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Everything posted by yume

  1. I think you should ask her out, not like a date but just to hang out, then maybe later on it wouldn't be as awkward when you tell her how you feel about her. You should slowly advance your relationship with her, give her a call once in a while (if you already do then it's koo) to just say hi, which shows that you are a nice caring person, but don't move too fast. Because when guys move too fast, to me it seems like they are not really the serious type.
  2. yes i feel you, i was in the same situation as you but unfortunately we didn't work out. i know he did have feelings for me and i did for him but it was bad timing. Anyway, I think she feels the same way about you but doesn't want to hurt her current bf. If it is true as you mentioned that she doesn't love her bf then I think it's fine for you to step in and confront her about your feelings towards her. i hope you guys work out don't lose this good opportunity.
  3. are you a guy? if you are then do you dress in certain ways that might piss women off? If you are a girl maybe they all just jealous.
  4. get your friend to ask him or befriend his friend and make him or her ask him.. hehe
  5. Recently one of my really close friend came back from college and she had plans to chill with her ex and his friends so I ended up going along with them. It's really fun when we all went out but one of his ex's close friend started liking me and is constantly calling. We chilled a couple of times so far, he always seemed so nice. He drives a really nice car, is willing to pick us up anytime anywhere we want and has been paying for everything. He told my friend that he really likes me but I don't think I'll be interested in dating him. I haven't rejected him and am just trying to avoid bringing up this topic when we are together. I'm afraid that if I tell him off he's going to think that I have been using him even though I'm trying to keep a distance and have been somewhat paying for myself. He told me he likes me the last time we were together but I pretended to not hear him and he's probably going to mention it again the next time I see him. I do like to go out with him as a group and he's a really koo friend but I don't want to tell him off. What should I say or do to maintain just that friendship and not make him hate me?
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