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Everything posted by mmq19711607306447

  1. I really need some good advice to anyone who can offer it. My boyfriend and I broke up 2 1/2 weeks ago. I blame myself as I verbally abused him alot. When we last fought I kicked him out. Ever since I have been trying to get him back. At first he was going to come back but then said he changed his mind because he didn't trust me. As well his family is against him coming back. I know he loves me he tells me that his feelings has not changed and that he is afraid. I have tried everything, I told him I would get counsilling to change my ways but he won't come back. He is at the bar every weekend drinking, I don't want that for him. He doesn't want to talk when I call and he says he is fine but when I call he cries and hangs up on me. Do anybody have any tips to offer me. MMQ1971
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