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Everything posted by squirrley

  1. Well, you have to realize she's very young. You said she was a freshman and you were a junior??? Young girls tend to be " young and stupid" I say this because I speak from experience. As I got older and matured, i realized my true feelings towards all of my ex boyfriends and realized they were just crushes. Now I have a serious boyfriend of a year and 10 months which is a relationship that has grown and we're really good friends. But we're about to experience the long distance problem to because he's going to college, but you need to see that if she really loves you and it's not just some crush she'll eventuall open her eyes as she gets older, but it never hurts to talk to her and tell her how she's making you feel. You sound like a really sweet guy and she does need to quit taking advantage of you, thereforeeeeee you need to talk it out with her and find out from her if she feels the same way about you as you do her! I hope i was any help at all!
  2. I know about the g-spot orgasm, but I've had an experience where I feel like i just can't stop moving and I want more from my guy and I was wondering if that is an orgasm of some sort to or if i'm just really into the moment. Also i really want to experience any other kind of orgasm there is and if there are any suggestions on positions to have those please feel free to respond! thanx!
  3. I understand what you mean about being confused on how to arouse him. My boyfriend is my first sexual partner and it took us both some time to understand what to do with eachother in order to get each other in the mood. But what I've learned to do that really gets his fire burnin is I take controll and just totally rip his shirt off. By gently kissing his tummy and lightly touching him all over it gets him super ready not to mention it makes him want to satisfy me to the best of his abliitys aswell!
  4. I'm glad to know that i'm not the only person in the world that is a "squirter"! I was so sure that something was wrong with me, but now that i now other women do tha same thing i feel lots better!
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