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Posts posted by jimbucktwo1776

  1. this is bs. How would anyone know, did they conduct a survey on every man? It's propaganda to make the "lifestyle" more acceptable. So there's a few fags out there, big deal.


    And besides, if 5 out of 10 are gay, hopefully the unmarried ones will not marry (a woman)-and hopefully not sleep with a woman, and thereforeeeeee not reproduce. Survival of the fittest I suppose, hah.



  2. Men like girls who are themselves. So why don't you figure out if you like to wear a lot of makeup, or a little, or none at all. Guys will like you better if you do what you like, instead of what you think will make them like you.




  3. DUMP HER. She's obviously a controlling manipulative person who doesn't trust you because of her own deficiencies-what ever they may be. And it will only GET WORSE OVER TIME. Dump her. Or just talk to as many girls as you want, and be honest with her about it. That will put the ball in her court, and she'll have to make the decision to trust you or leave.



    That's a good idea.






    That's that.

  4. Definitely talk to your friend first and READ HER BODY LANGUAGE. She will probably say it's okay, even though she may not mean it. You girls are like that and you know it. Read her body language, if it tells you to "stay away or lose our friendship," then don't persue it.


    She may say it's okay, and for now it might be, but she may get jealous when she sees you with him, and then it could change. Only persue that type of relationship if your friendship with her is strong enough to handle it, and only if your relationship with him is worth losing hers.


    It can work out, but it's like dancing on thin ice.

  5. First, try your posts from now on in clear english, with spelling the best that you can....words like wats for what's and da for the make you look stupid- and the post hard to follow.


    I don't think you're stupid, so work on it, you'll get more replies.



    Second- she's confused about herself and doesn't know what she wants. Break it off with her for a while and see how it goes. Tell her to call you when she figures out what she wants, because you do not play these mind games.


    Girls love mind games like this-and guys do it too. Just stand your ground and say that you won't follow them around while they try to figure out if they want to be with you.







    That's that.

  6. It is worth it to wait. There are other things you can do with him, where you won't give up your virginity.



    Ask anyone you know, most will tell you that they regret their first time.

    It is worth it to wait.


    And, I've never heard a person who waited say that they regret waiting.






    That's that.

  7. What the hell kind of person are you? Don't you have the values to not sleep with a married person. Sure, they are just as bad if not worse than you, but you are just asking for trouble .


    He is a liar-he probably "seduced" her. And in Maryland, married persons can not have contact for a year before the state will finalize the divorce. that means, if they stay apart for 364 days, and on the last day they sleep together, the count starts over. (Don't ask me how they enforce it-I guess it's up to the judge to figure out who's lying)


    Married people hardly ever leave their spouse for their piece on the side. That's all you are to him.


    Respect yourself, have the guts to leave, and find someone better.








    That's definitely that.

  8. When you see her, walk right up to her and introduce yourself, don't wait.


    The longer you wait, the harder it is to do it. After you see her, just go up to her in the first three or four seconds and talk to her. You can go for a drink after the orientation-but you have to build conversation with her first.







    That's that.

  9. Generally I'd agree with your rule: "The only obligation YOU have in life, is the obligation for YOU to be happy. If YOU are not happy, you can't make someone else happy."


    But-and I hope you don't kick me out or anything- after marriage your obligation is not just to yourself. There is more to the situation here than we outsiders can see or read into, so it's good to get a variety of opinions.


    But generally- I disagree with this rule if there is a marriage. Once there is a marriage, an obligation to your family takes priority over yourself- NO, not in all cases, but generally.






    That's that.

  10. A mistake-never. Sometimes freedom has to be stolen for it to be realized. For when it is realized, the realization is that it was not stolen, only returned to it's rightful keepers-the individuals.


    Cubans don't revolt either, wonder what they think.


    Wonder what Red China thinks of freedom?


    Australia, well, weren't they originally an island for criminals?


    We could debate this for hours I suppose.


    Freedom is the nature of man, and controlling others is also in mans nature, when that control over powers the freedom, then you have revolution.


    What about the French Revolution? Agree or disagree?

  11. She's hanging out with all these guys, so if you just hang out with her your the same as all the other guys. Ask her out, just the two of you....separate yourself from the crowd. If she says no, say, "ok, I just thought I'd ask" and play it off. It's no big deal if she says no...you'll just move on to the next girl. The sooner you know the better. You owe it to yourself to find out.


    So stop reading this crap and go ask her out.








    That's that.

  12. First-she wants you to ask her to the movies.


    Second-remember this always-girls do not call, even if they say they will. so what do you do about this- she says she'll call you at 2 and doesn't- well, you call her at 3, saying something like "I wasn't around at 2 and was hoping I didn't miss your call"- that will get the ball rolling.


    Third-what have you got to lose. She wants you to ask her out, in the past girls haven't been the ones to be aggressive, so you need to be more so. She is giving you all the hints to show you that she wants you to ask her out, so do it.



    Fourth- Just ask. The worst that can happen is a no, and like I said on another post, you won't regret not asking, and you'll be proud of yourself for asking.



    Good luck.









    That's that.

  13. I'm not a woman, and this IS CHEATING.


    Cheating does not have to be in person and involve physical contact. Cheating is making an inappropriate connection with someone, when you are committed to someone else.


    Masturbating with someone-even if over the net, is not honoring your spouse, it is not cherishing your spouse, it's down right disrespectful to them, and it is cheating. As a married person, your body belongs to your wife, and hers to you. Sharing your body with someone else is cheating.


    Anyone telling you different doesn't understand the sanctity of marriage.


    You violate your wife's trust in you. You've cheated on her-but if you decide to be honest with her, I'm sure she will forgive you readily because there was no contact.



    This is the truth. And you know it is-don't deny it.







    That's that.

  14. This is not meant to be mean. This is meant to help you - tough love I suppose.






    I have a solution for being tired!!!!!!


    First-Stop taking sleeping medicine-STOP TONIGHT.


    Second-Start running. It will rejuvinate your life and enrich your lifestyle. If you aren't a runner, start for 15 minutes a day, morning or night, as you run more and more, expand it to at least an hour each day, morning or night, or half hour each.


    This is REALLY tough to start doing. Especially when motivation is low-but if you want to change your life, and what's going on inside your head, you need to start somewhere, and this is the easiest way to do so. When you are sitting at home feeling bad, get up, shut up, and start running.


    You will feel better about yourself, you will notice a change in your life. I can promise you that. If you are going to be spending your time being tired, you might as well make it real exhaustion. Then you will be able to sleep.


    Also, do you eat healthy? Enough vitamins and minerals? EXTREMELY Important too.


    Your well being is a scale-upon which you need to balance physical health, mental health, and emotional health. When emotions are running low, bulk up on the other stuff to get you by, and visca versa. It will change your life.


    Run every day.





  15. Think negative. Think negative. Think negative.





    It always makes the answer so much easier to see.



    So here's the real answer:


    Like I tell my friends-and ex girlfriend-quit your bitching and do something about it. JUST DO SOMETHING. Make a promise to yourself to do something about your life. Anything other than sitting around being miserable works. Start running, biking, walking---ANYTHING!


    It's your life, and only you can save it.


    I know this personally.






    That's that.

  16. Get a life, make a life, do something.


    Take up running-not a lot of money needed, just some decent $35 adidas.

    Take up bike riding-or something else athletic.


    Try to meet other people who are in the same or similar situation. Make some friends and go out for a guys night out-you need time away from your work and home life where you can relax and let go---and wearing a bra and panties will just screw up your head even more.


    Get into something constructive- creative cooking, gardening, sports, book club, join a gym, start your own business if you're not satisfied at work.


    You control your own life. Porn and dressing like a lady are not the answers. Do something constructive.






    That's that.

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