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Newo Ikkin

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Posts posted by Newo Ikkin

  1. I'm a frontline emergency ambulance technician.....will qualify as a paramedic in 18 months. Have wanted to do this for years and now I've finally got there it's everything I imagined it to be. I love it.


    Always wanted to be a paramedic


    Currently student who doesnt have a scooby where to go next. Translation, maybe? Maybe.

  2. I understand what you're saying. But her general safety comes first, and if that means shutting up as opposed to having seven shades of * * * * knocked out of her, thats what I'll advise her to do.


    I was bullied, the school and police dealt with it and I was never bothered by her again. Call me lucky, but it worked for me.

  3. I'm a strong believer of not being able to change spots and all that jazz.

    He sounds like quite a character, very ready to blame what's happening on you and not take the responsibilty himself.

    Families being compatible is irrelevant if deep down you two arent. You've already said you're too scared to marry him! Engagement, although poignantly valuable in my eyes, is worlds apart from names on papers. Especially in cases like this. His chance was being given you. He's messed that up already. Why does he deserve another?

  4. If it continues and you cannot handle the bullying, report the happenings straight to the police. They're more likely to do something about it - after all, it is abuse.


    Keep a journal of their actions - what they say, what they do. Get evidence when and where you can - esp on sites like Bebo. Your case will hold better if everyone can see consitency down on paper.

  5. You're not alone...I'm in my second year of A Levels and a lot of issues have screwed up my chances of getting decent grades. Term started on Thursday and I've been too scared to step into school. I plan to have a talk with my head of sixth form today though.


    Angel, you can only do what you can do at the end of the day. With regards to the coursework - isnt it possible to stay behind for an hour or two after school and do some catch up? I'd say you're safe from the bullies in an intelligent place such as a library - its like a cross to a vampire. Additionally, you have all the help you need surrounding you. Just remember, dont swamp yourself with schoolwork because you dont want to get yourself into more of a state. Little by little is the key. If there's anything I can help you with, let me know.


    As for the bullies...well, the r-tards are absolutely everywhere. 95% of schools who claim to have an 'anti-bullying' policy are too scared to use it anyway. Suspension is BS. Just keep your head up girl - you're better than they'll ever be. They're gonna be stuck in dead end jobs for a lifetime 'cause they're using up all this valuable time targeting people like you and I.

    Never retaliate. Never, never retaliate. Dont stoop to their level.



  6. Give her time. You sure she's checked it? Perhaps she just signed in to have a look, but was too busy to respond. Happens all the time.


    Isnt this your fourth thread in 2 days?

  7. The extent of my fiance's french is 'Bonjour, Merci, Au Revoir'...oh, and he learned, 'Je suis desolée' from myself...but I'm an A Level student and can also speak pretty fluent German. And the odd Italian phrase. Do I love him any less? Hell no, it makes him more adorable.

  8. I'm depressed and suicidal now


    Oi oi OI, hang on in there dude. You may not see it now, but you are SO much better off. I don't wanna have to slap you up for doing something stupid.

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