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Posts posted by Babes

  1. Yeah I live in East Mill Creek which is close to Holliday and SLC. I am just glad I dont live in Happy Valley I would kill myself if I did. My ex was from there and I hated driving there when a BYU game was going on because it was pure Ass.


    Oh and the Barbie thing why didnt the parents just paint a ring on the finger. THey are so dumb. Parents just like to take all the fun out of life.

  2. I kinda have to be mom because this kid has alot of problems and if he dosent have someone watching out for him he will get himself into trouble. He is failing school until I kicked him in to gear and He has diabetes so that factors in to because I need to make sure he is taking his shots.

  3. Do you ever feel like you have to much on your plate and you just cant handle it. Right now I have way to much going on that I am so depressed I dont even know where to help myself. First of all my Parents are getting divorced I moved out to make things easier on me. Well I moved in with my violin teacher and her husband now has Cancer so I am being mom to there 13 year old son. I just bearly got a new job being a Checker. Plus my sister is pregnant. She is high risk so I am always look after her. Plus I am going full time in college. I know there is way more to it but I cant think. I havent slept in days because I am always doing homework or working or taking care of someone but myself. I know I should just take time for myself but I cant. Im not a selfish person and I know everyone needs me. Sad part is I feel so alone. I know they love me but its not the kind of love that a BF or companion can give you.


    Every night I get into my bed and I cry until my alarm goes off. Whats wrong with me. Why cant I just find peace and be happy. I am so sick of this state of being.


    If anyone knows of some good techniques to destress your life without it taking alot of time I would love to know. I just dont have time for Yoga anymore and it makes me cry.

  4. I would like it more in depth. The parts of my body that are being hurt is everything he beats my whole body my head my legs my back my chest my stomach. I mean everything. everything is bleeding. I can see but blood is dripping down so when I try to see blood drips down. I am still having this dream and it really scares me.


    I guess my uncounsous mind really wants me to die

  5. For the last 3 nights I have been having the same dream. If anyone knows what it means I would really like to know. Thanks in advance!


    I am in my parents home practicing my violin and my mom has a chopstick and everytime I mess up she hits that part of my body that I messed up on. Oh I am playing 18th variation. Then I am sitting on the table putting my violing away and I hear yelling in the other room. I look in the other room and I see Blood all over the wall and pain starts to go through my whole body. I notice i am bleeding everywhere and the Man the mother is having an affair with is Beating me with a Stick that has spikes in it. He beats me until I die.......all I am thinking is while I am being beat is why the people on the other side of the room wont help me. I can hear them talking and laughing but no one would help me. I judst kept saying to myself I am all alone. I am all alone. I woke up when I died. When I wake up I am in a lot of pain and I am crying

  6. I am so scared. I am afraid to talk to speak to even make a sound. Pain is rushing through my body bruses everywhere. I dont know where some of them came from. Why was the kid watching me while I was sleeping. All day his eyes were on me. Didnt they notice that there son couldnt stop looking at me. I am afraid to make friends because I always seem to make the wrong ones. They use me. They use my kindness to get what they want. They could careless about my feelings. All they care about is themselfs. Dont they realize if they leave I will be more depressed.That they will just bring more pain to me. Why do I think of others before myself. I care more about other people then I do myself. I think being Selfish is a curse because in the long run you will end up alone....I guess I was wrong careing for others leaves you to be all alone.


    Im scared, in tears and ALONE!!!!

  7. Keep trying your hardest and then you can never say you didnt try. Try to talk to her every chance you get even if its just how are you? if something is wrong how can I help things Like that. and if all fails tell her a story about yourself or ask her a question about herself


    I know how you feel. I think I am bound to roam this earth alone.

  8. Its like reading a sex story except you are involved in it. You have say what is going to happen next.


    Sometimes I think it can be really fun others I just get bored especailly when its just someone random. I have only done that once the rest with guys I have talked to for awhile.

  9. that is really weird. Its like Ann has your wife under a spell or something. Have you tried making plans in advance with your wife to do things. No if ands or buts about it. She has to go just the two of you.


    Maybe you should talk to Ann about tell her that you having her hang out with your wife and to have her in your life but that sometimes you need time to be with your wife alone. If Ann is a good person she will understand. If not she needs professional help because she is mentally not balanced

  10. Pick up and leave he will never realize what he is missing if you stay around. Even if you plan to come back just pick up and leave for a week. Dont tell him where you are going or what you are doing. Dont answer your cell phone if you have one and tell your parents not to tell him where you are. He will never realize if you stay around and keep begging

  11. YES I know I would because I have done it. I fought for my ex and I. My sisters hated him so did my best friend but I still love him and I feel still that he is the one that I will marry someday.


    He was just so shy people didnt know the real Jeremy they only thought he was quiet and shy and never talked to me so I always got my way so thats why I liked him.

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