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Newo Ikkin

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Posts posted by Newo Ikkin

  1. I think its more likely the pill than the iron tablets. However, more likely than the both of them put together its what CB said - plain old growth.


    Keep taking the tablets and let your body develop naturally. I know from previous posts you say you have an issue you with your weight - just be proud of yourself. Let your body do its own thing whilst you're still growing. After that, you can sort things out if you still feel the need.

  2. First off, welcome to ENA.


    Angel, you CANNOT carry on living like this.


    I like the letter idea - thats a sensitive and sensible way of approaching things. Can I ask what kind of things you write in these letters? What kind of attitude they're written in?


    Is there anyone closer to home (barring mom and brother) who knows and you can talk to?

  3. As I've said somewhere before - its not unhealthy, but its not necessary. As humans we can physically overcome pretty much everything - we just need the willpower to do so. I wont coo over your situation because I can see from the fact you've had the guts to post in here that you have your head screwed on. Just talk to us a little more.

  4. IMHO - my INSTINCT - says he's playing a dirty game. I'm probably being all assumptuous, and many may argue with me on what I say, but it sounds as though he was breaking his own fall - and making it as comfortable as possible. Should he value your relationship, I apologise for what I'm saying. I personally don't see much value if he's as quick as that to befriend again. You've both done wrong, as you've admitted; but he is taking the piddle.

  5. Ah, sorry for assuming.


    Its a lot more difficult when they can't say what they want, lol!


    Vary speed and grip. Thats about the only tip I can give you before I pass out from exhaustion...

  6. Is the pain down to what you're doing to him? Perhaps some lube could come in handy (or some good ol' fashioned spit). Loosen the grip you have on him? Slow things down, and work them up?

  7. As far as I'm concerned, your mouth shouldn't be hurting for long periods of time.


    Someone correct me?


    Cut your food into small pieces, and take it slowly. Don't be discouraged. I feel greatly for people who suffer with braces so if you need to talk or need advice, dont hesitate to PM me.

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