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Posts posted by just_smile

  1. hey guys,

    heres something my friend wrote:

    its called

    the rhythm of my poem.


    The rhythm of my poem

    Is like the beat of my heart

    Never quite the same

    But always to the same cause

    It beats on to the end of time


    The rhythm of my poem

    Is as constant as my love

    It never dies

    It never wavers

    It lives on


    The rhythm of my poem

    Is like the rising sun

    It blooms and blossoms like a flower

    Not a dropping bomb

    Its for life not death


    The rhythm of my poem

    Will reach the corners of the earth

    End distruction

    Beat for one cause

    Which is love and peace


    any comments appreciated, or new verses

    ~LJ =;[/b]

  2. hey

    i personally think that it is cheating, it is just like being with another guy,you should really review the situation and ask your self how she would feel if you did it, if she'd be upset then she cheated.


    ~LJ =;

  3. hey

    she probably wont have heard what was said so dont worry about, and if she did hear it then i dont think that she will be that bothered, besides if she said yes to going to the concert with you then i dont think that she will be too bothered.May be your being a bit paranoid, and should relax a bit because girls don't like paranoid people.

    ~LJ =;

  4. hey

    wow that poem is so true, i really liked it, i think that it tells people no matter how much you try to impress someone it is never enough (in their eyes) no matter how hard youve tried.

    you should just be yourslef and if people dont like you then their not worth knowing.

    also there is no point in trying to be someone your not becuase the people you are trying to impress may not like the person you are trying t be so you msy as well just be yourself

    anyways good poem

    ~LJ =;

  5. hey,

    i dont know if its a hint or maybe just an interest in your life, somne people just like to make conversation.


    so she touhes you etc, that to me sounds like a good sign that she may like you, how about the way she looks at you or her tone of voice?


    if she asks often of what you do, you could say nothing tonight if youd like to come out..any good? (thats if you like to)


    ~LJ =;

  6. hey

    i personally dont really like talking on the phone, to me its just like talking on MSN or other intant messages, you cant see their facial expressions, so you dont know whether you are boring them or making them happy, upset, angry etc, so i prefer talking to people face to face; that way you can tell if they are interested, if they keep eye contact.


    hope this helps

    ~LJ =;

  7. hey

    id say that being drunk or on a buzz makes you tell the truth, its like a truth potion.


    i know when im on a buzz that id say things which i wouldnt usually say to people, because when im in a large group of people i dont usually say certain things but when im on a buzz i dont really mind saying them,


    a while ago we had a party at one of my friends houses and my sister like this guy i had been talking to and started to get to know, she didnt want to tell me but she ended up getting totally out of her head and told me and him, so thats why i think that it makes you tell the truth.


    hope this helps

    ~LJ =;

  8. i still think that he should give you as much love as you deserve, and i think you should fight for what you deserve but only if it deserves you.


    i think that if you can forgive and forget then maybe you should be together, but only if he gets rid of the other women soon, because you dont deserve being one of two women that he has. he seems to be the only one who is gaining something positive from it. whereas you get all the pain from all of this


    ~LJ =;

  9. hey

    first off does the other woman know about you?


    secondly if i were you i would either get rid of him (only as a partner) and keep him as a friend because im sure that you will find someone who will love you as much as you love them and wont even think of being with someone else no matter how vindictive they are!


    id like to know one thing and that is why did you let him keep seeing her, how could you forgive and forget what he had done?


  10. hey

    condoms deffinatly arent 100% safe. i know what i am going to say probably wont change what you are going to do but im still gonna say it. if the relationship is going well then why cant you wait until your legal, im sure if he cares about enough then he will wait until then. if something did happen (eg the condom spilts) and you did become pregnant then he could be done for rape because you under age. besides your fist time probably wont be as glorious as it is made out to be, usually it is very painful and uncomfortable.

    anyways just my opinion you dont have to act on just take in what i have said.

    hope this helps you make the right decision for you

    ~LJ =;

  11. hey colls, great topic

    i think that gay/lesbian marriages should be legalised, just as Gilgamesh said a marriage is a contract between two people and i believe that as long as the two people truly love each other then i think that they should be married, i dont think it should be based on whether they are gay/lesbian/or straight, it should be based on their feelings for each other. i think that it should be leagal for gay/lesbian couples to get married, its not like it is hurting other people, and besides they are still going to have feelings for the other person no matter what other peoples views are, they cant change how they feel for each other.


    hope helps

    ~LJ =;

  12. hey neva_black_white,

    i dont believe there is sucha thing as being too honest, i think you should tell people how you feel and what you believe, everyone has an opinion on things, so you say what you believe, no matter how small or insignificant you think it is.

    hope this helps ~LJ =;

  13. hey guys

    i believe that cheating isnt a good things but not necessarily a bad thing, i think that it is a test of love, or a least that is what people use it for.

    people cheat to test their love and how strong it is, but also because they dont want to hurt their partner, that sounds kinda strange but it might be that they dont want to hurt them by ending it so they cheat, conciquently hurting them in the process.

    it depends what you classify as cheating,being with someone, kissing someone else, or sleepin with someone else or somethin different. i think it tests how strong you are and how much you trust the person,

    anyways hope this helps

    ~LJ =;

  14. hey rickothesicko,


    1) i think that she wanted you to ask her, girls like it when a guy asks them out themselves instead of getting someone else to do it. it makes you seem confident and willing.


    2) i think it depends on what type of girls she is, if shes forward then i dont think that she would mind being teased but if shes the quieter type then i dont think that she would appreciate it.


    3) i think that she knows what you were gonna ask, but going back to number 1) i think that she would like you to ask her.


    hope this helps

    ~LJ =;

  15. hey

    i think that shes a lil ignorant, either shes doing it as a joke and attention or maybe she just doesnt like talking on the phone to guys becuase i know that i dont, well in fact i cant stand talking on the phone to anyone you cant see emotions

    anyways hope this helps

    ~LJ =;

  16. hey guys,

    i like to share something with you that i have been writing for a while, i just completed it a few days ago and didnt have time to post it so here it is

    its called



    I just wanna sleep and never wake

    Because you cause the tears i make

    All you do is vent

    And off on one you went

    A long time to get over this i will take


    People say think before you act

    You never know how people will react

    I hear all the door slam

    You say your lifes a scam

    Without realising its impact


    It all seems like a downward slide

    Its just killing me inside

    How can you do this to me

    Really dont you see

    Until i realised why you hide


    With you i have to be wise

    When i look into your eyes

    Deeper than you know

    Or that i could ever show

    I see your smiles disguise...


    well thats it i hope you liked it

    ~LJ =;

    any thoughts about it would be apreciated.

  17. hey

    its up to you, you could offer, but sometimes a girl likes her independence, besides the times have changed and a guy doesnt have to pay for everything, but yes it would be the gentlemanly thing to do, id just ask her

    hope this helps

    ~LJ =;

  18. hey Jaxon,

    i dont think that you should have to tell her that you love her, she should know it, anyways, you could show her that you love her, take her out do something just the two of you.

    i know charmed said that the three words i love you can get a bit boring and overused within a realtionship but if you use the word when you truly mean them then they shouldnt feel overused and become boring.

    i guess you could say .... i love spending time and doing things with you ... i dont really know just let it come from the heart i guess ... wow that really sounded cheesey

    i hope someone else has ideas, i dont know whether this was any help, i hope it was

    ~LJ =;

  19. hey lonedrifter18,

    wow i thought that it was great, was unfinished poem the name or was it really unfinshed and needs more adding to it? because i think that it is fine how it is, i thought that it was deep, heartfelt and powerful.

    anyways if you need help with it i somethimes write so i might be able to.


    hope this helps

    ~LJ =;

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