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Posts posted by PittItaliano

  1. A Cinderella license only applies if he's in the US. It's when you first get your drivers license and you aren't allowed to drive after 11 pm. You have them for a different length of time depending what state you are in.

  2. It's REALLY hard, but you have said that you want to do it, and I believe you can. You just have to tell yourself that this is it, every single time he crawls back you have to force yourself to say "No, not again". It's a really hard thing to do. But just think, of all the things he has done to you, all the other girls he has gone for, leaving you behind, turning you into his 'in between girl'.


    Occupy your time with your friends. Try new activities that will keep you occupied. Work out, start taking voice lessons if you like to sing. Do somethings for yourself, so you can start focusing on how much you love yourself. I find that "reinventing" yourself can be very good for a break-up. Do things that will make you happy with yourself, and make you love yourself again. Things that will make you realize the strong, wonderful girl that you are, and that you deserve more than this loser.


    Once you love yourself, and know what you deserve, it becomes easier to let go and move on.


    Is there anyone that can help you, and support you through this? Kinda be your accountablity parter (someone to hold you accountable for what you have decided to do, to make sure that you stick to it)?


    I don't know what else to tell you other than people here at eNotAlone will be here for you, anytime you feel the urge to have him in your life, just come hear, and know that there are people hear to help you, and who care.

  3. You know, you can go to parties and not drink. I know it high school it has a lot of appeal and everything, but believe me, alcohol is not this "AMAZING THING" that everyone makes it out to be. God, you would think it was just invented yesterday with how the under 21 population goes on about drinking. I mean really.


    Plus, you are only 16 if you get an underage... you could have your Cinderella license until you are 21. That would suck majorly.

  4. First of all... ew yuck feet. Sorry I have like this fear of them.


    Anywho... Just date, obviously you are drawn towards each other enough to be close friends... and with your new discovery the sexual chemistry would be good. I say try dating, it sounds like you would have a fun relationship

  5. I'm 19 and my boyfriend and I have every intention to get married already. There is no way to discribe the way I feel for him... there is nothing wrong with being in love when you are 20. Some people just find each other early in life than others.


    What is the difference between finding the love of your life when you are 20... and when you are 43?


    (and if anyone says 23 years difference I'll punch 'em lol)

  6. Both of our roommates have walked in on a number of occasions (ok it's been enough that it stopped phasing me) For the most part we have sex when we know for a fact that our roommates are going to be gone for a while, his roomie is gone every single weekend, and my roomie works from 5-10 tues-fri.


    In the fall he'll have his own room so we won't have to worry about roommates anymore. HOORAY!!!


    p.s. I totally recommend tying ur boyfriend to the bed... use a blindfold. It's great.

  7. My boyfriend and I started dating when he was 19 and I was 17. I knew him for three years before we started dating and I made him wait an additional year to have sex. We actually had sex for the first time together on our one year anniversary weekend.


    There is nothing wrong with making a guy wait. I made my boyfriend wait because I just wasn't ready for that. I knew I wasn't ready, and was a virgin at the time. I wasn't willing to just "throw my virginity away". I had to make sure that the guy I was going to give it to truly loved me, and wasn't in a relationship just for the physical.


    If your boyfriend truly does care for you he will wait until you are comfortable with that. And if he tries to give you that "If you loved me you would have sex with me" bull * * * *. Don't buy it. Sex is a very very big step in a relationship. It should never be something that is entered into lightly. It shouldn't be something that you could end up regretting later on.


    Wait until you are comfortable. Once you are comfortable it will be better for you, because you won't have 1,000 other worries in your head when you are doing it.


    Just explain to your boyfriend that you just don't want to go into that step of the relationship just yet. Tell him that when you are comfortable enough then you will let him no.


    Never do anything you are uncomfortable with. Believe me, you will just regret it in the long run.

  8. I mean, my boyfriend and have tried a lot of different stuff both kinky and romantic. We also don't need like "a sexual boost" because like I said, we have a very healthy sex life.


    But we keep it healthy by trying new things and surprising each other with different things. It's just hard to come up with ideas when there isn't a lot of space, and there are ALWAYS people around, not roomates but there are rooms next to us, people in the hallways, the bathrooms. It sucks.

  9. I have no information to help you with your questions about being uncircumcised


    If you are worried about not lasting long I know my guy friends all say that if they know they are going to have sex that night... they just masturbate that morning... since it takes sperm 24 hours to fully reproduce in ur body, a guy can normally go longer if they have masturbated.


    Also, I would tell the girl that you are a virgin. When I lost my virginity, my boyfriend wasn't a virgin. I told him my concerns and that I had no clue as to what I was doing. Since he knew that I was a virgin, he kinda "coached me" through my first time, if you will. That way it was amazing for both of us, and I didn't feel like a total flusterd idiot.


    Don't worry about a girl thinking you are a loser that you are a virgin. If anything she should feel honored that you are willing to tell her about it and give your virginity to her.


    Don't know if any of that helped. I know how scared I was about my first time being "just right". Believe me, it's great, and the less you worry about everything, the better it will be.

  10. I don't know if he smokes at all... but if he does you could get him a nice silver lighter (like an old fashioned kind with the lid that flips open) and get his initials engraved on it.


    You could even just give him a picture of the two of you in a nice frame (you could even buy a blank frame and decorate it to personalize it for the two of you.) I did that for my boyfriend and I always catch him smiling when i see him looking at it.


    I think something that is personalized for the two of you would be a lot better than just some gift you spent a lot of money on.

  11. Yea we can't do a bathtub... we don't have one. (Even if we did I don't think I would trust a dormitory bath tub... yuck!!!) And we've snuck into the same bathroom together and tried the shower. But it doesn't work for us because he is significantly taller than I am and that really tends to complicate the shower thing. lol (*sigh* the downside to being short)

  12. Atticus. High school is going to be such an exciting time in your life. You will go through new experiences and you will learn from them. You will also change a lot, along with your girlfriend. I can say without a doubt that I am not the same person now that I was when I started my freshman year.


    I am sure you will see your girlfriend at some point throughout the day. (Believe me, I went to a HUGE highschool, you see a LOT of people in hallways in between classes.) If you don't see each other as much as you would like, you always have after school time and weekends to spend time together. There are also so many social things that you can do together in highschool- football games, dances, and plays are just a few of the things you can spend doing together.


    I switched into my high school and didn't know anyone... I was a wreck. Don't be too upset though, it isn't as overwhelming as you think it would be.



    "All our young lives we search for someone to LOVE, someone who makes us COMPLETE. We CHOSE partners and we CHANGE partners. We dance to a song of HEARTBREAK and HOPE. All the while wondering is somewhere, somehow, there is someone PERFECT searching for us." -The Wonder Years

  13. OK, my boyfriend and I are at the same college and have a very healthy and active sex life. We are both here for a good part of the summer because we both decided to take summer classes to stay ahead. (Although we go home a lot too since it is the summer and all.)


    I'm the kind of girl that really likes to experiment with different things in the bedroom, and my boyfriend is always willing to go along with stuff. I also like surprising my boyfriend with romantic things in the bedroom. The only problem I have is that it's hard to come up with some romantic things to do... in a stupid dorm room.


    There are roommates to deal with and the room itself is so small. I just was wondering if anyone had any ideas from when they were in college (or maybe you are still in college and would also have some advice to give.


    This is weird, I don't normally ask for advie on anything related to my sex/romantic life with my boyfriend. But if you have anything to say please say it!

  14. Sounds like she is really toying with your emotions. Almost like, her boyfriend isn't around much, so she is using you as a replacement in between seeing him.


    I would move on. If she truly did like you, she would break up with her boyfriend. She would realize that staying with him isn't fair to him, because it's living a lie with him because he wouldn't have her whole heart. If she truly liked you she would also realize that toying with your heart the way she is isn't fair to you, because ultimately it will hurt you. It she liked you, the last thing she would want to do it hurt you.

  15. 17 months it's been partly because I don't want to be hurt again. In addition I don't feel comfotable having sex with people that I don't know. I can't meet a girl and sleep with her the next day and truly enjoy it. Too much of sex is spiritual to me. In my opinion, you can share nothing greater with another.

    As a result: no trust in others = no sex for me.

    It'll happen again. I'm patient. Well, sort of patient.


    It is good though that you aren't willing to just have a "one nighter" with some random girl. I too believe that sex is a spiritual thing and it's only meant to have with someone you truly do love.


    I made my boyfriend wait and wait and wait some more before making that step. I think it's sad how many people in this world think that it's "just sex" though. They don't realize how truly special it can be.


    p.s. Eto, many guys that I know WOULD be willing to have sex with just about anyone. You are a rarity in this world, I hope you continue to stay that way.

  16. Also I think your roommate needs to realize that even though it's her place, it is also your place. You shouldn't have to ask her permission to have your own boyfriend over. It's ridiculous. That's what I told my roommate. She wasn't happy, but she didn't bug me about it anymore either.

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