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  1. thank you so much everyone, i finally talked to him about how I was feeling, and it all turned out great. He's coming out of his shell. I just want to clear things up about him mistreating me. he didn't mistreat me, he just wasn't very open with his feelings. He had a hard time talking about how he feels about me, but know that's done.
  2. I was in a similar situation not too long ago. My b/f of 3yrs was not there for me as much I needed towards the end, and I met this guy through a coworker. He was there everytime my b/f was busy or wouln't answer the phone. I also told him that we were just friends, that he was just someone I talked to, but before I knew it I started to like this guy a little more than I should of. I started arguing with my b/f all the time and he became very jealous. The more we argued the closer I got to this guy. I didn't realized at the time that my b/f was right, that I was the one causing the problem. I'm not saying that your girl thinks the same way, but we women are much more emotional than you guys. We look for emotional confort and attention. Talk to her and ask her what she needs from you. What she would like to see differently. If she's happy with you and you give her everything she needs, and you make her feel special and loved, like she's most important and most beautyful girl in the world, then she wont need to spend so much time if any with her guy friend.
  3. he basically moved me into his place. I was really sick one day, when I came over to his place after work. i wasn't able to go home that night, and i actually got sicker and he had to take me to the hospital the next morning. i was there for about a week. When i got out I went back to his place to pick up my car and he didn't want me to be home alone, so he asked me to stay. Then slowly he made it clear that he didn't want me to leave. And last night after he had a few drinks at the suprebowl party we went to, he started talking about getting a house in six year, and he even asked me if I could have kids, and he wants 2 kids, one bofore his thirties and the other around 35. Does this mean that he thinks of a future together?
  4. Guys, I need your advice here. My boyfriend and I have been dating about 8 months. I know that's not that long, but we already live together. the problem i have is that i can't tell if he has feelings for me. He never says anyhting. he acts very distant all the time, and only every now and then will he show any affection. the only times I can tell he cares about me is when he's been drinking. He's treats me well and all, but I need some reasurance. I don't know if he just has a hard time expressing his feelings or he just doesn't care.
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