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Posts posted by BrokenHeart82

  1. Used condoms in the beginning, but she like most women has been on the pill for many years and they stopped using condoms once they were exclusive.


    It isnt that theres any issues with blowjobs, its more why would he feel a need to stop sex and get a blowjob everytime they have sex. I should mention he will pleasure her orally or digitally while this happens. Ive never had a guy do this (stop sex and go back to oral) so i didnt know what to say to her.

  2. So I was talking to one of my girlfriends a few days ago and I thought maybe I could get some advice from this forum.


    And no , sadly, this isnt about Broken..I havent had sexual interaction since my breakup


    Okay so here goes..my friend has been dating a guy for some time...they dont use condoms...anyhow the past 5-6 times theyve had sex he has stipped having intercourse with her and had her finish him off with a blowjob.


    My friend is cool with this but getting kind of annoyed....as if he did this occasionally it would be kind of a sexy/dirty thing to do but with it being every time its tiring to her. Theyll have sex for awhile, shes all cummed out and then she has to fellate someone for another 5-10 minutes.


    He has two small children from a previous relationship..and that woman has been giving him issues lately..do you think he is somehow making sure she doesnt get pregnant?

  3. This begs a question.


    What is the purpose of heels?


    Well they create the illusion of a longer leg for one...when wearing formal attire such as skirts or dresses this is especially flattering.


    Boots and heels tend to pull certain outfits together.


    Whats the point of sportscenter..better question lol

  4. Ummmm...The guy I dated who was shorter then me banged like rabbits with no issues..and if we couldve been paid for cuddling we wouldve been millionaires..no problems there.


    The guy i dated who was like 1 inch taller then me was probably the most compatible physically when it came to sex...it just seemed to flow.

  5. Well see I never really considered myself really TALL either...but most of the females in my family are 5 foot 2 or 5 foot 3.


    I guess for me the guy should notice first and foremost that i look nice and not care that im a couple inches taller. I mean im not discounting them because theyre 5 foot 6 so i thought it was kind of nasty for them to chastise me for my height.


    My ex who was 5 foot 5 absolutely loved me in high heels...but once one of our mutural friends commented "you dont care how tall she is" and he said "nope shes ******* hot!"


    But actually the average height for a female is the US at least is 5 foot 4.

  6. Reading the other thread about shorter men got me thinking and I wanted to ask a question (but decided NOT to hijack the other users thread!)


    So I am a fairly tall girl..a little under 5 foot 7. I love heels and tall boots (i guess you could say im in fashion) and have been told before by family members "why would someone as tall as you wear heels??" As if because im tall i must roam the earth in Keds forever!


    Anyhow I have ventured into internet dating within the last few months and had several guys i talked to online or by phone comment on my height. One was 5 foot 6, the other 5 foot 8 and both (fairly seriously) commented "well i guess you cant wear heels with me" I dated a guy long term in the past who was 5 foot 5 and had no problem with my footwear.


    So is this really what its come to? You have to not only coordinate your shoes to your purse but also your dates size?


    Men, would it bother you if you were an inch taller then a girl you hit it off with and she showed up in heels and now youre 1 and 1/2 or 2 inches shorter?

  7. I hate to get into the "sex wars" here but BellaDonna is correct....many, many men i know as friends or have dated have the fantasy of two women at the same time and its considered almost commonplace.


    If a guy wants two chicks..he's just a "typical, horny, guy"


    If a girl wants two guys...she's an insatiable horn ball.

  8. Very helpful comments everyone, thank you so much!!


    I know that a big part of this is a residual discomfort about my body left over from my bout with anorexia when i was 15-16.


    I understand the guys point where I cant and shouldnt ignore all the wonderful things he says and does and zoom in on the one joking "bad comment".


    But to the women..thank you for showing me im not insane! I think in any context..the words fat or chubby are never well received with women...even if it is in a joking manner.


    Looking back, i think his comment "No i said youre huge" was him poking fun at me being surprised about him telling his buddy how attracted he is to me..kind of a way of saying "of course i told him that silly girl, what did you think, id say youre a whale"...

  9. Well facebook is another form of myspace i gather and ive been "hit up" numerous times by guys. Some have been annoying but the one I did meet after a few weeks was really cool about his approach. He just said "Hi, I dont want to seem too forward but I think you're really cute and your page is cool. Your page says you're here for dating, so if you're interested drop a line back."

  10. Thanks..I guess most of me knows this..i mean he is very affectionate, touchy feely, tells me im beautiful, etc, etc and shows me he is attracted to me.


    I guess im just wonderin gif under it all he thinks i am pudgy. I think part of this is that he is on the thin side and used to be a personal trainer sooooo...but he's actually made comments about liking that im not a stick and that i have something to hold when we lounge around or whatever.

  11. Ok I wasnt sure where to post this but it is with a guy ive gone on a couple dates with so i chose dating ;-)


    Ok so here goes...the guy ive gone out with a couple times now in the past week has a weird little quirk.


    He tells me that im beautiful and he isnt shy to name what he thinks makes me that way inside and out. But sometimes, he'll tease..and it gets to me. It isnt often but for instance last night he told me that a friend of his whom i met asked about me.


    I asked in a joking tone what'd you say and he says "girl version of guy version" and i said "true version of course"


    SO he says "well i told him we get along really well and that we click" (Weve been friends for a couple months)

    and then..."And I told him that im really attracted to you and your body is beautiful" I should interject he is making this claim with my clothes on...its only been acouple dates!

    But wait theres more...I was flattered and said sort of flirtatiously "oh yeah?" and he says "No, I told him youre huge" and a little giggle and then "of course i didnt tell him that"


    Now im a curvy girl (true curves, this isnt some sneaky way of saying chubby...i have the .69 waist to hip ratio, well proportioned, size 9) so im not rail thin and in the past i had an eating disorder so im quite sensitive to weight comments.


    DO you think im taking this way too seriously?

  12. I just dont understand why people are so cowardly with this stuff!

    When I have been on a dating site and havent felt the spark, ive been honest..but not hurtful.

    The last man this happened with I simply told him "Ive had a great time you with you, but the chemistry is missing and thats important to me. All the best"


    I dont know why people, men especially (sorry guys!), just take the cowards way out and hope we'll disappear.

  13. Its a fetish..its his "thing"...there is not a one of us on this forum who is fit to determine if it is weird or not.


    It sounds like you enjoy it to a point...you enjoy the foot rubs and to a point youre probably flattered that hes embracing allll of you..footsies included.

    It seems that you get uncomfortable when it gets to some of the other areas..him wanting to play scratch and sniff with your gym socks for instance.


    So i think maybe you just need to draw the line at your comfort zone...even throw the guy a bone and wrap up some socks for his pleasure...but dont force yourself to be uncomfortable.

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  14. Sorry to say this hon but red flag, red flag..he is SHOWING and TELLING you that he isnt ready to get into something.


    He might like you very much but his heart and head arent in it.


    I suggest backing off, being a friend without benefits if you feel so inclined.

  15. I would think that these men arent so much worried about finding a woman with lots of money because they are greedy for money..but many of them probably ARE well off and have met their share of gold diggers.

    How are they to know you arent? Just a thought.


    But im with the other posters..the only way to remedy a bad situation is to change it yourself in some way. Either by moving to a suburb of the city or finding different employment. Most cities offer education assistance, especially to those considered low income.

  16. Little devil and little angle on oppositive shoulders


    Devil says to reply: Oh goodness, i hope it doesnt take me naming your faults to snap you into the reality that you are far from perfect..please give some thought to whether you really want me to list your faults...and besides im pressed for time right now..this could take awhile!


    Of course little angel says..thats mean and petty...and says..simply do nothing...let her realize you dont have time for her game

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