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  1. That sounds good... you are going to be away from eachtoher for a year he prob will need to look at porn and weather or not you give him permission then he prob will.. but you should i think its the right idea cuase wouodln't you rather him pleasuring him self to a movie or somthing rahter then some girl you don't know... right i think we all know taht answer... haha trust him and tho and try your best to get up their more often... 8)
  2. I completely agree... they went all out with helping you outt and you should really follow that... at the age thirteen i thought i was bi and now i know i am strait its just becuase at that age.. everything is starting to take place and you don't really know until you mature more what you really are or want as a sexual partener... hope everything worked out...
  3. Hey there... well sounds like you have a problem i had one similar here goes... My best friend dated a guy named joe who was in the grade higher then us... so we were just partying and drinking and such one night and got to talking and this was liek 2 weeks after they broke up.. befor i knew it we were together and for liek 4 months we kept it a secret.. well when i finally told my friend she flipped out but managed to get past it.. this was a bad thing that you did but the longer you keep it a secret the worse it will get i suggest you tell the truth thats what set me free after the whole thing.. and then after that it did take a very long time for her to regain trust and get used to it but the guy joe and got together again... but i dont' think you shuold contiue with this girl you will prob. regret it adn it probably isn't worth the damage you will do on your relationship with your brother... family comes way befor stuff like that... well I hope i could help in some ways.. best of luck
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