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Posts posted by PittItaliano

  1. Hey proman,


    My boyfriend and I have the same problem, we're college students with no money. Here's a couple of things we do...



    We go to the park w/ or w/o friends

    - bring a soccer ball and kick it around, or throw around a football

    - pack up whatever it was you were going to eat at home that night and bring it with you for a picnic

    - it sounds weird but just bring a blanket and lay down and talk, watch clouds, whatever... you'd be surprised at the interesting conversations that can come from this

    - bring roller blades or bikes with you, many parks have bike trails. Or you could walk a nature trail.


    Look on the internet or in the paper for free concerts in your area.

    - A lot of parks will have big band concerts that are free or ask for optional donations

    - if you live near a big city look to see if there are free rock or oldies concerts at a city community area

    - You can also look to see if a museum is having a free exhibit


    Instead of going to the movie theater or renting a movie, see if your close friends have one that you would both enjoy. Ask to borrow it, stay in and pop some popcorn and you can both just relax in the comfort of your own home.


    Like cars? See if there are car shows coming up in your area. Maybe if your girlfriend isn't interested in cars you could have fun filling her in.


    Cook dinner together and eat in. It may not sound like "a date" but you both have to eat right?




    I don't know if any of these ideas sound good to you but my boyfriend and I have a lot of fun with them, hope some of them will work for you!

  2. karin- welcome to enotalone!


    I think seeking help for your marriage would be a good way to start with fixing things with your husband. Maybe if he hears these problems and thoughts from a third and outside party he will take things a little more seriously.


    Also, you said that you have only been married for 6 months. If after a mere six months you are already having serious problems like this what could the rest of the future with this man hold? I may only be 19 but one thing I know is... that you just can't sit around and wait for a guy to change if he doesn't WANT to change. It will never happen if he doesn't want it. As much as you wish you can change him.


    Another option for you might be an annulment. I really don't know all the legal laws around an annulment. But if you don't agree with divorce it is another way to go.


    Good luck to you in whatever you decided to do. Know that all of us here at enotalone will be here for you through anything that you need help with!

  3. If you and this girl have no labels on your relationship, I don't think it is considered cheating at all. You technically are single, and by the sounds of it allowed to date others. You may have not wanted to do what you did, but that just makes it a mistake, not cheating.

  4. Blinking,


    I just had an option for your future, it could really help, assuming your g/f could deal with not having you around for a little bit.


    Have you ever thought of the military(I only know how the US military works)? Yes you would have to go through basic and AIT (Advanced Individual Training), that only takes 3 months. But you get a $10,000 check once you join. If you did the National Guard, you would only have training on weekends. Plus, if you went active duty you could live on base and the military would give you a house. You would receive life insurance and health insurance. If you and your g/f get married... which I dont know if you want to do. But if you do marry, she would also be covered by your health and life insurance, as would your baby once it was born. The government would also pay for any college that you would want to take. You could take college night courses, and they would pretty much be free for you to take.


    I don't know if it is an option you would want to do, but it is an option that would ultimately really help you. So I thought I would at least tell you some information on it.

  5. Okay, I know I post a lot of threads on here, but honestly... it's just because it is a lot easier to ask all of u at eNot Alone for advice, than it is for me to ask people here.


    So, my period is officially a week late. Yes my boyfriend and I are very sexually active. This is the first time that my period has come late, usually it comes the one or two days after it did the month before. Like in June, I got it on the 29th, July was one the 1st, so I should of had it on the 2nd.


    In the last month, my boyfriend and I have had sex, multiple times. Each time though, we used a condom, and he didn't even come close to finishing inside of me. (we like oral sex, so he was nowhere near my "area" when finishing)


    I am just wondering if anyone out there has any theory as to HOW my period can be this late all of a sudden. I haven't had a lot of stress lately or anything. I want to just take a pregnancy test, but 1) I don't know how I could of gotten pregnant this past month and 2) My boyfriend is on a trip and won't be back for another week. If I had to take a PT, if it were to end up positive, he is someone I want there. I wouldn't want to have to wait another week, worrying about how he would react and everything else.


    I am just so confused, any advice you could give would seriously be SO appriciated!

  6. You and your girlfriend need to calm the hell down!


    She probably doesn't have her period because she is so stressed out and frantic over this. Stress does mess up a girl's cycle fyi.


    Plus all the symptoms you described do not automatically mean she's gonna have a baby in 9 months! I get those symptoms every month before my period. It's normal, specially if she is only 17 and not regular yet.


    Also the throwing up could very well be from stress too... if she did become pregnant, it really isn't likely that she would be getting morning sickness this soon afterwards. All you can do is calm down and wait this out, hopefully she gets her period and you learn your lesson. If not, take another test in a week or so.


    Seriously though, calm down, you seriously seem frantic, and i'm sure u might be. But if you calm down your girlfriend will be likely to follow your example. Once the stress leaves, she may get her period because her body can relax.

  7. Hannahleh, I'm glad you at least come here to ask your questions instead of listening to peers who don't know what they are talking about.


    I'm only 19 and I too think you are young, but better to get the facts from people who know than people who just think they know everything.


    I wish I would have discovered this place sooner, so I could of had the chance to ask questions that I was too embarrassed to even go near my mom with.


    PHillwife- you are lucky that your children feel comfortable enough in their relationship with you to come to you with intense questions. The sad truth is that not everyone can have that kind of a relationship with a parent. I never have, maybe Hannahleh is young, but she is also curious, and that's a normal part of being the age she is.


    Hannahleh- you do know that STD's can pass through oral sex too right? I received one this way, so if you or your boyfriend have performed oral sex on previous partners without some kind of barrier, I would get checked out before you keep performing it on each other.

  8. When I used the patch I would take it off on Sunday and most of the time not get my period until like, Friday.


    The patch is constantly pumping hormones into a girls body for three weeks, it's always on, so it's a non-stop flow of the drug. (it puts more in the body than the pill)


    Once the patch is not being worn it takes days for the drug inside the females body to wear off enough for her to get her period.


    This is why doctors say to always use a condom for the first week of the month that the patch is on for. Because it's rebuilding all those hormones in a females body again, and there hasn't been too too much released into the body yet, but after three weeks, that all builds up.


    Wait until the end of this week, if she still doesn't have her period by then, try an at home pregnancy kit

  9. My father is a lawyer and I asked him about this.


    He said that this is not sexual assault and DEFINITLY NOT rape. That although the young man put pressure on this girl she choose to do that act of oral sex.


    So sweetjade unless you are leaving things out of the story, this was not assault, or rape... it was merely a mistake

  10. Thank you everyone for these new postings. Since my last post I have returned home for the rest of the summer until the fall semester starts, my summer classes are over. I still spend 3 days a week up near school for my nannying job so at least I get some time out of my house and with a fuctioning family.


    I have looked into the counciling at my campus health center... it is free which is music to my college student ears. I plan on going to the health center and asking for help ask soon as it opens up along with classes in the fall.


    These posts really have helped me. Specially LafilleTriste- Although I am truly sorry that you went through what I am going through now, it still gave me some kind of comfort to know that I'm not the only person who has gone through this, and that others have kept strong and gotten through it.


    As to moving out of the house, I'm just not ready for that. Some people probably don't understand why I wouldn't want to get out of the house. But it's hard explaining it to people. I just know that it's something that I am not ready for.

  11. I think making SOME noise should be encouraged. I am very verbal during sex, while my boyfriend is SO silent. I sometimes worry that he doesn't like what I am doing because he's that quiet.


    I think it's nice to hear something out of the other person's mouth. But I wouldn't worry about it unless your girlfriend finds it to be a problem.

  12. I think what you did was VERY right. I was in that situation... we didn't have intercourse but we didn't protect ourselves when doing other things.


    Unfortunately, the guy hadn't been checked for a while and now I do have a STD to deal with for life.


    Looking out for yourself should be #1 on your list when it comes to sexual activity, believe me and STD is not something that is fun to have in your life. And that's the thing. Most are for life.


    I am glad that you know that you should get yourself checked! That is very smart of you, not many people have that common sense.


    Although I do hope from now on you use protection in your sexual activity. Specially if you do not know the guy very well and his sexual history. I'll pray that everything from your tests turns out all right!

  13. My boyfriend and I have these two silky black scarves that we use to take turns tying each other to the bed and blind folding each other.


    It is so much fun because you can take turns being in control- and when you are blind folded since you can't see what your partner is doing every touch is magnified and just feels even better!

  14. Thanks for the tips guys! Sorry I haven't responded for a while, I'm a nanny when I don't have class... takes up a lot of time some days haha.


    I like the ideas you guys gave me. My boy and I plan on going to an adult store together sometime soon! See what we can find that we both would enjoy!

  15. Cardinal...


    For me, I entered my current relationship after 6 relationships that ended with me being cheated on... none of them were over a year, and all but one where with guys who were virgins to... so it's not like they knew what they were missing out on. 3 of those guys cheated on my within the first month of the relationship... unfortunately I didn't find out until later.


    I was very untrusting when I entered my relationship. Once I got over my "trust issues". I started thinking about sex with my boyfriend.


    I was just too nervous. I also did NOT want to lose my virginity to a cliche. Like in the back of a car, or at some cheap hotel, or whatever. It just wasn't going to happen. My boyfriend lost his virginity in a back of a car to a girl he wasn't sure about, and any time it's mentioned he talks about how much he regrets it, and he gets upset.


    I guess I just wanted my first time to be romantic and memorable, and it was. Plus, my boyfriend is in the military, and he was helping with hurricane stuff and was gone for two months during that one year period. When he got back, I was at college, and he wasn't. I also had a roommate who apparently NEVER liked to go home for a weekend or whatever.


    I probably wouldn't have waited as long as a year, but I'm not sorry that I did. It's not like we didn't do other things and I totally deprived him of anything sexual.




    p.s. My first time was the most romantic night of my life. It was perfect, and I'm really glad that I lost it when and where I did.

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