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Posts posted by PittItaliano

  1. It really doesn't matter.


    I've been with my girl for more than three months, I'm still a virgin, so is she.

    I'm in no hurry to have sex, I would love to have sex with her, and she would love to have sex with me, but we both understand that we are still young and we aren't really ready.


    I say go for it if you know thats what you want. If you've been with her long enough for you to know that you love her. Just think about it, talk to her about it (if you haven't already). Make sure you are both comfortable with it before you seriously consider doing anything.


    Let me just tell you Element that there need to be WAY more guys like you out there. Kudos

  2. I'm going to agree with DN and say that in a way you are both to blame. If you do not want your company to be affiliated with one "religion or lack there of" then you should keep it out of the work place. Obviously if you are picking at each other for beliefs you've had conversations about religion or lack there of before. If you don't want your company affiliated with stuff, don't talk about it in the work place.


    Also, depending on where you live if you fire him he could sue, because you aren't technically allowed to fire people for their beliefs. I would just say that you would prefer not to talk about religion any more and give him a warning to stop telling people that your company is atheistic. Also, YOU need to stop talking about religion with him and the fact that he is Christian. So what if he is Christian? You making fun of him is no better than him making fun of you.

  3. Babies cost money, and if you think that the two of you can support a baby and yourselves on your best buy wages I have to say you are most likely wrong. Babies go through diapers like crazy, grow out of clothing before you know it, and constantly need fed.


    Are you able to live on your own? Because if you are both going to be living in a parents house I don't think you should be trying to have children yet? I take it that neither one of you is planning on college because you can't do that with a baby.


    Wait until you are older, you have so much time. Believe me, I understand that it can be hard when you are in a long term relationship that you want to end in marriage when you are young. I'm still with my high school sweetheart, you just have to realize that you have time. Enjoy being teens and being able to go out to the movies on the weekend with friends, or out to dinner with just each other.


    If you wait I'm sure you would also be providing a better life for your future baby as well. A baby isn't something you can just change your mind on and unless you are able to continually support a family for 18 years (both emotionally and finacially), don't do it.

  4. Maybe you guys just haven't been together long enough to really know each other sexually. I mean, you are probably still trying to figure out what the other likes and dislikes. Do you two communicate outside of the bedroom? Do you tell each other openly what you would like in your sex life? My boyfriend and I do and let me tell you, being open sexually makes the sex WAY better.


    I wouldn't be too concerned with it yet since it hasn't been going on for long. If it continues though I would try to sit down and talk with him about it.

  5. Being in college I see that A LOT with my friends, but that is not something that I want at all in my life. Sex should come after a solid relationship is formed in my opinion and I don't see anything normal about having no strings attached sex.


    I am so sorry for what you are going through with your wife, and I hope everything works out for the best in the end.

  6. I know a lot of times people ask you like "What would you say is your biggest flaw?" I like to turn it around into something that looks positive like, "Well I tend to be a perfectionist sometimes, constantly pushing myself" or something like that.

  7. I just don't understand why you can't take this money that you are spending on your mistress and put it towards marriage counciling with your wife. I don't think it's fair to her or to your children. I personally find it disgusting that you are pay a girl to date you and have sex with you when you already have a family.


    Have you ever even attempted to talk to your wife about your unhappiness in your marriage? She IS your WIFE, I think you owe her at least that.


    As for people envying you because you have a hot "girlfriend" (I would call it a hot hooker) how do you think they would look at you if they knew you were married to someone else, and had kids with that other woman at home. Probably not in the same way.


    Also, for everyone that said "we can't really judge tommyboy". I have no problem judging you. That obviously has to be what you wanted all of us to do, you posted no question, and no form of a rant. You really have no dilemma because sadly you are happy with what you are doing and don't see anything wrong with it.


    Just know that sooner or later your wife is going to find out. Sooner or later you are going to have to face her, whether it's working on your marriage or getting a divorce. I doubt your "girlfriend" would marry you if you weren't with your wife, and your wife is still there.

    You should be happy with what you have, your lucky to have a family that loves you.

  8. I can't help thinking about sex either, my boyfriend and I are totally the opposite of what a guy and a girl in the sexual part of the relationship should be. He's usually the one who is too tired and I'm usually the one who wants sex.


    I think about it all the time. I agree with Ballys, sometimes masturbating helps. Although for me sometimes it makes me want sex more b/c it doesn't feel like enough, but it's the best release I have, that and keeping myself busy.

  9. Mudpie,


    I knew I had genital herpes because I had an outbreak with all the symptoms that doctors talk about. I went to my college health center for an STD test because I freaked out and was scared that I could have somehow contracted another STD along with it. I didn't thank God.


    The Nurse I talked to said that (since I received this disease orally) they only way to tell whether it was HSV1 or HSV2 was to take a very pricey blood test. Insurance will cover the blood test, but without insurance the nurse said it would be between $100 and $150. Since I was on my parents insurance I opted not to take the test. Two months later I had another outbreak, so I figured it had to be HSV2, the third outbreak confirmed any doubts I had.


    I don't know if there is another way to tell whether you have HSV1 or HSV2 besides the blood test though.

  10. Hi peaches n cream


    welcome to eNotAlone


    I contracted herpes last December. You know that statistic that most people contract an STD from a partner that isn't aware they have it. Yea that was me. I had never even had sexual intercourse before at the point, only oral- and that's how I contracted this. I've only had three outbreaks since December and I get Acyclovir free from my college Health Center when I have an outbreak. I am too embarrassed to tell me parents so that I can have daily medication under my parents health insurance.


    I still have a lot of trouble with it. When I do get an outbreak it's hard to get out of bed, I spend most of the time crying because it just depresses me, makes me feel dirty. Plus I guess I feel stupid for not being more careful so that I would have never gotten this.


    Does it get easier? I mean as the years go by do the outbreaks lessen and not last as long? Is it not as bad emotionally?


    I'm sorry to just start asking you personally all of these questions, but so far I don't know anyone else with this problem who I can ask, and I feel akward asking the nurses at the health center even though they are amazing women. I guess I just want to know somethings from someone who knows the answers because they have been through the same thing I'm going through at this point.

  11. Don't be embarrassed hun, I am the same way. My boyfriend isn't as vocal as yours is about sex though. He would be happy if we just didn't the same exact position over and over again. I'm def. the wilder one in the relationship.


    I've loved it when my b/f has taken control in the past, and yes I do wish that we had that more. I even get really turned on when we just playfully wrestle.


    Don't think you are weird for finding that to be a turn on because you aren't the only one. I agree with agent, I don't think it's as rare as people think, I just think people stay quiet about it because it's considered so "taboo".

  12. First of all, welcome to eNotAlone.


    Secondly, I agree with Bethany. You should talk to him with his parents are your parents present because let's face it you don't really know this guy personally and you don't know how he'll react when you tell him this in person- as opposed to the internet.


    I think you need to get this guy out of your life though and terminate this friendship, online or otherwise.

  13. you are only 13 hey_hey


    you have all of high school left, you have your whole life ahead of you. You have more than enough time to date.


    How many of your friends are in relationships that are truly meaningful if your friends are saying "date a guy because he's cute".


    Don't change your standards. High standards mean you'll get the good guys once you do start dating. Don't lower your standards just because you want your first boyfriend huni. You'll get a good guy, don't worry, you are only 13

  14. Take it from someone who lost a very dear friend to suicide... it is not worth it, think, you have the rest of your life, you can still make things go up from here. You could turn your life around, it could be a life that you've always wanted. You have no one holding you back at all.


    People will mourn your death. Believe me. I hope you change your mind about this. I truly do.

  15. It's good that you have your mother there for you. I have to admire the strength you are showing in this situation, I couldn't even imagine it.


    I agree with the other postings on this thread


    Get a cold hearted divorce lawyer who can get what you and your children are worth! Make sure he knows that if he doesn't want to be there for you and your children physically that he is still going to be there finacially for the three of you.


    As revengful as this may sound, he can't get away with what he has done to you. Don't let him!

  16. I have never cheated on a boyfriend. I've been cheated on many times by almost all my exboyfriends though, and I would never want to hurt my partner the way that I was hurt. My current boyfriend and I have been together for a year and (almost) 9 months, neither one of us has cheated, even though both of us have been presented with the option throughout the course of our relationship.


    Not everybody cheats, only self centered people cheat. I say ditch your boyfriend, because if he truly loved you he wouldn't of cheated on you.


    As for your friend, maybe she should get higher standards because if her boyfriend has cheated on her three times and she's still with him, he'll never stop cheating on her.

  17. I love kinky sex, you may be surprised, your guy might have a lot of the same fantasies as you do. My boyfriend was so excited to find out what I was into.


    Just be honest, if he's worth it he'll understand and won't be freaked out even if he doesn't agree.

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