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Everything posted by MelissaD

  1. Hi..... I have this problem.....My boyfriend, who I've been dating for almost 10 months, is a sophomore, and I am a junior in high school. He is older than me, almost 18, and he was held back for a second year of grade 10 when he failed last year. Today I found out that he will be held back AGAIN next year, so i will be a senior, him a sophomore. I know it sounds cruel and heartless, but I am slightly embarrassed about this situation. I love him a lot, he was my first everything. It's not that he's slack or stupid, but expressing himself on paper just doesn't "flow" with him, and it frustrates him so much that he just can't explain himself with a pen. My problem is this----I'll be graduating next year, and I want a good future for myself, but I don't want to hang around, waiting 2 more years (or more!) for him to join me outside of high school. I always figured if you loved someone enough, nothing would stand in your way and hinder you being with them. Now I realize is it easier said than done. I love him so so much. Melissa
  2. Hey.... I know what you mean about loving someone who is so damn difficult. It sounds like you truly love her though. As much as people will tell you that it is not worth the trouble and that it is so stressful, i think they are all wrong. If you love someone enough, then there is absolutely no reason you should not be with them. Like the quote in the Mexican....."When you love someone so much, when do you get to the point where enough is enough? Never."
  3. Hi.... I'm 17, and I live in Germany. A bit more than 9 months ago, I met this wonderful guy, and fell completely in love with him. He was perfect for me.....he always wanted to spend time with me, talk on the phone, etc. He told me I was beautiful, complimented me all the time, and just made me feel really good about myself. Lately though, after he made friends (he had just moved here) he started "forgetting" to call, forgot dates he invited me on, and never wants to spend as much time together as we used to. Also, before he moved here, he was into drugs alot. When he got here it stopped for a while, but when he met new people it became more and more frequent. I told him so mnay times how much it hurt me to watch him get back into what he was so lucky to have gotten away from, and he just felt like I was nagging him bout it. The truth is, I love him so much and I just want what's best for him. I realize that he doesn't feel the same as he used to and it is very selfish of me to try and change him back, but this hurts so bad, and I feel like I've done something wrong. It makes sense, why wouldn't he love me anymore?
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