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Posts posted by quietgrl

  1. Does anyone have a genital or nipple piercings and do you think nipple or genital piercing enhance sexual simulation or not ?I'm interested in getting my nipple pierced.




    Male genital piercings

    Ampallang | Apadravya | Hafada | Foreskin | Deep shaft | Dolphin | Dydoe | Frenum | Frenum ladder | Guiche | Lorum | Prince Albert | Reverse Prince Albert | Pubic | Transscrotal


    Female genital piercings

    Christina | Clitoris | Clitoral hood | Triangle | Fourchette | Isabella | Labia | Nefertiti | Princess Albertina


    Nipple piercings


    ring, dumbbell

  2. Luke,


    The best thing for you to do is enjoy your singlehood,become a better man and become a woman best friend first not lover(The advice i got from the book).You shouldn't be worried about sex or "dating" the opposite sex unless you're ready to commit to a monogamous relationship with a woman. Luke,you should be out there creating as many friendship as you can with people not living in a shell.

    I know i'm not ready for marriage because i'm not ready to give my mind,body and soul to one man just yet.I would like to get my career going first and have money investment in my name not my husbands/LT boyfriend name.I would like to meet more men too.What about you? Do you want to get married and deal with more or less issue then you have now.

  3. Luke,


    What are you talking about that the book wants you to stay in your shell.I never got that impression from reading that book.The book is the total opposite because what i got from Josh Harris's book is you should enjoy your singlehood and preparing yourself for marriage or long term commitment relationship before "dating" the opposite sex.I agree with Josh 100%.A person shouldn't "date" unless they are ready to settle down.People should stick to friendship only and when they are ready for a commitment "date".

    I'm not "dating" because i know i'm not ready for marriage or LT relationship but I'm enjoying my male friend for now.

  4. I have to say that i have met a lot of quality men online who are looking for a relationship. They are out there, and if you screen properly and your write your profile right, you can meet them. However, doesn't mean that you will "click" with them, or them with you. I've met some great guys online, but often times, there was a lack of interest on one or both our parts.


    I can't find men number 3 online.I'm trying but men number 1 and 2 are in my way.

  5. I keep hearing stories about women being allergic to lube and condom at one time in their life and i was wondering is that a "normal" reaction.My other question is to the men on the board.Has any man had an allergic reaction to latex condom?

  6. Yvette84,


    Wow!, That is a BIG decision to make in a woman's life, should you get married to a currant boyfriend or wait.Well do you feel you've achieve almost everything in your life,if yes. Iwould get married if no.I wouldn't get married

  7. I'm starting to wonder did a man create lube because i notice women having a bad reaction too that stuff.



    Hey soon to be exvirgingirl85,


    How about you and your boyfriend stretching your vagina via finger before via penis.

  8. Luke,


    Your frustration and anger toward your mother isn't over by a long shot because almost everytime your mom speak to you( good or bad).Luke,You take out your"living at home" frustration out on your mom.Your mom gave you a good book or invades your space you go off on her. Your mom is afraid of cutting your umbilical cord so remember that while gaining your independent.You're going to be free luke ,trust me you will be but your mom only actting this way out of fear.

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