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Posts posted by foreverurz23

  1. well making out is easy, i just got done with my first year of highschool and now i am a soph. its just like a a french kiss but you keep doing a bunch of lil french kisses all in one sension and it is really romatic. diffrent people like it diffrent ways, some like alot of toung and some dont, try not to clash teeth and breath through your nose. after a while when you are use to it you will be trying diffrent ways! trust me, it is fun!

    good luck


  2. i think a highly romatic date would be a movie, and then a romatic dinner and then at night if it is a clear sky just a rome around the lake under the stars alone and have no one else on the date with you! and make sure you tell her how you feel about her! have a good one

    good luck!


  3. i think the prob here is trust, what if you put your self in his shoes and had alot of guy friends like i do? i mean it would be one thing if another girl was hanging on my guy but if hes just talking to him, you really need to share this with him and maybe your not ready for a relationship yet! you need to put your self in his place first before acting!



  4. you know, she isnt your problem anymore. you have your own life and she has hers. keep those tickets to your self. shes just taking advantage that you are such a great guy. maybe you are just feeling the after effects, you never know, i'm still feeling them after 5 months becuase i broke up with a guy after a year and a half relationshiop and 2 DAYS after i started going out with another! it will live with you but you dont want it to live you down. after her letting her friend in on her and your business, you shouldnt give in to her and start playing your own feild here.



  5. okay, i think i have something that could really help you here. there is something call ed a cockring that is used for when you loose your hardon. right when you have the feelings coming, stretch it out and put it at the base of your penis,and only leave it on there no more than 20 mins or else you can run into some pretty bad probs becuase a man has blood valves in his penis and this helps to keep the blood from going out or you cvmming so fast. another is to have you girlfriend keep doing what shes doing but this time have her make you cum while she is giving oral, and a man gets another erection in another 20 mins so during that 20 mins you can be stimulating her and massaging her so by the time you get another hard on she'll be so wet you dont know what hit her and then you both can go at it! maybe you two will come at the same time. if this doesnt work i dont really know any other stradigys and i think its time to get into the doc.



  6. i think the thought of guys giving a massage is so sexy. everyone has there own way but you gotta ask her were it hurts or were she is tense first. and then gentaly go at it just putting pressure on the area with your fingures. i was thinking of going in to college to be one of those massage people they say *i have da fingures* oh well. if you are wanting to turn her on a lil, just lightly kiss down her neck while doing it, it will send shivers down her back and she wond know what hit her!



  7. hey, i guess you could say girl to the rescue right??? well i do trim down there and i'm not afraid to say it. shaving is a testy thing in a girls case but i am not to sure about a guys becuase when we end up shaving, you have a chance of getting raiser burn or even rashes and its not very comfortable. *i've lived with it* it sucks. unless you do it very often and get used to it i would not shave. trimming is just fine as long as your fine with it. i just started a sex life of my own and i started to trim and it seams more comforable for me becuase the guy knows that everyone has hair down there but they dont want it to be like a big bush! hope u know were i'm coming from. you dont want to open someones pants and then *POOF* (GET OUT THE CUTTERS) lol, put its perfectly natural whatever you want to do. just make sure *be da woman* there is a word out there that is very powerful ~NO~



  8. what i think you really need to do in your case is to sit back and think to yor self for a while on this topic. you need to pick out the good from the bad and then relize who your real friends are. what if something were to happen, i mean something that would show you who your real friends were. take like a car accident, a real friend would stay byyour side through the whole thing and really know what you needed through the situation. you relly need to get out and find a group of friends that wont take advanage of how nice you really are becuase thats the way you are and there is nothing that is really going to change that. somewere out there that is going to be come really handy to you and you need to keep that. there may be a girl/guy out there that needs that support that you are willing to give, you need to put your foot down and say your not going to take sh*t like that no more.

    good luck


  9. this sounds like a very complicated situation. have you ever both talked about going to a counsler??? in this case, it might just be enough to try it becuase if your loosing someone after 3 years, thats a big part of your life. or if thats not an option, i would never ask him who he finds attractive becuase ever one is diffrent and there may be a chance just like in your case when you always know that you will never be just like them. try diffrent things and ask him if he really likes them becuase there is always hope, i dont think people these days really relize that there are so many things out there that could help you before you throw the towel in. but hopefully if worse comes to worse you can always be very good friends, you know someday you may look back on it and say that happened for a reason and be so proud of your self. i was in a relationship for about a year and half and around the 12th month it just seemed like him and i just took the separate paths. but just remember, everything happenes for a reason and soon hopefully you will find the path that you are right to be on.

    good luck


  10. first of all this is truly infactuation it sounds like that you are going through so dont jump the gun when saying that you love this girl becuase love is a feeling that you feel so much more comfortable around the person. but anyway i was in your shoes for about 2 years with a guy around my jr high years. everytime he came by i turned red just for heck of it! ya know the butterflys in stomach all of those things, what you really need to do it to get her online or something were you really dont feel threatened. and just start out from there or even the phone might help. and then work bigger when you know that the time is right.

    good luck

  11. confused soul, i dont think its how young you are that really matters, love can happen to you in any point in time, you are still worried about hanging out with your friends when you are still like in your 30s and 40s! so its not the age that matters, its just that your happy that counts, some peoples love lives are more important than just friends and some people that start out earlyer can give those that start out later the advice that they are starving for! everything happenes for a reason, just in the case i have a friend that is going out with a 24 year old and she is only 16, it doesnt matter! i'm going out with a 17 year old and i am only 16 and i am the happiest that i have ever been in my whole life, so i think everyone and everything deserves love no matter how old they are and it doesnt matter if it is just friend love or that true love that everone is starving for.

    good luck

  12. one thing that i always find useful is "what are you into" thereforeeeeee you two can match up to what you both are into and use that as your topic. like if you both are into cars! and know alot about them, you can invite her or him over sometime to work on the moter for a while! one thing leads to another! did i acually type that???

    good luck

  13. i was wondering if anyone could help me on advice of how to give a hicky!!! do guys like recieving them, i that never done them before and i would someday just like to try this. this is really imbarresing and my boyfriend doesnt know how to do it either. i kisses my neck but thats all. how do they feel and what do others think about them? well hope others can help with my problem!


  14. i think what you should do is find a few things that you both are really interested in like me and my guy are total hick and we are both into those big cranked up trucks and just like confederet flags and everything and another thing is girls dont like guys who are afraid to do stuff and express what is on their mind but girls still want a guy to respect her. like say if a guy has a kiss on his mind for the first date, she wants him to make sure its okay with her and dont be to tacky either, that just drives me crazy but thats just me. try to be expressive and if you have a talent, use it. just like if you are good at telling stories and you know it, pick out a few and use it! or jokes or something to like the spark! who knows, anything can happen if its ment to be, never know.

    good luck

  15. yes, she might just be one of his close friend, you may never know. but if it isnt, you dont need friends like that becuase you are prolly so much better than them, all they want is to feel sorry for them selfs and everthing else that makes them feel dominet! some men are just pigs! i have been in your shoes before but before you learn all the facts dont get your panties in a wod!

    good luck.


  16. this sounds like a very relistic problem on your hands here. i dont know if you believe in this but everything happenes for a reason. i think inyour case you need to stand back and really think about your reasons still to stay with your boyfriend and even though you really do still love him, does he acually treat you like he loves you the same????? if you were acually ever to marry this man, what would it be like? you got to think about were you are really happy in this feild, you dont deserve this kind of treatment. and if he does really love you, he should support your every move and if you ever do go for his friend *which i think you should becuase you might just me more happier* think of the things that might happen, would you loose your boyfriend as even a friend???? well go with the disisions in your heart and do what you think is best, just think before you act.

    good luck

  17. okay, i had a relationship with this guy for about a year and a half. it ended with me braking it off and then two days lata i got with this new guy. now he has been mad at me ever since and everytime we get together we fight. i dont know how to stop our comuntication for good, i am still physicaly attracted to him but not emotionaly. please help.

  18. sometimes my mike goes to far when he is in front of his friends becuase he just likes to play around with certian stuff and when i do get pissed or eritated about what he is doing i hold it in and i dont let him know till alot alot later about how i felt, is this wrong to do or should i somehow let him know right on the spot about how i was feeling?

  19. an orgasm is the same thing as and orgy. an oragasm is the climax of sex or masterbation when you know that you cant go any more, and orgasm for a guy is when you cum also "sperm"

  20. i'm having troubles even having pleasure when my boyfriend is finguring, he does it light and fast just like a penis would go in and out of the clit. i dont know if there could be any ways that i could get some plessure out of it or maybe even possibly come. there was one time that it did really feel good but it was a position that hurt him and i dun wanna do that again. plz help

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