- it may not be a back spasm. They think it is gastro intestinal. Hope it is not what happened to my dad last year- he had a twist in his colon so they had to do surgery. I wish I wasn't having to leave- bad timing. To top it all off, it is snowing out. I have to drive an hour to the airport- return the rental car and get to my flight on time. Yikes I am not used to driving in the snow!
  8. Today was eventful- the plumber came and if course the clear out pipe was in a basement closet storing boxes of pictures and Christmas ornaments and a few chairs. We had to pull all of them out and make room for the plumber. He worked on the drains and also helped my dad flush the boiler water for the furnace. My brother and his family drove in while I was disinfecting the basement floor and the closet walls and floor. Then my SIL and niece and sister and I went to a thrift store and they were having a 75%off sale! On our way out the door to shop, my brother very emphatically asked his wife not to buy any furniture because their home is too small for anything more. When we got to the place we all went through the clothes and I found some really nice sweaters for $4 each- 2 of them had to be new! I overheard my SIL talking about a table and chairs for $10 and she was so excited. She asked me if she should buy it and jokingly I asked her how much she values her relationship with my brother and she laughed. These ladies started giggling behind us and were trying to give her some ideas, like buy it and say that she had lent it to someone and they were returning it. The other one suggested she cover it with a blanket in the back of the van and sneak it home. In the end she bought it, but it was a very nice card table and four chairs. We headed back to my mom's and got about two miles away but unfortunately we got a flat tire. My SIL pulled up into the first parking lot which happened to be a car service center. They were about to close but they tried to add air to the tire and it was dead dead dead. My brother drive over to pick us up while the service center put the spare tire on for him and I headed back to my mom's because I was going to make turkey tetrazzini. In the end we ordered out because it was so late by the time I got back. Oh- when my brother showed up the FIRST thing he asked his wife was "What did you buy" (she's somewhat of a compulsive shopper...). She told him about the card table and folding chairs and he laughed!! I was glad they didn't get into a fight about it and he was probably glad they were easy to store in the basement of their house. My brother doesn't sound very nice here but he is a great guy. Every couple has their differences and that seems to be where theirs are... We went home while he waited for them to fix the tire. Then we had dinner but my mom excused herself because her back was hurting. She said that she went to the emergency for the same thing a few weeks ago and they told her she had arthritis in her back. So her back was spasming tonight and she tried to go to bed but it was just too painful. So my dad and brother took her to the emergency room tonight to get it checked out to make sure it isn't something more serious. I hated to send them because they both need their sleep but she was in so much pain. Unfortunately I leave very early on a flight home tomorrow, but my brother and sister are going to be here until later this week. I think my mom just over did things- she is in her 90's after all. Oh this is a typical Christmas - last year my dad had emergency surgery on Christmas... Looking forward to heading home to see my sons, whom I missed very much this past week. Hope my mom is okay - my brother will keep me posted.
  9. Oh shoot- I forgot to buy fuses for them... I guess I will have to order them online.
  10. On Christmas Eve my sister and I were vacuuming and somehow 2 vacuums on the same circuit blew an electrical fuse. I didn't realize tgey still had fuses here- it is old electrical wiring! So of course all of tge stores are closed due to Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The lights were out for a bedroom and the bathroom. My parents of course did not have a replacement so we had to make do for a day but my sister texted a picture of the fuse asking my brother if he had one at his house, since they were coming in for the day. He found one at his brother in laws house- hooray! Then I was down in the basement and noticed the drain backing up a bit down there. So today's list: call the plumber and buy a box of fuses. Typical holiday mishaps!
  11. It is the wee hours of the morning and I hear the snow plows scraping along. It snowed last night. It is always so peaceful here when it snows- because the blanket of snow muffles the morning sounds of people and activities and traffic. My sister has to go to the airport to fly home this morning- she had ordered a car to pick her up so I hope they can get through. The airport is 45 minutes away in good weather. My flight does not leave until tomorrow - and I have to drive the rental car back then. Hopefully the roads will be clear by tomorrow. Have a great day everyone!
  12. Merry Christmas everyone!! I typed in quite a long post here but my parent's Internet dropped me at the end and of course I lost the whole thing... Anyhow, I flew out to visit my parents in Michigan. It was all spur of the moment because I didn't have money to come out but in the end my dad paid for me to come as a present for my mom. It is a good thing I am here- my mom had beginning signs of dementia last summer when I saw her and now it has progressed quickly. She has trouble with word finding but more troublesome is that she gets lost while out on errands so of course someone must go with her. She also left a faucet running for an hour until I found it. I also found some food in the oven that she had forgotten for a few days. My sisters and I have discovered that the house is not as clean as it used to be- dust everywhere... The tub was clean in portions but other parts clearly had been missed. I quietly scrubbed things down and got on my hands and knees to scrub areas of the bathroom that needed it. I don't think my parents can get down to clean and then back up. My dad can barely go up the stairs. My sister went to thoroughly vacuum including getting all of the cobwebs and then my mom was so offended and cross with her. But my sister did it anyway. The decline is so rapid, it makes me so grateful that I am here, because my mom still knows who we all are and loves having us all here. My brother is driving in to make Christmas dinner this afternoon. He is a great cook and is very organized. He downloads a timeline of things to do to get dinner on the table on time... Hope everyone takes time to appreciate the little things today.
  13. Well the freezing rain seems to have missed us- at least I think it did but I haven't been outside. If my parents lose power then it will be out for a week- it always is, because their house is at the end of the power line apparently. I am visiting in southeastern Michigan with family. The weather here is much like Oregon would get at this time of year- just above freezing and rainy. My two sisters flew in last night, and one brother will drive in from Ohio tomorrow and the other lives 45 minutes away from here. My oldest brother works in a medical profession and is on call this week so he came out for a few days last week and already went back. Wish my boys were here but they are with their dad this week and I had them for Thanksgiving this year. My parents are elderly and frail- so this very well may be the last Christmas for one or both of them. My mom seems to have developed dementia this past year and I see how that has progressed since last summer. This morning we will go to church- my childhood church- so that will be nice. Have a good day everyone!
  14. Thank you, Silver and Vic! I start in January. It is not permanent but I am glad they asked me to apply and happy they chose me out of the candidates. Merry Christmas to both of you too!
  15. I got the job!!! She left a message on my cell- when I called back she was in a webinar and couldn't figure out how to pause it, so I haven't spoken directly to her. But the office manager said everyone is excited! I sent them an email to get the particulars, and it will start in January. In the meantime I had dinner with my brothers and niece and sister in law last night. So good to catch up.
  16. Had to work with little kindergarteners today! Phew, I am exhausted! But part of the day I also had to do a sample lesson with some students as part of an interview for a temporaryjob. I am not exactly qualified but they seemed to like what i did. I'm almost terrified to get the job! There were four people observing me- three teachers and the principle...
  17. I could picture your ponies running up to greet you at the fence...
  18. It is better than being the depressed lethargic blob I have been the past few years! Plus my kids keep me hopping. Today my older son came home. I had to clear a space for him, lol. Little by little I am cleaning up my act around here. My younger son is with his dad tonight but he will come back tomorrow. Tonight I am just hanging out- maybe I will get my little artificial tree out and decorate it...
  19. I never heard of solar powered Christmas lights- what a cool idea! Yes it would be nice to leave them up and use them whenever you fancy that magical feeling outside... I will decorate this weekend. I do have a few nativity sets but at some point I will make my own- I will probably get templates and cut the figures out of wood and them paint them. Not this year - probably next- the time slipped away from me this year. I stopped by to deliver my former father in law's bike- they had lent it to my older son for on campus but they have closed the dorm now for break. Had a very nice visit with them- I do miss visiting with them and my ex's family. My former sister in law's long time relationship has broken up. Apparently their relationship has been faltering for two years and none of us knew. They used to be best friends so I was surprised- but on the other hand, my former SIL has similar qualities to her brother (my ex) that makes it difficult for successful relationships in the long run. Still, I am sad for my SIL and her former partner. I like them both, and I hope they each find happiness. They had a blended family of 5 kids and I love them all. Three of them graduated high school last June, and the other two started high school this year. Today I have many tasks ahead of me, including getting ready for my son to come home - I need to make room for him because I am moving him to another bedroom. I also need to get some Christmas shopping done for the boys. Decorating, banking, typing minutes for a committee, arranging some teachers for classes at church, Phew! This time of year gets busy!
  20. All the snow is almost melted and it actually got up to a balmy 52 degrees today! We all had to peel off layers. Today I subbed in a fabulous class - the teacher is so skilled and the students were cute. I may have to work on Monday and Tuesday if someone's daughter goes into labor. Picked up my son from university tonight. He thinks he got an A, C, and he failed one class because he missed a deadline for a paper that was half his grade. He will learn... But I sure hope it doesn't mess up his scholarship!!!
  21. Yesterday we never got the freezing rain. When I woke up the temp was 12 degrees and it went up steadily over the next 4 hours. I drove to the other side of town to help a friend unpack after moving and it was 36 by then. It started raining on the way home and it has been above freezing ever since. There is school today and I am subbing in the lower elementary wing. I may also have that interview today for that job if they call me. It is nice to get back to normal schedule again- the snow was pretty but time to move on. My older son comes home today- actually he will be at his dad's tonight but I will see him this weekend. Looking forward to hearing how things went! The university advised parents to insist on seeing grade reports before paying tuition for the next term. I think I will ask him first before getting into a power struggle... Younger son has been busy with fundraisers for his scout group. This week he has been selling Christmas trees and one more week of that. He has been doing a great job doing that- showing leadership and taking initiative to clean things up and organize the trees when there are no customers. I am not putting up a real tree this year because my allergies have been acting up but I have a small fake one that I will put up this weekend. The cats will likely have a grand time with it!
  22. No school again today due to icy roads and immanent freezing rain
  23. Oh, and I heard back from the healthcare and they wanted to know where my 13 year old son is employed... Really? That's government for you...
  24. Typical bully situation. Glad you guys figured it out. I always wonder what has happened to childhood bullies when they grow up. Sometimes people really regret having been a bully when young and really feel bad for that pain they inflicted on others.
  25. Well this morning it is 15 degrees F. They keep saying it will go above freezing but it hasn't happened yet. Once it goes above freezing then many people will find that some of their pipes froze and burst. Plumbers have been very very busy this week. I think all of my pipes are fine because I put covers on the outside faucets a few weeks ago. And I have been keeping the water running with lots of laundry and dishes... It's finals week at the university and they had to cancel finals one day when the weather was so bad. So the finals go one day later. My son's last final is on Thursday so his dad will pick him up on Friday. Then he is off until January! He will be with me starting on Sunday. On Friday his dad is taking him to dinner at my former inlaws, since they haven't seen him since he started school. I had a weird dream about my ex's current gf. In my dream i was being given a ride by a friend of mine who said she had to drop something off somewhere. It turned out to be my ex's gf's house. I felt so uncomfortable there and wanted to leave but I was stuck there because my friend was driving. The gf was making a big bucket of mimosas in preparation for a party or graduation celebration. She had big curtains up along the sides of her back yard for the celebration. Weird weird weird... I think it is because I have had to talk with my ex about Christmas schedules with the boys which involved me being flexible with their schedule so they can (all together) go visit her kids out of town. And that's fine- my ex gets them for Christmas this year. Also had to have a lengthy conversation strategizing what to do financially if our tenant's business continues to have issues. I think it will be okay in the long run but the winter is a tough time for their business. We just paid property taxes so our business account reserves are a bit low. Anyhow I hope not to waste any more dreamtime on my ex and his gf! She's a nice person and all, and I do feel sorry for her being sucked in by my ex's charm. But I have my own life- I don't need to be in theirs, even in my dreams!
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