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Posts posted by just_smile

  1. hey

    he might not know where he stands with you, i would tell him how you feel and give him a chance to tell you how he feels.

    if you want it to go further after what he has said and you both feel the same about each other then make a suggestion of going out properly.


    hope this helps

    ~LJ =;

  2. Hey all

    Instead of giving advice today I would really like some, you see one of my closest friends [ill call her Emma] well we have know each other for like 13 years, nearly our whole life. Recently we haven't been able to talk to each other and this is really bothering me. She has started to get in with the 'in' crowd, and I think it has kind of gone to her head. Its like this, when we are talking and one of the 'more' popular people walk past she doesn't really pay any attention to us, her whole body language changes, she turns her back to us and acts as if she is really great and that were just some lil minute thing which doesn't matter, if she talks to them, then she'll totally forget the conversation we were having and start one with them and as soon as they have gone she tries to regain the one we were have before hand and act all normal, but its not right?


    The reason this is really getting to me so much is, not that I am jealous because id rather be myself and true to my friends than someone who is popular, the reason is because she fell out with one of her old friends for doing the exact same thing to her, awhile back, she doesn't realize that she is doing though that's the problem. I don't know what I should do; do I tell her she is being so two faced? Or what?


    Today we were all at lunch, we normally meet up on Fridays because we have it at the same time, but today she comes into dinner late with some people from the 'in' crowd, looks at us and then walks straight past us as if we were nothing to her.


    I just know that if she continues like this and we don't sort it out and the 'in' crowd drop her then by that time we'll not be there to pick her up again and she wont have any one and she'll be all alone and that's not what I want.


    Do I talk to her about? But how with out there being a really big argument? Help.


    Thanks for reading if you made it this far, i mainly needed to vent but any advice or opinions are welcome.


    ~LJ =;

  3. hey again

    you could either ask a friend to find out what you have in common or that could be some thing you talk about you could say something like ' so what kind of music do you like' or something along those line.


    ~LJ =;

  4. hey

    i wouldnt let your stammer defeat you. i would ask her out. if she is always with her friends couldnt you ask her after school if they arent around, or if you dont want to do it face to face then if she has an IM you could talk to her on there or on the phone.


    i dont think that she will be bothered about your stammer, i wouldnt worry about it.


    hope this helps

    ~LJ =;

  5. hey bob

    i would just find out what they are interested in and what you have in common and then strike up a conversation from there because if you have certain things in common then that is one thing you can talk about.


    hope this helps

    ~LJ =;

  6. hey guys

    recentally i have been feeling as though i cant talk to my mates (its not all my mates just my closest) about anything no matter how trivial it may be, i know people change, but it seems as though i can connect with them anymore. i dont know whether it is normal and it is just us all changing, do any of you guys have this problem?

    is there anything i can do? i really dont want to loose them they're really great mates. could it be that i have spent too much time with them?


    any help would be great, thanks

    ~LJ =;

  7. hey


    i totally agree with Shoong and CK i really dont see the point in celebrating valentines day, its just any other normal day theres nothin spec about it except everyone gets all mushy and it just make me sick.



    i think that you shouldnt need a special day to tell someone you love them they should already know it, besides what are you going to gain from a card and a box of chocolates except a couple of pound and a loads or rubbish which you will throw away in a couple of days anyway. i think its a load of crap.


    so have a great valentines day everyone

    ~LJ =;

  8. hey

    i agree with music is the key if hes older than you i would stay away, as for the Q's so what if he doesn't talk to you all night go out and have a laugh anyway, if he cant be bothered to talk to you then he obvioulsy isnt worth talking to. if he would be so ignorant to then just screw him, hes the one who will loose.


    ~LJ =;

  9. hey guys


    i see where your coming from because reading is a great thing but you cant use it as an escape goat, isn't the book just as bad as a friend because once the book is finished isnt it like the friend dumping you, because you dont have that best friend to back you up anymore?


    but wolfy i know the feeling, it feels as if no one would care if you werent there tomorrow, its as if no one listens no matter how much you scream, they cant hear you. sometimes i just want to hide in my room until the weekend is over too.


    i hope your friends realise how important you are to them

    ~LJ =;

  10. hey

    im not dissing you or anything but wouldnt it be better to go to England, the English and American language differs slightly and if you wanted to learn how to speak English wouldnt that be the best place to go?


    but i think that Florida, New York or Chicago would be some of the best places to go


    just my thoughts

    ~LJ =;

  11. wow, that was an amazing post,you are truly lucky, i cant believe anyone could live through that. i think that your post is very inspirational to people who need a reality check to go and live their life while they still have time.


    ~LJ =;

  12. hey guys

    i was wondering what are everyones opinions on abortion, and whether you believe in it or not

    i have a few questions for you to answer, so here goes:


    1) do you believe in abortion?


    2) do you believe there are any reasons why someone should have an abortion?


    3) do you believe there are any exceptions to having an abortion?


    4) what are your religions views (if you are religious) on abortion?


    ~LJ =;

  13. hey

    yes i do think that they are signs and it may have been too early to take the test i would wait a few day and do it again, but you may just be late because some of those signs are normal like being emotional, tender nipples and mood swings, are those signs normal for that time or is it something which you dont experience every month and that is why you think you may be pregnant.

    i would just wait a few days and try again

    ~LJ =;

  14. hey

    i dont think there is anything wrong with standing up for what you believe in, i think your friends should just accept it as part of your personality and the way you are.

    i think that you should correct them in certain situations, but if it becomes a regular thing then they may feel as if they cant have an opinion when your around.

    maybe you should try and not bring your work home with you (or into your social group)

    hope this helps

    LJ =;

  15. hey

    i though that it was great, i loved the way the word flowed, i though the poem was very heartfelt. i also find it hard to make my poems not rhyme, and in doing so it takes me hours to write them.

    anyway i think you have a talent and should keep writing no matter how long it takes

    ~LJ =;

  16. hey

    i know what you mean, i see really slim people everywhere. some of my mates can eat and eat and eat but not gain any weight.


    there are reasons why these people can eat and eat and not again any weight, this could either be because:

    a) you just dont see them do the exercise

    b) they have an over active thyroid gland; or

    c) their metabolism rate is very fast (not sure if those are same / related)


    its not just teenage girls who dont do any exercise and dont gain any weight when they eat, its is guys too. both guys and girls can be as active as one another, not only the stereotype sports and activities for each gender but others, such as girls can play football etc and guys can dance for instance.

    one of my guy mates is slimmer than most of the girls well infact most of the guys are. they can all eat for england, the amount of junk food they eat is what i can only dream about.


    so anyways, i do agree with the statement that people can be slim without any exercise, but it is both male and females who can. also that most of the time it catches up with them becasue they stop watching what they eat in comparision to the amount of exercise that they do, conciquently they become fat.


    i personally have no problem with larger people, they are no different from you or i, just as Ash said, they are still the same person whether they are small or large


    i think i have babbled on a little bit so im gonna stop, it was just my opinion

    ~LJ =;

  17. hey

    i dont know of any hair product which can thicken your hair, but you could try back combing your hair. also depending on how long it is, if you use a hair dryer, if you flip you hair over your head and blow dry it upside down that sometimes works.


    i hope this helps, i know it isnt a hair product or anything, but hay, look on the brightside at least you dont have to buy any.


    ~LJ =;

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